

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
719 Chs

Chapter 253 [Incursio]

". . ." - Shū was silent for a few seconds before sighing regretfully.

"Shū..." - Rino said while frowning - "I hope you didn't leave me without important information."

"No... it's nothing like that" - said Shū while shaking her head - "What happened was that while spying on them during their training in the cliff area, I took a wrong step and fell.... Cloud Strife managed to save me while asking me what I was doing in that place. I replied that I was trying to find a good place to train to help her during [Dragons Rioting]."

". . ." - Rino's expression relaxed when she heard this.

"Though now there were times where you were going to talk directly to him" - Kako said calmly as those present widened their eyes in surprise, of course, with the exception of Kyōka who was sincerely disinterested.

"Is that true, Shū?" - Rino asked as she frowned because it was bad enough that Megu made contact with that Rintarō boy. She didn't want her subordinates to start relationships with people outside their group because it would make them falter during critical moments.

"Yes... I found that it's easier to talk directly to him from time to time to get more information" - Shū replied calmly as she looked at her leader.

"You didn't think he might be lying to you, Shū?" - Rino asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"Not in the least because he has no reason to" - Shū replied as she shook her head.

Rino's expression turned dark when she heard this because it was obvious that Shū was acting strange and from what she could see, she wasn't noticing, which was worrisome.

"Is something wrong, Rino-sama?" - Shū asked as she frowned because she had noticed the slight change in her leader, after all, they had been friends for years.

"No... it's nothing" - Rino replied as she shook her head, not noticing that Erin was spying on them from outside the window - ". . ."

* * * * *

Two days had passed since the meeting and Erin informing them about the weak bond in the alliance, which was understandable when one knew that the members of the alliance were enemies until very recently.

Cloud had been performing his duty as a decoy masterfully because the forces of all his enemies were constantly spying on him, though this was mostly due to the fact that the other members of his group were in a location unknown to Rhino and the others, all thanks to Ema's help.

"This isn't the way of spying on you we had in mind, Cloud Strife" - Shū said while shaking her head as she was currently drinking tea with the blond along with the other spies who had accompanied her.

"You can't always drink tea with members of other groups" - Chiyoko replied as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I think the same, Chiyoko Senpai" - nodded Makoto calmly as she looked at her former colleague - "How has your stay in your boyfriend's group been?"

"Things aren't as good as I thought, not with Meru and those two annoying twins so glued to him" - replied Keiko reluctantly then sighed in regret - "I wish I didn't have so many rivals..."

"You just have to attack fast and accurate, Keiko-chan" - replied Chiyoko calmly as she took a sip of her tea - "Hmm.... delicious, I'll ask you for the recipe later."

"I have no problem with it" - nodded Cloud as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I was always curious to know more about that spear of yours" - said Makoto as she saw [Incursio] next to the blonde boy - "Anything you can tell me about her?"

The other girls looked up as they felt this was a good time to gather information.

"Hmm... I don't have much trouble telling you about my spear" - Cloud said as he shrugged - "Let's see, it's called [Incursio, the Demonic Armor]"

"Armor? I think the one who named the weapon was a bit crazy for naming a spear, like armor" - replied Keiko with disdain.

"I thought the same thing at first too, but after I learned the truth about the name, I understood that it fit it like a glove" - Cloud said calmly - "You see, my spear is cursed."

". . ." - Keiko shivered when she heard this because honestly she wasn't good with things like ghosts or other supernatural beings.

"I think you're being superstitious, Cloud Strife" - Chiyoko said as she rolled her eyes at him - "If you don't want to tell us about your spear, then you should have simply told us."

"I'm not lying" - Cloud replied as he shook his head and picked up his spear - "Try touching it."

". . ." - Chiyoko narrowed her eyes before bringing her hand closer, only to stop a few inches away from touching the blade of the weapon because she could feel how her back was completely sweaty. She could feel her heart pounding as her hand slowly approached the blond's weapon.

"I think that was enough" - Cloud said as he pushed the gun away and in the process, calmed the third year girl - "I guess that proves my point."

". . ." - Makoto frowned. It wasn't the first time she'd heard about cursed objects - "How come you can be so comfortable next to that thing?"

"What do you mean?" - Shū asked as she looked at her Kouhai.

