
Soul Of The Phychic Duelist

In which a Yu-gi-oh player wakes up into DM Also, her new mother is a duel spirit. Wait, what?

Lucia_Leibovich · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 2

Yugi, Anzu and Sugoroku Mutou were in the first row seats for the tournament, excited to see how Jounichi would perform in the tournament.

Then, finally, the presenter spoke.

"Welcome everyone, to the quarter finals of this brand new National Duel Monster Tournament! Who will win the grand prize of 3,000,000 yen? You'll find out today!"

Then, the lights all pointed to one entrance.

"First we got Katsuya Jonouchi!" The presenter said as the blonde japanese teen appeared, raising his arms to greet the public.

'You can do it, Jonouichi!' anzu shouted excitedly

"And surprisingly, we have a foreigner here! Everyone, welcome Torres Lucia!" The presenter said as the lights went to point at a girl.

Unlike Jonouichi, the girl did not look at the audience and only approached the judge.

"Uh? What's a foreigner doing in a Japanese national Duel Monsters tournament?" Anzu asked, confused.

"It's not the first time it happens, Anzu, but it is something very rare to see, most foreigners play national tournaments from their countries of origin" Sugoroku explained

Meanwhile, Yugi watched the girl intently, and couldn't help but feel that there was something off with her, mostly with her attitude.


'Shit shit shit' was the only thing on my mind as I stood in front of Jonouichi, shuffling his deck while he shuffled mine.

As the judge said the rules, which were basically duelist kingdom ones except for the field bonus, Jonouichi looked at me with determination, while I still was nervous.

This guy was a main character, he could defeat me with some bullshit card.

But then, it hit me.

Didn't Jonouchi in the Japanese version participate in a tournament before duelist kingdom to gain a prize money, but lost, so he went with yugi?!

'La cocha de la lora, now I really need to beat him!' I thought in annoyance.

Then, jonouchi gave me back my deck, so i returned his too, before we shook hands.

Then, we ran towards the duel arena.

As I stepped onto the blue platform, I couldn't help but feel nervous, since there were lots of people watching us.

Torres Lucia: 2000 LP

Katsuya Jonouichi: 2000 LP

"I-I'll go first, draw," I announced nervously before my opponent could speak, and I drew, then checked my hand.

Big Eye, Last Will, Magic jammer, Witch Of The Dark Forest, Waboku and armed ninja.

'The best thing would be to defend with big eye to see what to draw next depending on what Jonouichi has on the field' I thought, and decided, I said "I set a monster and two cards in the spell and traps zone!"

Then, three facedown cards appeared on my side of the field.

"I end my turn" i added

Jonouichi looked smug, and said "Hiding won't do you any good, I draw!"

After he drew, Jonouchi...didn't say or do anything except look at his hand for about 20 seconds.

'Oh my god, is he having a flashback or something?!' I thought with annoyance

Finally, he looked at me in a smug manner, and said "I summon M-Warrior #1 in attack position!"

Then, a warrior with a gentleman's suit, blue skin, shirtless and muscular appeared on the field.

M-Warrior #1 (1000 Atk/500 Def/Level 3/Earth/Warrior)

"And then I activate Legendary Sword! Since it is a warrior monster, its attack and defense are increased by 300 points!" Jonouichi explained how he equipped the spell card, and the monster got stronger.

M-Warrior #1 (1300 Atk/800 Def/Level 3/Earth/Warrior)

"M-Warrior #1 attacks your face-down monster!" Jonouichi declared dramatically.

Then, the warrior monster ran towards the phaco-down monster and slashed it with it's sword, revealing a red monster with many eyes.

Big Eye (1200 Atk/1000 Def/Level 4/Dark/Fiend/Effect)

As my monster was destroyed, Jonouichi looked over at me, expecting me to be impressed.

"Since my monster was flipped face up, its effect activates, allowing me to see the top five cards of my deck and put them in any order I want-" I started, but Jonouichi interrupted me with a big "WHAT?!"

I just gave him an annoyed look, and proceeded to see the top give cards in my deck.

'Megamorph, D.D Warrior ,Pot Of Greed, Fissure and Block defense' I thought, before putting pot of greed at the top of the deck, then Megamorph, D.D Warrior, Fissure and Stop Defense

Jonouichi cursed, and said "I end my turn!"

I nodded, and after saying "I draw", I immediately activated the card I drew.

"I activate the legendary Pot Of Greed! Now I can draw two cards from my deck!" I declared as I did exactly that.

Looking at the cards I drew, I then said "I summon Witch of the Black Forest in defense position!" while putting a face-up defense position monster

Then, a witch in black robes, purple hair, three eyes and what appear to be mini wings on the side of her head appeared on my side of the field.

Witch Of The Black Forest (1100 Atk/1200 Def/Level 4/Dark/Spellcaster/Effect)

"My turn is over!" I said

Jonouichi looked smug again, and said "What? Defending again? You'll never defeat me like that!"

