
SPARTACUS : Orion the Invincible

It is a fanfiction based on the Spartacus series, it will be an adaptation of a novel already available in French version, some changes will be made in the story compared to the French version . English is not my first language so bear with me. There will certainly be historical errors, but the main purpose of this fanfiction is to entertain readers. I wish you all an excellent reading

The3Entities · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
32 Chs

chapter 7 : Anger and brutality

Orion was still in front of Spartacus who could not realize that his wife had been found by the man in front of him.

 He looked at Orion in disbelief and didn't even know what to say.

 Orion looked at him with amusement before asking

 « Do you know how many times you died in this fight Spartacus the Thracian?! »

 Spartacus: That's not what I want to know, tell me about Sura!

 Orion: First of all, I could have killed you a total of 23 times since the start of this fight!

 Second, know that your wife is doing great, I took care of her and right now she is in good hands.

 Third (He punched him which pinned him to the ground) I have no accountability to you, all I do is for Sura who suffered from your weakness. You will see her when you become stronger and worthy of her.

 He left leaving Spartacus lying on his back with blood on the side of his mouth and nose but strangely there was a smile on his face.

 Doctore saw their exchange and moved closer to Orion, he looked into his eyes as the latter did complex stretching exercises while smiling at him.

 Orion: Doctore, given your look you wonder with suspicion what my goal really is here, right!?

 Doctore: You're an intelligent man, I won't have to take any shortcuts with you then.

 Orion: Of course, so I'll be frank, my main reason here is because I want to fight to the roars of adoration of the crowd, I know how to fight and with my talent I'm convinced that I will have was able to have an extraordinary career in the Roman army. However I hate taking orders but on the other hand I also want to bring glory and attention to my name.

 Doctore: I see you are frank. If this is your primary reason then what is the secondary reason?!

 Orion: The Thracian, Spartacus. I saw huge potential in him and I want to make him stronger. He is motivated by a good cause but he does not have the right spirit. I think you also noticed his lack of discipline, right?!

 Doctore nodded and appreciated Orion's honesty, he then asked

 "You know a lot about Spartacus don't you?!" 

 Orion looked at him still stretching with a smile, « Yeah more or less but I also know his wife!! »

 Doctore immediately frowned, he knew that Batiatus gave Spartacus a reason to fight and that was the search for his wife.

 However, Orion was the one who found him and he didn't know where this deal would go now.

 While Doctore was thinking, Orion went to get two wooden swords and threw one at Doctore, the other gladiators stopped for a few seconds seeing this gesture from Orion who wanted to exchange blows with Oenomaus, a much stronger veteran and dreaded that none of them are and certainly never will be.

 Doctore: Do you want to train with me little one?!

 Orion: Not exactly, I know you are strong and experienced. I don't want to fight with you and it would even be proud of me to say that I want to train with you who is my senior. What I want is to learn from you like everyone else (He said with amusement).

 Doctore, saw Orion's frankness, he nodded his head in appreciation, he put away his whip and took a guard posture with the wooden sword.

 Orion looked at his posture and saw no opening, it was a simple but complex guard at the same time. He smiled and to Doctore's surprise, Orion adopted exactly the same pose as him.

 With his brain abilities stimulated and unlocked due to his head trauma, the prediction of movements, his monstrous memory and the increase in his ingenuity were only part of his new assets, thanks to his ability to analyze , he could now accurately copy and reproduce the movements of others.

 Doctore who was now looking at Orion in disbelief realized something he had never realized in any of the gladiators he had trained so far, "This kid is a real monster!" » he whispered while staring at Orion who was still smiling.

 Doctore was patient, they looked at each other for a few dozen seconds and Orion finally attacked first, the other gladiators had their full attention on this duel even if they all thought that Orion was going to lose easily.

 Doctore dodges and appears Orion's attacks while counterattacking. Orion was also dodging but Doctore's attacks mixed both precision and speed so he had a little trouble avoiding them but he was really excited because he could benefit from Oenomaus' rich experience.

 The fight continued and no one had gained the advantage over the other, Orion was constantly correcting the mistakes he made while fighting Doctore and the latter himself felt the excitement rising within him.

 It had been years since another fighter had stood up to Oenomaus and he took advantage of Orion's prowess to fight off the rust as well, both thoroughly enjoying the fight while respecting their opponent.

 10 minutes passed and both opponents were sweating from their intense fight. A few wooden swords were broken on the ground in front because they had changed them several times during their confrontation.

 The gladiators witnessing the exchange had frightened and shocked expressions, they would never have imagined that a youngster who had never fought in an arena would be practically the equal of their trainer.

 Oenomaus looked at Orion with a big smile and said

 Doctore : I've been training gladiators for a long time but I've never seen one as monstrously talented as you, you never stop learning and correcting your mistakes in a single fight.

