
The beginning of the story

​Once upon a time, there was a lonely, little alien who lived on Mars. One night, he saw another little alien who lived on Venus. He was preparing to hold a party, so he shouted, "peas for tea, peas for tea!" The lonely, little alien started to have some hope.

He started to gather all the things he could find and built a rocket. After a few hours, he set off for Venus. He had a great time at Venus with his alien friends he didn't want to leave but he had to so he decided to go to Venus every day. He had to gather more and more things every day. It makes the red dust on the ground float in the air while he digs to find fuels. When he takes off on his rocket, the fire from the engine makes more red dust fly all over. That makes Mars' surface red, rocky - and hot!

So every time you look up in the sky at Mars, see if you can spot a little rocket leaving from it to Venus. Please cheer for the little alien to have friends. If you ever see Mars not red any more, maybe the alien has moved to somewhere else forever...