
speedster with ADHD in Naruto!

Ikazuchi Ena was a teenager with a lot of spunk, and when I mean spunk. I’m mean Spunk! He could never sit still always fidgeting with something. Of course his parents took him to a doctor and found out he had ADHD…. So what happens when that boy gets killed gets an insane power and is reincarnated into the Naruto world. And of course his ability just makes his ADHD ten times worse!

CookieFromAjar · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

First kiss?!

Sitting in the academy classroom early were Ena and Sasuke. Sasuke was pissed, and Ena was smiling, looking at Sasuke next to him with a gloating look.

"Hehe I'm telling you sasuke. Naruto did graduate. I saw him yesterday. He had his headband on." Ena said while twirling his long white hair in between his pointer finger while sucking on a lollipop with a gloating look, knowing he won the bet and that he gets a free lunch from Sasuke.

"I want to see it for myself," Sasuke grumbled while he spoke, and Ena couldn't help but smile. He thought of Sasuke as a friend. He might not be as close to Sasuke as his other friends, but Ena still considers Sasuke a friend. Even if he always gets the cold shoulder, he still likes to mess with Sasuke.

After another ten minutes, the entire class was complete, and Naruto arrived, showing off his headband "let me tell you something, this headband is like it was made for me. I own it! Believe it!" Naruto said to Shikamaru, who sat in his seat.

Ena nudged Sasuke with his elbow and whispered with some drool escaping his mouth, "hehe, Sasuke, looks like I get a free lunch! We're going to get some barbecue."

Sasuke had a frown on his face. He had barbecue two nights in a row! And now it was going to be the third! He didn't want to eat more barbecue! But! He agreed to the bet, and he's a man of his word! If he goes back on his word, he knows Ena will tell everyone in Konoha that the last Uchiha was a liar. He couldn't let that happen. He represents the Uchiha clan!

"Tch fine," he whispered back while cursing Ena in his mind. Money wasn't a problem as he was the last person in a large clan! So there was a lot of money left in the family. And no one will be using it except him because, well…. They're dead.

Ena heard storming sounds as two girls rushed through the door. He was arguing about something. Ena didn't care; honestly, he found both of them annoying. His mind wandered for a while as he spaced out, not even realizing two girls were yelling at him to move his spot while arguing with each other about who would take his place. Ena never said he would give his position or even realized they were people around him as his mind was on something way, and I mean way, more important!

'Hehe, later today, after I beat the shit out of that chunin, I'm going to get that old man to hand over some sick Jutsu. Yea, and I will make him take me out for food! Hehe, yea,t sounds great!' Alfred thought as his mind started to go to lah land.

When the Hokage arrived, several jonin looked at a white orb in front of the Hokage that showed different pictures and scenes in the academy.

"So the most promising student is Ikazuchi Ena? And that's him?" Said a jonin with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Yes, that's him. He's going to be in his solo team. If he gets put in any of your teams for some certain missions, you must ensure he can work well with everybody, so no accidents happen." The old man said, and all the jonin nodded.

One joined with spiky silver hair, and one eye covered and said, "I've seen this kid before when he was young. He was pretty fast for a kid his age. Has his speed increased?"

Everyone looked at the one who spoke in surprise. His name is kakashi hatake! He's been known for being cold and having a particularly famous eye. But it is only a weird thing he said that made everyone look at him because he never or rarely complements anybody, let alone a kid.

"Well, I don't know exactly how fast he is, but I know for certain that it would be troublesome for anyone to keep up with him for a long period."

"Why do you say that, lord third?" Asked a girl with beautiful red eyes.

"We'll. I had the Hyuga clan have someone look at Ena's body with their byakugan, and it seems as if his body generates lightning on its own without using chakra. And from their description, it's as if he's the lightning rod. I don't understand it, but his body is basically like a generator, and because of that, he has an insane amount of stamina."

"That's amazing! So his body generates lightning naturally without chakra…. I wish I had my bloodline limit." The girl with red eyes complained, and everyone smiled as they all had those trains of thought before. But some had other views as they knew about the dark side of Konoha. Mostly a scary-looking man with a bandaged face and arm came to their minds.

"Well, he has a huge amount of potential but let's just say he's not the brightest person out there…" the third Hokage said, looking at the orb and seeing Ena looking half asleep with snot dripping out of his nose. Quite the sight. If Ena knew that some old geezer was spying on him, he would make the old geezer's life a living hell.

In the academy, Ena was now wide awake, looking at Naruto squatting on his and Sasuke's desk two inches away from Sasuke's face. They both had a stair down, as Naruto got yelled at by Sakura and Ino. He could see the lightning flash between the two and had a premonition of what was about to happen as if the heavens were telling him what to do.

'Omg Omg Omg Omg, this is the perfect moment! Shit, where is the camera when I need it! Shit, I'll buy a new one!' Ena yelled internally as he used his speed and went as fast as he could, pushing his body to the limit! He must capture this moment no matter the cost!

He quickly zoomed out of the academy, picked out a random camera, and left the money in front of the shop owner as he sped back inside the academy. Almost zero time had passed as he stopped his speed and saw the perfect moment of Naruto's and Sasuke's first kiss! It was truly magical!

"What the."


Was all that was heard as the two boys had their first kiss and a madly grinning Ena now squatting on the table beside them, perfectly capturing the moment and thought in his head. 'I need to mass produce this photo! No! That's not enough; I must ensure this photo makes it worldwide! So that everybody can remember this moment! Oh, how they grow up so fast! They already had their first kiss! I'm falling behind, damn it!'

"Hahaha, This is awesome! Hehe, and it turned out perfectly. Do you guys wanna see it!" Ena said while holding the photo. Just as Naruto and Sasuke saw their picture, they both immediately agreed not to fight with each other as they must work together to get that photo destroyed no matter what! Even the girls who saw it also had similar thoughts.

As Ena saw the glint in their eyes, he knew that he had to run no matter what! If he were caught, he would indeed be finished! Pink lightning surrounded him as he quickly sped off. 'I'm sure it's fine if I leave early! I wonder what team everyone will be put on….'

In the Hokage office, all the jonin looked at what just happened with weird expressions, and the Hokage sighed, "Ena also has a weird personality…." And every jonin nodded, especially Kakashi, as he has had to deal with Ena as well.