Your attitude reminds me of an old friend, a brother who once made these walls vibrate even if I think your talent is superior to his. However, I think we should stop there before breaking all the ludus swords.

 Orion laughed and responded politely

 « You are right Doctore, we should stop here, the others must also resume their training. I only hope that we will have the opportunity to exchange regularly, I still want to learn from you. »

 Doctore looked at him appreciatively and replied "I would like that too, you are an exceptional warrior, you have every chance of becoming the champion of the Capua arena" 

 Orion: Who?! Me ?! No, it's not a title that interests me, I leave it to others.

 Doctore: Huh?! Yet with your talent you could do so much.

 Orion: Exactly, I do not want to be the champion of Capua but the warrior who stands at the top of the entire Roman Republic. I want to fight the mightiest warriors in the world to the screams of the crowd and make my name a symbol.

 Doctore: Of Glory?! Of pride?!

 Orion: Non Doctore, a symbol of fear, respect and later terror for some or hope for others.

 He looked at Orion in silence and nodded, thinking of the youth in front of him who smiled at him like a being both admirable and above all frightening.

 Oenomaus had a lot of experience and knew that during their exchange just now, Orion was not fighting seriously but was experimenting in which he himself was the test subject to correct and improve himself.

 Orion greeted Doctore before finally returning to his room, the latter retrieved his whip and resumed training the others.

 When night fell, Orion did a thorough cleaning with his own water while everyone else in the villa did a dry cleaning with a meager amount of water at their disposal.

 He was very keen on his comfort and even without wanting to taunt the others, he then ate and went to sleep like everyone else.

 While the gladiators slept, Batiatus in his villa was agitated because of the news brought to him by Doctore about the found of Spartacus' wife by Orion.

 Batiatus: HOW DID HE FIND HER?!

 Doctore: I don't know Dominus, he didn't go into detail but he was honest about his reasons for being here and his main reason is indeed the glory of the crowd while fighting in the arena. He wants to stand at the top of all the warriors of Rome.

 Batiatus:...What does he want to do?! He even has the means?! This kid is still too naive.

 Doctore: Let me doubt it Dominus, his talent is such that his skills also already mine. I know it seems impossible but...(interrupted)

 Batiatus: Continues to search for information with him and tries to find out precisely where Spartacus' wife is at the moment.

 Doctore frowned but said nothing.

 Batiatus: What?!

 « Nothing Dominus. » He said before bowing and leaving leaving Batiatus in deep thought.

 In Marius's house, the latter was angry. He had brought some of Venus' blood to some major merchants in the city with whom he had relationships through sales of Orion's creations.

 However, he was threatened by some of them because if this wine was ever poisoned they would send people to find where he lives in order to kill him and his family.

 Marius: These bastards are threatening me?! Damn stupid old dogs!

 He began to think about what his friend would have done in this situation and he finally thought about what Orion had told him about selling this wine, "Wait until the demand increases to impose your price ".

 He started to have an evil smile on his face knowing that these people would soon ask for his product again before coming to his senses, he looked scared.

 Marius: By the gods! I start to think and then smile like this demon?! I don't want to have a mind as dirty as this guy.

 He then went to Salma and Soura who were his two assistants in business and asked them not to respond to any visit requests from the merchants in the coming days.

 they had a questioning look before Marius explained his plan to them, at the end of which the three unconsciously had the same evil smile as Orion.

 The next day in the ludus, gladiators who had already woken up began their training. Spartacus was also training but kept glancing at Orion's gate.

 The blond, curly-haired gladiator looked at him curiously.

"You should stay focused if you don't want Doctore to repeat your little scene from yesterday! Why look at the door of the horribly talented new guy like that?! »

 Spartacus: Varro, Orion found my wife, he bought her from this Syrian slave trader and if he is here in Capua then she is also here.

 Varro: What?! Are you sure ?! How can you know he's telling the truth?!

 Spartacus: Because he knows my real name. Only Sura could tell him in the event of berification.

 Varro: So what?! He said what he expected from you in exchange for finding her?!

 Spartacus: No and that's why I'm eyeing his door while waiting for him to come out.

 *Crack of whip*

 "SPARTACUS FOCUS!! » Doctore shouted in a stern tone. They trained until meal times but Orion was still sleeping.

 As Orion slept it was unknown what he was dreaming about but between his legs there was a large lump and a hideous smile was on his face. Poor Orion was woken abruptly by a guard knocking on his door.

 *Bam Bam Bam*

 « A VISIT FOR YOU!! » shouted the guard.

 Orion came out with a murderous gaze on the guard who was literally shivering with fear, he then headed towards the gates with the empty food basket that Salma brought the day before and saw the Arab beauty on the other side of the gate with one of the Spartans on the cart.

