

Not all souls find peace in the afterlife. Some become Demons—twisted, malevolent entities that hunger for the life force of the living. These Demons take human form, infiltrating society to prey upon humans. Their insatiable appetite makes them feast on the souls of humans. Blake Stone, an ordinary young teenager whose life takes a dark turn when he becomes possessed by a up God rank soul,The Demon king—one that defies the natural order. Blake Joins the Soul Reaper Association. For a certain reason, "For Fun and Money". Assigned to the lowest rank among reapers (Grade D), Blake faces ridicule and skepticism from his peers. Yet, he possesses a unique advantage: the ability to sense Demons. The reapers are bound to Destroy all the Demons and the King of Demons. --------- Don't Forget to Vote with power Stones,Support My work Everyone -------- Mass Chapter Release: 15 Chapters For this Week. 100 Stones: 4 Bonus chapters 500 stones : 7 Bonus chapter 1000 stones : 15 Bonus chapter Vote My book. Let Win this Year WPC Contest.

Danespl · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Blake Stone

   (panting..) "Look for him, if that bastard gets away with the money,boss is going to kill us"  a man holding a steel rod with a scar near his eyes, heavily built,he has the body of a pro wrestler, he was wearing a black short and a black top, Four other men were with him also holding steel rods, they were chasing a boy who had stolen a huge sum of money from thier boss, the five men were part of the most notourious gangs in the city called Monzo.

They were responsible for the most henious crimes in the City.

   Blake who strapped a black bag onto his back that seems to be full with something ran into a dark alley where all the street lamp were twitching while some where not functioning anymore, Blake not knowing where he currently is, he looked around searching for an hint that will give him an idea of where he is,as he was searching he heard the men who were chasing after him.

   "Darn, Where did he go?" The heavily built man Shouted in frustration.

" I think he went that way" a member of the gang who were chasing after Blake said while pointing down the alley. "Kill that Bastard,"

   Blake who had heard that they were near immediately opened the lid leading to the sewer drain and closed it, he climed down the tiny ladder fixed onto the wall and jumped down after reaching ground level and ran to a close spot inside the sewer pathway and sat down on the cold floor.

" I think I will be safe here till they are gone, this money is now in good hands."  Blake thought and a wide smile appeared on his face. 

"I found the right one, I want his body," a low voice echoed the sewer.

  Blake stood up immediately after hearing it, he looked around searching for who was speakin, but he didn't see anyone.

"who said that?" Blake replied with a frightened expression on his face

"He can hear me, I will just take the body then" the voice said again this time it echoed through the sewers.

Blake felt someone or something coming towards him from behind, he immediately turned to react but he didn't see anyone.

"Okay, this is getting crazy, maybe I should just get out of here now, those fools would have left by now," Blake thought to himself,as he was about to move, a sudden fear made him freeze, he couldn't move, almost like he had lost control of his body.

"Time to take a nap, kid" the voice was now thicker. This time the voice came from his head, slowly blake felt his body getting weaking, his eyes started to close slowly "what in hell is happening to me?" Blake thought, finally his body dropped to the floor he thigtnted his grip on the bag hs was holding as his eyes went blank and he fell unconscious.

     " What is this intense feeling,?" A man who is in his twenties he was tall and had the body of an athlete, he had a thick black hair and was wearing a  blue sweatshirt and sweatpant beside him was a woman surely around the same age with him wore red tracksuit and had a long blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. They were both standing in front of a snack stall.

"Did you feel it? It is surely a Superior Grade, God Rank, am sure!!" The man said looking straight into the woman's eyes.

"Yes,let go check it out, we will call for backup once we get there" The woman reploed with a weary expression on her face.

The two people walked to a dark spot where they can't be seen and sprung out jumping onto the top of a two storey building and ran towards where the aura was coming from with an immesurable speed,a impossible thing for a human,they had superhuman agility and speed.

They arrived at the Dark and quiet alley where Blake was

"it coming from the sewer..." The woman said with a wide smile on her face, the man opened the sewer lid and went in,they turned and went forward to where the aura was

"The aura is disappearing,I think it coming from over there".

the man and the woman both went towards where Blake unconscious body was lying.

They arrived at the spot and saw Blake unconscious on the ground.

" It him, the demon is him, what should we do, I think it a teenage boy".

The man said and touched Blake's heard while closing his eyes,then he immediately removed his hand like he was frightened and turned to the woman

"it's the King of Demons soul, a God rank Soul,and this young boy is suppresing the soul" the woman became surprised and looked at the boy".

"we are taking him to headquaters to tell Mr Jones,carry him" The woman ordered.


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This book will win this year WSA Awards for 2024. Let the Demon hunting begin.

First Five chapters will be released this week.

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