
Soul Of The Phychic Duelist

In which a Yu-gi-oh player wakes up into DM Also, her new mother is a duel spirit. Wait, what?

Lucia_Leibovich · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 1

In the duel monster spirit world, more specifically, in a floating island,the last warrior from another planet was guarding the entrance to the castle of his majesty, Cosmo Queen.

He was trying(and falling) to keep himself awake, when he suddenly heard something falling to the ground.

That woke him up, and prepared his mechanical arm in case it was the fiends trying to attack the castle again.

But when he approached the figure, he was surprised to see a human with long brown hair tied in two low pigtails, glasses, a female figure and what seemed to be a bag.

He could heard her breathe, and seemed unconscious, but he was still on guard.

Putting a hand in her chest, he looked to see if her soul was of good intentions.

But he was surprised by not only the sheer power of it, but by how familiar it felt.

Then, his eyes widened in shock.

Quickly, he grabbed the human with delicacy, fearing to hurt her, along with her bag, and took her inside the castle.

He didn't care that everyone was watching him, he needed to tell the queen that she was back.

Finally, he opened the throne room.

"Your majesty, it's an emergency!"  The alien warrior shouted

Sighing, the queen replied, not looking away from her book "If it's the fiends again, don't worry, I'll take care of them-"

"Princess Irene's soul it's inside this human!" The warrior interrupted her

This shut her up, and looking up slowly, she stood up in her tall glory.

The alien couldn't help but swallow when he saw her approaching him.

In front of him, she pulled the human out of his arms, and placed a hand on her chest.

There was silence, and the warrior thought he had screwed up, when he noticed his majesty's face.

There were tears running down her eyes.

"It's her" the queen murmured.


I slowly opened my eyes, before closing them again at the light.

I opened them, this time more slowly, and I could feel myself freezing.

This wasn't my room.

"¿¡Qué mierda-?!" I shouted in shock as I tried to get up off the (really comfortable) bed.

I saw my bag on the nightstand, and grabbed it.

Suddenly, the door opened to reveal a nurse.....with wings?

"Oh! you're awake-!"  was the only thing the woman could say.

"Uh, am I hallucinating or do you have wings on your back?"  I interrupted

"Uh? Oh, that, uh-" the girl started, before I realized something.

"Are you cosplaying as injection fairy lily?"  I asked

"Cosplay? What is that?"  the girl asked, confused.

I looked at her in disbelief, and quickly said "Oh my god, over there!"

The girl turns towards the door, but seeing nothing she turned to look at me-

Only for me to push her with my body, my arm busy with my bag, and running away from the exit.

I heard a "Hey!", but I was more busy looking for an exit.

I looked behind me to see if i was being followed, just to stamp against something hard.

Grunting, annoyed and in the ground, i raised my head-

Just to see her.

"C-Cosmo Queen?!" I cried out in shock

The woman, who looked a lot like the real spellcaster monster, looked at me.

"I see you're awake," the queen smiled.

"First injection fairy lily and now cosmo queen, what is this, a Yu-gi-oh cult?!"  i asked frustrated

Raising an eyebrow, the queen asked "Yu-gi-oh? as in king of games in Japanese?"

"Duh, you know, the manga the card game is based on," I said as if it were obvious.

"I know about the duel monster game that a certain Pegasus J. Crawford created, but I never heard of this Yu-gi-oh before" the woman said, confused.

"Okay, can we throw out the act? You're scaring me" I asked nervously.

"Which act?"  said the woman

Frustrated, I yelled while standing up, "The act of not knowing anything about the game when you're dressed up as cosmo queen! Seriously, it's annoying."

The woman seemed annoyed for a second, but her eyes widened, and sighed.

"You're going to want to sit down for this," the woman declared.

Nervously, I sat on the floor while she sat down too.

And so, she told me a whole story about how my soul was that of her adopted daughter, which was extremely powerful, and that she sent it to another dimension so that Dartz (yes, the character from that filler arc) could steal it to give it to the Orichalchos god.

Of course, I was with a 'Do I look stupid to you?' face.

"Look, what's your name?" The queen asked me

"Lucia Torres, why?"  I asked with suspicion in my voice.

 "Allright, Lucia, I know you don't believe me, but I can show you that this is real," the woman said before grabbing me.

Before I could protest, I was in her arms, and levitating, we climbed out the window.

I could only stare in shock at the sight below.

Extraordinary creatures, from dragons, animals and more taken from the yugioh card game!

I looked up just to see the castle on a floating island.

When we returned to the castle, I was silent.

Before the queen could ask me if I was okay, I started crying.

"W-Why did this have to happen?! Mom, dad, my brothers, my friends, hell, my world, they're gone!" I sobbed and shouted at the same time

Suddenly, I could feel someone hugging me, and I saw how Cosmo Queen looked at me with sweetness and kindness, but without saying anything.

And so, I kept crying until my eyes became red.

After what felt like hours, i finally calmed down.

Sighing, I asked seriously "You were the one who brought me here, right?"

Just as seriously and somewhat sincerely, she said "No, my guard found you outside the castle, I have no idea how you got here."

I didn't know how, but I could feel from the depths of my being that she wasn't lying.