 He nodded to the Spartan to greet him and Salma then looked at Orion with a gentle smile as she greeted him "Hello master! ".

 Orion: Hello Salma. Are you doing well ?! Everyone is well I hope.

 Salma: Yes sir, don't worry. It touches me that you think of us but only your health matters, sir.

 Orion: I'm fine Salma, quickly tell me how Marius's approach to the merchants went.

 She began to tell him how Marius had propositioned and given samples of Venus' blood to some influential people who had even threatened him. She also gave information on Marius' sales plan.

 Orion: Good, very good even! That cockroach Marius now knows how to handle that! I'm proud of Sura and you continue to help this idiot.

 He then took the new basket of food that Salma brought and told her,

 "Salma, tomorrow I would like Sura to visit me, tell her I have something for her. All right ?! »

 "It will be done according to your desire master! » she said before suddenly kissing him on his lips but she was surprised when Orion also responded to her kiss.

 He grabbed his hand and dragged him into his room while Salma had an enthusiastic smile on her lips, the Spartan watched them leave smiling and shaking his head.

 What followed was almost an entire hour of intense fucking under Salma's screams which gave almost everyone erections.

 He came out with Salma later who had a satisfied smile and took her back to the gates where the Spartan was waiting while eating, this bastard was chatting with Batiatus' maids looking at him through the windows.

 Orion then spoke with the Spartan and told him to tell the others to keep their eyes open and always be on the lookout.

 They talked a little and then went their separate ways. Orion generously kissed Salma again and then went to eat his meal in the place where he was yesterday.

 The other gladiators who were noisy fell silent as Orion came with his food.

 As he finally started to eat, he noticed some looks of jealousy from some and hatred from others.

 Suddenly two figures sat down at his table, it was Spartacus and his friend Varro.

 Orion simply ignored them and didn't say or do anything.

 Spartacus: Can we talk?!

 Orion: I'm listening.

 Spartacus: I want to see my wife.

 Orion suddenly stopped eating and looked him in the eyes, he didn't say anything for a few seconds then calmly asked "I look like I'm at your service?!" 

 Spartacus: I just want to see if she's okay and lay my eyes on her.

 Orion: She's fine, I already told you she's in good hands.

 Spartacus: If you say so but I don't trust you. I want to see her.

 This time Orion was annoyed by Spartacus' impatience. 

 "What do I care about trusting someone like you?! You dare to make demands on me! If it wasn't for Sura I would have already broken your stupid jaw." He said angrily. 

Orion : Sura told me in tears everything she suffered at the hands of the Romans when they took her from your weak arms. You didn't even have the strength to save your wife but now that someone else saved her, You demand to see her ?! 

 Spartacus: I'm sorry, that's not what I... (Orion cut him off)

 Orion: Shut up! Sura will come tomorrow to bring me food and then you will have the chance to see her again. However remember that you are forbidden from touching her with the same hands that couldn't even protect her until you become strong enough and finally deserve this woman. Now get off my table.

 Spartacus was embarrassed, he wanted to thank Orion but strangely couldn't say anything. Orion was upset and didn't really like Spartacus because of his behavior.

 After lunch, he brought out his heavy equipment to start training his body after doing complex stretching exercises.

 He trained for more than an hour when a guard came near him and pointed at him and said in an imperative tone, "Dominus is asking for you. Hurry up" 

 Orion looked at the guard and started laughing, "They agreed to annoy me today, there's no other explanation!" » he repeated, making fun of himself.

 The guard seeing Orion's reaction got angry and tried to grab him by the arm but before he knew it, he was pinned to the ground with the arm he was going to use completely twisted by a painful grip of Orion.

 Orion: Tell me you fool, your master hasn't told you who I am?!

 The guard: You, slave dog. How dare you?!


 A sound rang out as the guard screamed in pain, Orion had broken his arm but didn't let go, it was an open fracture and continued to twist it. The other gladiators and Doctore couldn't do anything about it because it all happened too quickly.

 "ENOUGH ORION!!" Batiatus' voice rang out as he stood on his balcony completely angry.

 Orion: Your little dog apparently hasn't been trained. He tried to raise his dirty hand on me and even insulted me. I'm going to rip his arm off and shove it up his ass.

 Listening to him, the guard's face turned ashen, subconsciously he knew that Orion would be strangely capable of doing what he just said.

 Batiatus: Enough, I said! He didn't know that you are a free gladiator and not a slave. He has already paid for his ignorance. However, you and I have something important to talk about.

 Orion finally let go of the guard and replied, "Very well, I'll come then!", he looked at the guard still on the ground before suddenly wondering why he had been so brutal.