

Accepting a vague job search ad on the radio will change the lives of young adults.

Captain_Spearow · ไซไฟ
3 Chs

Me, Zach

Looking at how this all started is baffling. I was driving to my parent's house. My fingers slowly turn the knobs on the radio. I was trying to set a good mood for the trip. The week before I discussed the idea of switching majors at my university. I was still very much undecided on what I should do. However, right now I was struggling to find something pleasant for my trip to listen to. 

Country, no. Rap, no. Jazz, not really. Blues, too depressing. Then it played.

" Attention Young Minds! We are searching for adults to test a new state of the art tech breakthrough. Imagine:

You can be anyone but now anywhere. Want to swing in the jungle? Want to swim with dolphins? Want to date a young pop star, Berristous, while in Paris, France!?"

At this point, I pulled over. I opened the glove compartment. My fingers searched through for just a piece of paper and pen. I pulled out my first aid kit and car's paperwork. Handfuls of expired coupons emerged. I need to clean my car. I ended up finding an old receipt and a pen. It will have to do.

" … All you need is to get to our certified camp training program then we will let you know if you're chosen. I would suggest you pack well. Who would want to end up with no sleeves in the Arctic. Think hard of what you need to survive, to thrive, and to be comfortable. This is things like medication for months. A camera for photos…."

I soon wrote the address the ad said. It was Wayne Wood Acres. I turned, looking at the left side mirror. No cars. In the distance, I could make out the silhouette of a doe grazing. I just stared at my reflection. My short cut light brown hair, my off-white skin, and my faded blue t-shirt reflecting back at me with the starry sky. The red flickering light of a satellite passing over me. If I was in a bed, this would be perfect for sleep. Alright, I would probably be on a game system playing a shooter game. I put the address in the cupholder to be easier to find later.

After an hour driving I got to a gas station to fill up. Inside only the cashier was present. She looked like she was still in college. Her red hair almost looked like mine. The green apron read "Filler Up Gas". She leaned in supporting her weight on the counter. Her clothes were a white polo and khaki pants. Her frizzy red hair and green eyes stood out like a black polar bear in snow. Her face looked like she was bored, clearly showing it from her posture. Her blue rolled while I walked into each aisle picking up snacks. 

Approaching the counter, I began small talk. She stood up. When I began paying she grabbed some seed packets from behind the counter.

" These seeds are a free sample. A new farmer is trying to get new customers…"

I looked at the packets. There was one for cabbage, carrots, strawberries, and watermelon. I don't know what to do with these? It probably just ended up in my suitcase. It does not take up much space. 

I do not know why I could not just say, "No thank you." I have little if any desire to plant crops. My parents loved gardening. Growing up, I was often forced to help out. I would be weeding out the unwanted plants or watering. Hours of my weekend disappeared as my fingers got coated in dirt pulling the roots out of the ground. I became stronger, my Dad and I brought several heavy pots to decorate their house.

I continued driving until I got to my parent's house. I told them about my plans. My mom struggled with the idea a bit. Dad just looked at me as if this was an excuse not to be an adult. It did not help that my older brother was in medical school. I will always just be there "other kid".

" This new technology could be the next big thing since the internet. If it works this may be more popular than using airports. I want to be a part of this new innovation," I explained to them.

"Son, I may not know what this is. However, this sounds too good to be true," Dad responded. I fell asleep reflecting on what Dad told me. I agree. I have grown up reading about adventures like sailing the world, finding love in an exotic land, and crash landing in a world unaware of its cultures. To be part of a scientific break through is rare. This could be some scam like faulty merchandise bought online.