

Dreams are enigmatic phenomena, mere flickers of time-only 7 seconds long-yet they unlock gateways to realms unknown. Some perceive these mysterious realms as manifestations of the depths of our subconscious, while others regard them as omens of grand or minuscule potentialities. However, the essence of dreams remains veiled in enigma. But what if reality is not as it seems? What if those dreams, once believed to be within one's control, are instead the machinations of a dark force, manipulating like unseen strings even the essence of one's soul? Or are they but a macabre theater, where one unknowingly plays the roles of both victim and executioner? In the shadowy domain of dreams, the paths of a woman and a man converge-Asya and Miraç. Unbeknownst to them, they are mere pawns in the intricate web woven by an ancient and malevolent entity. Will they succumb to the fate dictated by this entity, which ensnares them in the very depths of their being, or will they emerge victorious in the bloody battle they are destined to wage against it?

Succubus_Mell · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs


I delved into extensive research on lucid dreaming, spending countless hours studying the techniques and practices. Finally, I was ready to put my knowledge to the test. I focused my attention on electronic devices in my dreams, particularly clocks and light switches. My initial attempts were far from successful, but luck was on my side: those dreaded nightmares had not plagued me during my lucid dreaming experiments. My mind seemed to be in a state of dormancy, perhaps all those nightmares had been exhausted; I couldn't be sure.


I was on the verge of declaring myself a lucid dreaming expert, while simultaneously remaining vigilant against the lurking threat of those horrific nightmares. Finally, my search of answers comes to a success. Of course, the initial result was a disappointment. I could control the nightmare to a certain extent, but I couldn't alter the outcome. Undeterred, I continued my research, exploring different alternatives after each setback. Astral projection techniques were one such option; I consumed salt, abstained from water, donned yellow garments, and burned incense... Perhaps these techniques would prove beneficial. Indeed, there would come a time when these techniques would serve me well.


After five consecutive failures, I was on the verge of losing all hope. But with the sixth girl, a surge of intuition told me that this time would be different. She was a petite girl with fair skin. If you paid close attention, you could see copper strands woven into her brown hair when the light hit it. Her face was sprinkled with faint freckles, framing her eyes, which held an intriguing depth and a soothing green hue.


She possessed an aura that was both repulsive and alluring. Repulsive in the sense that it repelled the cursed power these dreams sought to inflict upon her, and alluring in the way it drew me in like a vortex. Another factor that set this girl apart was her imagination. The others had ordinary dreams: traffic accidents, falling off bridges, being mugged. But this girl's dreams were all extraordinary. She created entirely new worlds.


In the third dream, the cave she had crafted, the ancient people, the anachronistic knight (who was me), everything was fascinating. As I raised my sword to execute her, the gleam in her eyes gave me hope. I knew I would succeed this time because, for the first time, I would encounter one of these girls before something happened to them.


I had moved to Eskişehir hoping that a change of scenery would do me good. As the old saying goes, "A change of place is a change of luck." I had secretly hoped that everything would end here. Of course, when it didn't and continued at full throttle, I thought it was all in vain, until I delved into this girl's dreams. Because this girl was not only in Eskişehir, but also very close to me, I could feel it.


After the ancient dream, I got up and started getting dressed. I could feel that we were going to meet, I had to go out. I got ready and rushed outside. A voice inside me was telling me to go to one of the busiest shopping malls in the city, and I did.


It was a good thing I did, because as soon as I walked through the door, I saw the deep-green eyed girl. The internal conflict within me between going to her and not going had been won by the idea of not going, I didn't want to scare her.


What could I do, then I started following her. I was waiting outside when she went into the store. She must have felt she was being followed because she turned around and looked right at where I was standing. I had to keep my cool, but she either recognized me or I looked familiar to her.


After wandering around for a while, they settled into a cafe next to the shopping mall. I had to talk to her, at least try. So, I had to sit near their table. I noticed she realized I was there and said something to the girl next to her, so I quickly got up and changed my seat. When I opened the distance enough to avoid being seen, I looked back and what did I see: the green-eyed girl was even more subtly scanning the surroundings. Then a look of fear crossed both their faces and they suddenly burst out laughing.


My inner voice decided to talk to me again and insisted that I take the glass in front of the green-eyed girl. I had no choice, I decided to wait at my table. It was ridiculous, I felt like a pervert, but I had some hope, I would do my best and find a solution. After all, I had never been wrong when I listened to my inner voice.


When they left, I got up slowly and quickly went to the table they were sitting at and grabbed the glass.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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