
Souls Academy

{ Mature content} "I need your love to survive" Ann whispered softly "And I need your blood to exist" he said and sunk his teeth on her neck. it was delicious as her felt refreshed again.

thatgirldivine · วัยรุ่น
2 Chs

she's not human

"what is she?" venom asked from behind an answer as black veins crawled endlessly on his neck and hands.

Christian was calm as ever and stood up still staring at her. something weird in him was screaming to not let her go.

But how?

she's the only key to their survival

can he betray his pride?

"Let her alone venom" he spoke softly.

he was the most feared having both the ability of a demon and angel.

Venom growled and dragged Christian on the neck fuming.

His dark brown eye soon turned black and fangs elongated sharply from his mouth, bringing out the hidden beast in him.

"Maybe this time, sucking you would give me four months unthirst "

he chuckled sinisterly.

"You don't want to do that" Christian threatened, but venom beastly nature was capable at the moment of any challenge.

the blood vessels under his skin bulged.

He was thirsty.

he leaned closer to Christian's ear "if this continues, I will have no choice but to bite your throat and suck your blood. " he said lowly.

"she's human venom, and not your sucker" Christian lied and venom released the grip on his neck.

his eye turning green and fangs retracting, making him more human than animal.

He walked slowly out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Christian released a sigh and turn to face her again.

Where is she coming from?

Is she a threat?

so many questions roamed his mind.

This Academy was hidden in the farthest region from the city.

The doctors in the city noticing any unusual thing in your body or looks send you to this academy without hesitation.

Because the vamps in Lesno couldn't control their blood thirst, most of them come to Eden city looking all peaceful and gorgeous but sucks and bite a human.

Not only humans, but beasts also feed on demons, demons on witches and witches on bloody souls.

Humans have always found a way to eliminate every soul in that academy but have failed at every trial.

But they came out with a plan and invented a drug called Tampax to keep the vampire at bay until he dies.

Now it only takes a few hours for the effects of the drug to kick in, rendering the vampire immobile and vulnerable.

But that didn't seem to deter the vamps from attacking humans if they want.

And they haven't given up yet.

but the vamps are not aware of this drug but have noticed some members missing.

What could it be?

Christian's phone beeped and his thought was distracted "Come over to the lab right now" the voice yelled and it sounded like an emergency.

"I'm on my way" he stood up and walked to the door, taking a glance at the peaceful creature before closing the door behind him.

The academy has three undefilable rules :

One: No falling in love or having sexual interactions with anyone. This was because if two contracting were combined, it could give a new breed which could be dangerous except for humans.

Two: Sharing a soul or meal with your fellows. They all need strength as no one is to be trusted.

Three: Do not trust humans and don't leave the walls at noon.

These rules guarded the academy as any violators suffered eternal suffering.

Christian hit the elevator button to the tenth floor and entered the lab.

He got in and saw what made him gasp for the first time.