
Soulbound: The Rise of the Demon King.

Dion finds himself being transported to hell in an unfortunate turn of events. Having to survive from the harsh conditions and near death situations, he slowly discovers his true self as he slowly conquerors hell and becomes its king.

WEEKEE · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

chapter-7-The spear

Dion tried the movements as Herman showed, but it just didnt work it came across, as just some random swinging, it didnt have any harmony as Herman's movement.

"Your too stiff, use your legs and whole body as leverage for the spear."

After trying what Herman said it went a lot better but still needed perfection.

"Good that looks decent at least, I'll have to go do some work so just do the movement so many times until you've perfected it, after that you can come to me again."

'Damn, I'll have to train for days for my body to adapt to the spear.'

Dion nodded and continued to train.

"Good work, I'll leave now."

Dion's training went on the first day was truly demanding, as his whole body was hurting after training, but he learnt much, as his technique improved by leaps and bounds, as they say no pain no gain. 

Dion went on to train the technique on the second day, but still visited the library that same day to read about spear arts. That's when learned that he was doing it all wrong. 

While doing the technique he always tries to follow the spears tip, but not the spear itself. After learning that, Dion's technique started to look more complete and harmonious.

After training a couple more days Dion asked Herman to come to the training grounds to show his technique.

"Well show me what you've learned."

After Herman gave Dion permission to start, he did his technique the best way he could. 

"It looks good, no big mistakes or imperfections."

Dion nodded at Herman's approval.

"As it looks like that you have the basics down, I'm going to teach you another technique, as it is also one of the important ones."

He manifested his spear again and showed Dion a truly powerful downward swing. It packed the strength to cut down trees in one swing, he didnt even bestow it with mana.

"This is just a basic swing, but it packs a lot of strength, so its a really important move for a spears man."

Dion was confused.

'from where did he get that strength without even using mana?'

Dion looked confused at Herman as Herman noticed Dion's confused face he said.

"You are confused as to where I got all that strength from, right?"

"Yeah, I mean you didnt even use any mana."

"Well it's not that hard. As you swing it down, you pull it toward yourself a bit, so it gains a lot more speed."

As Dion thought about it, it actually made sense. When it swings downward, and you pull it a bit, it will go faster because the spear wants to conserve the energy it has so it will to go faster.

"Oh, it actually makes sense."

Dion took his spear and tried it. 

As he swung his spear at full length with all his strength, and then pulled it the spear went with full force into the stone floor cutting a small crevasse a couple centimetres deep.

Dion was surprised as he didnt expect it to cut the floor without mana.

Herman was a bit shocked, he knew Dion was a rare genius, but mastering a technique on the first try was something different.

"Looks like I'll have to teach you another technique, but first try to control the strength of the swing."

Dion tried a couple of times and got the hang of it. You just have to push the spear out a bit if you want it to go slower. 

"Now try to change the trajectory while swinging down."

Dion tried it a bit, but the spear just went straight down because of the speed and strength used for it. 

"It just doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong?"

"No, not really. Because when using the downward swing you usually just go with the direction you choose at the beginning. So when you want to change the direction you have to spin it around your back once and bend it into the direction you want it to go, as when using the downward swing you don't want to stop the spear with your strength, as it would be really taxing. So you just go with the flow and spin the spear around to conserve the energy."

Herman showed Dion what he meant by showing an example.

He swung the spear down with full force, but instead of trying to stop its momentum he just span it around, and did various swings.

"You can also use mana to speed up the spear."

Then he started using mana as you could start to feel the wind it was forming by spinning it so fast.

"Train the downward swing as you try to use the flow, and integrate the other two principles."

As Herman was leaving, Dion quickly bowed and thanked him.

"Sir Herman, thank you."

"No problem."

Then Herman walked away, and left Dion to train.

Dion took the spear into his hands and started to train. He swung and swung till the sun started setting. His flow was starting to form which made his swings much more formidable. 

He put the spear away, and started heading home.

He arrived before his house and saw that the lights were on. He opened the door, and saw his mother in the kitchen.

"Food is going to be ready in a moment so go clean yourself before coming to eat."

Dion went to shower, and change his clothes as his father came home. He was in his usual knights armour that he wears while working. It had the emblem of the kingdom on it a rose.

"Honey, foods going to be ready soon."

He said.

"Ok, I'll go change real quick."

As he kissed her on the cheeks.

Dion helped his mother prepare the table, and waited for the food as his father also came and sat down.

Dion's mother brought a big pot of chicken soup, and poured big portions into the bowls of Dion and Franz.

After having finished eating Dion's mother and Father looked at each other and nodded.

Then his father said.

"Dion. We have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

Asked Dion happily, but when he saw their serious expressions he got a little serious too.

But then his father said in the most happy and eager voice.

"Your mother is pregnant, and were expecting a daughter."

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