Then, he drew, and shouted while pointing at my witch "M-Warrior #1 attacks your witch!"

Then, the warrior monster slashed my witch, destroying her in the process.

"Since my witch was sent from the field to the graveyard, its effect activates, allowing me to add a monster with 1500 or less defense points!" I explained, checking my deck until I found Dark Elf, and showed her to both the judge and jonouichi, to show I wasn't cheating, before shuffling my deck.

"T-Two thousand attack points!" Jonouichi said in shock.

While I didn't say anything, the blonde boy cursed again, and said "End turn!"

I just nodded, and after drawing a card, and seeing that it was Cyber-Stein, I ignored it and said "I summon Dark Elf in attack mode!"

Then, an elf who looked exactly like Mystical Elf, except with brown skin, purple hair, and turquoise robes appeared on my side of the field.

Dark Elf (2000 Atk/800 Def/Level 4/Dark/Spellcaster/Effect)


"Oh no, she now has a monster with two thousand attack points, she's going to destroy Jonouich!" Anzu said worriedly.

"Don't worry Anzu, I know that card, it will have a high attack for such a low level, but that is its weakness" Yugi declared.

"Uh?" Anzu said confused.

"That monster has the effect that the player must pay 1000 life points to declare an attack with it" The young mutou explained.

While Anzu sighed in relief, Sugoroku instead said "She was playing carefully the entire duel, not putting a single monster on attack position if she couldn't attack or didn't overcome Jonouichi's attack."

"Uh?" This time, they both looked confused at what Sugoroku said.

"What I mean is that just attacking with that negative side seems out of place with how she played the whole duel" Sugoroku explained

Then, their attention is drawn to the girl when she suddenly spoke.

"I activate the equip spell Megamorph and equip it to my Dark Elf!" said the girl with glasses and brown hair.

So then the monster attack... stayed the same?

Everyone in the public looked confused, along with jonouichi.

"Uh? What's the point of equipping that card if it's not going to give you an attack boost?" Jonouichi said, confused.

"Oh, but it will" said the girl.

Before Jonouchi could ask what she meant by that, she shouted "Battle! Dark elf, attack with dark orb!"

Obeying her, the monster was about to attack.

But then, the girl's life points got cut in half!

Torres Lucia: 1000 LP

Katsuya Jonouichi: 2000 LP

Not only that, but the attack of her Dark Elf got doubled!

Dark Elf (4000 Atk/800 Def/Level 4/Dark/Spellcaster/Effect)

As the audience gasped, poor Jonouchi could only watch in shock as his monster and his life points were destroyed in a OTK.

Torres Lucia: 1000 LP

Katsuya Jonouichi: 0 LP


I sighed with relief to see that the duel was over.

'Man, that was….weirdly easy, I thought Jonouichi would give a better duel' I couldn't help but think.

My thoughts got interrupted with the sudden cheers from the public.

Then, as I was going down the platform, I could hear footsteps, and turned around to see Jonouichi.

He extended his hand to me, and said, "Man, you were incredible there!"

"Oh, uh, thanks," I said, shaking his hand.

"You better win the tournament, because if you don't you'll make me look bad!" Jonouichi said playfully.

I couldn't help but laugh a little, and said "Don't worry, I plan to win it"

Unknown to me, there was someone watching me.


Finally, after two boring and easy wins, I stood in front of the public as they cheered for me.

Then, the presenter approached me and gave me the 3,000,000 yen check.

"And just like that, Torres Lucia wins the grand prize of 3,000,000 yen, along with a big surprise!" The announcer said

I raised an eyebrow at that last part, but my eyes widened considerably at the sight of a man in a suit and tie, along with black glasses and a briefcase in hand.

The man opened the briefcase, and from there, I saw a glove with two starchips.

"An invitation to the new tournament from the game's creator, Pegasus J Crawford!" the presenter announced to the public

That snapped me out of my shock, and I quickly said "Thank you" as I grabbed both things.


After cashing the check for what it was worth, I was resting in a hotel.

Apparently I was still eighteen, like my document said.

I looked at my invitation to duelist kingdom, which apparently was by boat, and it was in a week.

Then, it hit me.

Yugi's grandfather's soul, how Pegasus was going to try to take Kaiba corp, and more importantly, the kidnapping of Mokuba, everything was going to happen now.

I felt like I couldn't breathe, until tears came out of my eyes.

After all, this was no longer an anime I enjoyed.

Yes, this was real, and I knew this was going to happen to innocent people.

I wiped my tears and looked at the window.

"I'm not going to let that fucker of Pegasus imprison Mokuba's soul," I muttered determinedly.

Finally, I grabbed a card from my deck, and closed my eyes.

I opened them to see Cosmo Queen in front of me.

"Queen, we need to talk."