
Souls Entwined Through Time

Two sisters enter the world of a book they read after purchasing it at a yard sale from a peculiar old lady. Little do they know that it's not a book in its entirety. It's also an illusion. A gateway hidden in plain sight to another world. A world they once lived in. A lifetime of memories which they have forgotten through the passage of time. Waking up in the bodies of people from a forgotten time, haunted by strange dreams of death and a voice which informs them that they must defeat a Demon Lord if they wish to survive. There is no mention of returning home. What could these ladies possibly do? Will they take action and fight? Or will they succumb to these most unusual set of circumstances? One thing is certain, they have far too much in common with the bodies they're possessing. THE COVER IS NOT MINE.

Lady_Venom · แฟนตาซี
58 Chs

Story Time with Dixie DeMont

In order to distract Bonnie's mind and lighten the mood, Dixie decided to tell her about the strange old lady she'd encountered and the book she'd gotten for free.

Flipping the nameless and authorless novel in her hands, Bonnie pursed her lips. "Wow, yeah, that's really weird. So seeing this symbol makes us special? She was talking in riddles to you. Maybe she truly is a soul reader.

"There's no such thing, B."

Bonnie frowned. "Don't start again with that ridiculous pet name."

"I can't help it. It sounds so cute. Beside it was mom who came up with it." Dixie replied with a sad smile. Suddenly her heart felt heavy. Gosh, she missed her mother so much.

Bonnie offered a sad smile as well. "It was cute when she said it because when she gave it to me, I was still a carefree child. I did not know the meaning of burden and grief until we lost her."

Dixie cleared the throat and took her book back. Damn it. Why were they back to a depressing topic? "So, I'll read this book to you. According to the old lady, it's tantalizing enough to get lost in."

Bonnie lies down and closes her eyes. "Make sure you get into the persona of each character."

Dixie begins her narration:

"Once upon a time, there was a girl living in a happy family of 4. She had a doting mother, father and older brother. She was the daughter of a Grand Duke and born into the powerful Del Montague family. Named after her great grandmother and aunt, Felicia Viviane Del Montague was a stunning beauty with brains to match. Flaming red hair, emerald eyes, high cheekbones and snow white skin. Up until age 14, she was a wild child whom everyone adored. She loved to study, loved to get praised, loved to ask questions about everything and loved to run around the gardens. She was very strong willed and believed that everyone in her life was her friend. Unfortunately, her life took a turn for the worst when her mother died and she was blamed for it....

Though the book appeared thin, it was actually 300 pages long. Both sisters took turns closing and opening it to understand how 300 pages could be pressed together so tightly. They also noticed that the book would be cold when closed but suddenly felt warm when open. Bonnie cried out in shock when she saw the infinity symbol glowing.

However, when Dixie looked there was nothing. It didn't glow again. There was definitely something funky going on.

Dixie decided to place the book inside a kitchen cupboard before joining her sister on the bed. Bonnie was scared by the book which she insists was glowing. Dixie believes her, but she doesn't know what to make of it.

Held in each others warm embrace, the DeMont sisters entered the dream world.

Unsurprisingly, they both dreamt about the book. They saw so many weird things. Places, people, voices, feelings of pain, greed and longing that don't belong to them but feel as if they do.

What a strange tale. Are the parallels purely coincidental?