
Episode 1:The Heart

In the middle of the sea in a boat 🛥with lightening and thunder all over the sky in the middle of a night,the cry of a baby put a smile on Martin Smith face a white ,blonde hair and very handsome young man who's wife Mary Smith a light and blonde hair, beautiful young lady just gave birth to a baby boy they were both very happy and alone in the boat ,Mr and Mrs Smith were looking at their handsome baby's face and smiling when suddenly lightening from the sky struck the baby on the left side of his heart and it blow away the two happy couples.

Two minutes later

Martin open his eyes and saw his baby on the ground of of the boat with lightening all over his body and Mary's on the other side of the boat knocked out,he quickly stood and went to fetched fetched a cup of water and sprinkles it on Mary's face and and she woke up but still in pain then Martin raised her from the ground and they both walked over to where their baby was lying with lightening allover the baby's body and where the baby was struck they was a blue light shinning there the lightening had struck him his eyes was blue,Martin carried their baby from the ground and take a good look at the baby left side of the chest his heart was replaced with a technology that looked just like a heart but the couples didn't know what it was but they knew that it could be very powerful, and the baby's body went back to normal,,and immediately after that they attack by a very large ship that looked like a war ship🛳 and also two helicopters🚁🚁 was shooting at their boat🚤.