
You were WARNED

As I approached the border of the foliage, that's when I saw them— a man and woman. I froze. The couple was walking hand in hand. I think they're naked. I made my way closer, making sure to stay hidden behind the bush. I don't know why I was hiding from view. Why should I be afraid of a couple of naked people? Yup, they were definitely naked. I looked around and realized that my tree was at the center of the grove that held this paradise. But next to my tree, was another tree. It was just as majestic and impressive, but there was something ominous about it; something powerful. I looked carefully at these two unique and special trees that grew in this… in this… "garden."

I now realized what this place was and where I'm at.

I am startled when I feel something vibrate in my pocket. It was the key I chose. As I removed the large key from my pocket and opened my palm, I noticed the markings on its emblem in more detail. When it was offered to me by the winged creature, I simply thought it was marked with the infinity symbol. Upon closer look, now I realized it was a serpent devouring its own tail in the shape of the infinity symbol. My mind was unlocked. It was all so clear now. I knew my purpose. I knew why I was chosen. I knew why I was created.

It was always God's will to destroy his creation. Once destroyed, he could fulfill his promise to bind his enemies and cast them into the Lake of Fire where they would suffer for all eternity. The trumpets were a countdown to His planned end. Those branded the enemy had spent their immortality trying to find a way to prevent it from happening.

But how do you outsmart an omniscient and omnipresent being? You use the very laws of existence against him. For with the creation of the universe, laws had to be created. He had no choice but to subject Himself to those laws for the universe to exist. The Fallen Ones realized the only way to prevent the end was to break the predestined, inevitable chain of events leading to the end. They must have figured out how to connect two points of existence, creating a bridge for me to enter. It causes everything to stop and reset back to the very beginning instead of continuing along the predestined path. It never ends; it never reaches Judgment Day.

Existence was a loop. We are destined to keep repeating it over and over and over again to escape damnation. It was infinity. Like the serpent devouring its tail. The serpent was thought to be Lucifer, God's adversary. But Lucifer was not a thing or an entity with thought or consciousness. He was the infinity of time. The only thing capable of denying God's divine will. It was the one simple thing that is protecting us from the wrath of an angry God.

I felt its familiar presence immediately. I don't turn around. But even if I did, I knew it would not harm me. It stood behind me for a while quietly admiring its works. It gently placed a large and cold object in my hands before the fallen angel spoke the words that would be my final instructions. I looked down at the key, mesmerized by the shape of the serpent. It was so old and worn. The jewel that made up the serpent's eye twinkled in contrast to the bright red piece of fruit held in my other hand. I now understood. I had one more thing to do. I wondered how many times I have done this? How many times have I crossed the bridge and stood at this very spot? How many?

Man was created in the image of God, but I am not of the image.

I am the serpent.

I am Nephilim.

The breath of a faint whisper, now sweat and warm was spoken into my ear. Just five simple words:

"Make them eat, little one."