
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs


Aaron had been traveling on foot with Atalai for two days now, and to think trolls would come this far to pillage a little village.

On the second night, they set up a fire to keep bugs at bay and avoid freezing in their sleep. Aaron sat in front of the fire sharpening a stick with a tiny blade, he had not slept throughout their journey.

"Why don't you rest up tonight while I stand guard," Atalai suggested.

"Yeah, let the prisoner stand guard while I sleep through the night, what could possibly go wrong?" Aaron said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Now shut up and sleep before I plug your mouth shut." He ordered as he raised his head from the stake he was sharpening turning his attention to the troll.

"Judging by your information we should be at your tribe before nightfall tomorrow, I need your directions so go to sleep," Aaron let out shifting his attention back to this sharpened stake.

The moon settled as the sun rose, and along with the sun, the travelers rose to continue their journey. The two trekked for a few miles just before they heard a growl coming from the woods.

'Grrrrwwllll...' a beast-like sound echoed through the forest.

"That growl I know what it is, don't turn back," Atalai warned coming to a complete standstill.

"What's the matter?" Aaron questioned.

"That violent growl It's him," Atalai said "It's said only a few who survived its attack lived to tell their tale," she continued still shaken with fear.

The trees departed and a paw could be seen emerging from the thick woods, with sharp-looking teeth that dripped saliva, yellowish eyes that sparked like lightning, and thick black hairs that ran across its entire body.

Standing tall at 15 feet towering over the two travelers was an oversized puma.

"That's it the dark king of the forest, please unlock my chains let's fight it off maybe we might get lucky," Atalai requested showing her chains at Aaron hoping to get freed.


"So it's just an oversized rabid beast, and I thought it was something life-threatening," Aaron said as he walked closer to the black beast.

"Stand right there and don't move, If you try anything stupid I'll hunt you down right after I'm done with this ravaging cat," Aaron said pulling his katana out of his inventory.

"I think that oversized ego needs some trimming, don't you think," Aaron stated progressing toward the king of the forest.

'Grrrrrr' the puma snarled as it walked slowly around Aaron.

Aaron stood and watched with unwavering composure as the wild feline paced around sizing him up.

"Will you attack or do you want me to come after you?" Aaron pierced his gaze at the feline king.

And in a heartbeat, the oversized puma charged at him almost as if it understood what Aaron had just said.

The puma swung its sharp claws at him almost as if it was testing his strength but Aaron dodged its attack causing the trees around to fall off.

"Show me the weight of your conviction," Aaron heard a voice in his head. "let me scale your bravery, death's the price to pay if your cowardice weighs more than your courage."

"Huh?... What's this I'm hearing?" Aaron mumbled to himself thrown off by this voice.

'You can hear the voice of the forest king due to your innate trait [Father of all beasts]' the system notified in the form of a pop-up text.

"Father of all beasts? Why am I just hearing of this" Aaron demanded as he read the details of his trait.

"What are you standing there for?" the puma said angrily, "I'll tear you to shreds". It snarled swinging its other claw.

"Y'know what, I think I'll keep you as a pet you seem vigorous," Aaron proclaimed as he put away his blade.

"But to do that, I'll have to knock some respect into you," cracking his knuckles Aaron announced.

"Pet? You've insulted me for the last time... Do you know how many humans I've devoured before you?" The mighty puma roared out in unadulterated madness.

The puma smacked Aaron with its paws which sent him crashing into trees, halfway through his flight Aaron grabbed a tree to brace his fall, he then pressed his feet upon the tree and shot himself straight at the black cat.

Aaron closed the gap between them in seconds and began throwing devastating punches that connected to the jaws of the forest king.

Left, right, left, right, left, right, right, left... He kept combining his jabs with hooks and they all met their marks at remarkable speed.

"What? Won't you fight back? Or are you just large for nothing?" Aaron instigated, hearing his words the puma slapped him with its claws which sent him crashing to the ground.

It then raised its paws trying to stomp him to death, but Aaron evaded due to his impressive agility.

"That's more like it, show me what makes you the king of this forest, prove yourself worthy of being my pet," Aaron voiced with a cheeky smile after cleaning the blood from his mouth.

In fury, the puma charged at him once more causing the floor beneath their feet to tremble. It tried to bite Aaron with its mighty canines but Aaron grabbed the upper and lower canines with his hands preventing it from shutting its jaws.

The black cat tried to latch its jaws but found out it was futile, it then pushed Aaron with brute force ramming him through rocks, trees, and boulders but Aaron never let go, instead he planted his right foot on the ground and pushed back.

In moments the two had come to a deadlock, Aaron holding it firmly in place with the puma unable to push him anymore.

Pant... Pant... Pant... Pant...

The mighty puma was getting exhausted from exerting too much energy, Aaron could feel the hot air escape its nose as it let out heavy breaths.

He held the fatigued cat's canine with his left hand and with his right he let out an explosive punch that sent it staggering back.

Aaron then ran toward it with full force, when he got within close range he sprung up landing a hideous uppercut that rocked the puma's head backward.

Still in the air, he grabbed the top of its head and then activated [Ancient dominion] combined with his strength the mighty cat was smacked flat on its tummy.

Not wasting any second still holding its head down Aaron kept landing powerful rights in succession.

"I-I give up... You... You win, I surrender to you." Aaron heard a voice in his head. He looked at the puma and it had completely given up.

"Good," Aaron sighed as he let go of its head and stepped back slowly, worn out by the battle.

"So do you have a name?" Aaron raised a question he had been meaning to ask since the beginning of the battle.


"I'm called Fenrir" The puma replied as it gradually got up to its feet.

"Well, I'm Aaron... You new master." He smiled knowing he had finally conquered the wild cat.


[Tri-ring! You've tamed the rare 'Great Puma']


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