"That cursed objects mostly steal something from the user" - Makoto answered seriously while looking attentively at the silver spear that was perched behind the blond - "Be it luck, some sense, or even the life force of the user... depending on the object, the price to pay for using them is worse..."

". . ." - Cloud was only silent because he knew better than anyone else what the price to pay for using [Incursio] was, though that didn't matter right now because [System] himself had told him he was safe for now.


[Incursio, the Demonic Armor (EX)]

Tengu from the world of [Akame ga Kill], constructed from the body of the [Dangerous Beast] SSS Rank, Tyrant. Tyrant is the Ultimate Predator, it has the ability to Adapt to the Environment as well as its prey to enhance its continuous evolution. It is said that to build this Tengu, the Emperor had to sacrifice almost his entire army, and in spite of everything, the beast is still alive inside the Weapon.

Effect 1[Corrosion]: The more you use [Incursio], the higher the corrosion level of the User. Depending on the corrosion level, the User will get skills and Stats depending on the Corrosion level.

Corrosion Level: 0% [No Stats Available].

* * *

Effect 2 [Demonic Armor] (Needs 20%): Activate Incursio's Original Appearance. You acquire a Damage Reduction of 20% (+5% for each additional 20% of Corrosion).

* * *

Effect 3 [Tyrant] (Needs 100%): [Demonic Armor] becomes a [Bloodline] Passive Skill.

* * *

Effect 4 [Bloodlust]: The higher the level of Corrosion, the greater the Effects of this Skill (Disappears when Corrosion reaches 100% and the User has a Strong Enough Will). The User enters a state of Frenzy that will kill everything nearby regardless if it is an ally or an enemy [This Effect is activated when the User fights].

Duration of [Bloodlust], Can be Reduced by Stat [Willpower] (This Skill disappears together with Stat [Willpower] when it reaches 1000, creating another passive Skill)

1- 20%: Duration, 1 Hour. Minimum 1 minute.

2- 40%: Duration, 3 hours. Minimum 3 minutes.

3- 60%: Duration, 5 hours. Minimum 5 minutes.

4- 80%: Duration, 10 hours. Minimum 10 minutes.

5- 100%: Duration, 24 hours. Minimum 30 minutes.

* * *

Effect 4: Creates Skill [Adaptability] (Corrosion 50%] (Corrosion 50%)


The basic quality of any living being.

Effect 1 [Instinct]: The more damage you take, the higher the chance of [Adapt] to the techniques used on you, ignoring 1% per attack with a maximum of 50% (This Passive mixes perfectly with other Damage Reduction Passives, Damage Ignore, among others).

Effect 2 [Adaptive]: Creates [Resistance to...] depending on the damage received, as long as this damage is at least 5% of the 'maximum life' (Maximum Resistance: 25%) (Resistance Limit increases by 25% When Skill Rarity Rises).

Effect 3 [Absorption]: Resistance that exceeds 100%, becomes Absorption.

* * *

Effect 5 [Predator]: When you kill, defeat or devour a living being, you have a 100% chance to acquire 10 Permanent Stats depending on what the target's highest Stat was [As long as its level and yours are not so disparate], and a 50% chance to Acquire a Passive Skill of the Target, only if it is beneficial to the user.

Additional effect: +10 All Stats per enemy killed that is important to the plot of the Different Worlds.

[Incursio is Linked to the User and cannot be separated from him].


"Now the question is. How do I get the Stat Will?" - Cloud wondered as he took a sip of his tea, after having read the current description of [Incursio].

"Is it true that thing is a family heirloom?" - Makoto asked as she frowned because she didn't believe that a family could keep a thing that was practically a danger to its user.

"According to my ancestors, this thing was made by the bones of the creature that gave us our powers, that's why only members of the direct line of my clan, can use this weapon" - answered Cloud calmly as the others understood the situation more clearly.

"A weapon that chooses unique that can only be used by you? interesting..." - Makoto muttered as she looked at [Incursio] because as long as Cloud had it in his hands, it didn't seem so scary.


well guys I'm really sorry for late update it's just that I was some busy this weekend...and I'm feeling pretty tired these days...like I'm not even studying.... please guys give me a way..... I want to study but I can't and I always procastinate.....


Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform



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