That's when I remembered the history she told me.

"Maybe this is a message that my soul must be here, in this reality" i mused

The duel monster spirit looked at me, and asked, now seriously "What do you want to do now, Lucia?"

I stayed silent, and asked "What year is this?"

Confused, she replied "it's the year one thousand nine hundred ninety-six."

"I see" was all I said, before adding "I hope this doesn't bother you, but I would like to live on earth, more specifically, domino city, japan."

The queen shook her head "It's completely understandable, but you can't go alone, I'll accompany you."

In shock, I said "No need, seriously, you have a kingdom to rule-!"

"It is not safe for you to go alone, there may be people out there who want your power for evil," the queen stated firmilly.

I looked at her, and seeing how seriously she was speaking, I opened my bag and looked at one of the cards I had with me, dimensionhole.

I sighed, and decided, the next words left my mouth.

"You said that my soul was powerful, right?" I asked

When she nodded, I just knew what I had to do.

"Let's go outside then, i need to test something" I asked kindly.


Now in one of the forests under the castle, me and Queen were walking in it until we found a place where no other spirit lived.

It was very quiet during the walk, as I was more concentrated in looking to see if my cell phone worked.

And while apparently it didn't lose battery or needed wifi to work, I couldn't call or communicate to anyone from my world.

I couldn't help but feel frustrated about it.

Finally, we found a place inhabited in the forest.

"I hope this works," I murmured before closing my eyes, raising the hand that had the card.

Suddenly, the card glowed, and when I opened my eyes, I could see a portal that opened to an alley, just like the one in the card art.

I couldn't help but gasp, while the Queen had a big smile on her face.

"I knew you could do it, Lucia" the woman said proudly.

I couldn't help but blush, but shook my head, and said "So I'm a psychic duelist, huh?"

I looked at the portal, and from there I turned to the duel spirit monster

"Well, I have to go, if I need anything from you I'll just summon you with your card, okay?"

When she nodded, I sighed, and took a step toward the portal.

"Wait!"  The Queen yelled, and when I turned around, I could see her approaching me.

I was confused when she started muttering something, and more when she gave me a kiss on my forehead.

Suddenly, Japanese words appeared in my mind, and I felt like I could comprehend them!

"I gave you a translation spell, now you can speak Japanese perfectly, as well as write" The queen clarified.

I gave her a hug and said "Thank you!" before running towards the portal.


As I walked through the streets of Domino City, I couldn't help but feel like something was missing.

And when my stomach started growling, I realized I didn't have any money.

"Puta madre!"  I mumbled in annoyance.

But suddenly, when I looked up, I could see an advertisement for a tournament today, with the winner gaining 3,000,000 yen! 

I looked at the cards I had in my bag, my document and the pamphlet, and a look of determination crossed my eyes.

I knew what I had to do now.

I read the pamphlet, memorized the registration place, and ran away.


After exiting a store that sold duel monster cards(weirdly enough they even had literal cards separated in the counter) to see what cards were in this time period, I sat on a bench in a park close to the place the registracion of the tournament was going to take place.

Basically, the deck i made for this tournament had lots of things:

Burn damage(tremendous fire,princess of tsurugi, canon soldier, just desserts)

Monster destruction(man eater bug, raigeki, dark hole,fissure,horn of heaven)

Spell/trap destruction or negate(solemn judgment,MST,dust tornado,magic jammer, harpie's feather duster,trap master and armed ninja)

Beasticks(Cosmo Queen, two three-horned dragons, and dark elf, who i combine with megamorph so i have a 4000 beastick in one attack)

Spell/trap recovery(magician of faith and mask of darkness)

Searchers(sangan, witch of the dark forest,last will)

Draw power(The legendary pot of greed and graceful charity, along with skelengel)

And finally, the cyber-stein/last warrior from another planet/light of intervention combo.

The reason I could pull it off with only two thousand attack points is easy, cyber-stein never appeared in the anime, so I didn't know it had its effect changed in this world.

Until I saw that its cost, instead of 5000 lp, was half of your life points.

While looking through the cards, I could see that they had changed.

Instead of yu-gi-oh or konami in them, they had the industrial illusion logo, and the name of Kazuki Takahashi was instead of Pegasus C. Crawford.

Finally,with my deck ready, I walked to the registration place.

Walking inside,I looked until I found a desk and a person in a computer, so I walked over there.

"Excuse me," I said, and when the man looked up, I continued with, "I wanted to ask if there was any place available to participate in the tournament."

The man started typing on the computer, and replied "You're lucky, one of the participants got sick and left, please give me your ID and deck."

I nodded, and took out my deck and ID, giving them to the man.

He revised everything, and nodding, he gave them back to me and said "Here you go, you're in, go to the room where the other duelist are waiting, the tournament starts in an hour"

"Thank you very much" was the only thing I said before walking to the waiting room.

Then, when I got inside the room, I could see lots of duelists, most of them were looking at their decks.

I decided to sit down on the floor,  and opening my backpack, I took out my headphones, plugging them in my phone.

So, after a while of listening to System of a Down at a volume low enough to be able to hear if someone was calling me, my name was announced for the first duel.

As i stand up, however, my body froze in place when i heard my oponnent's name.

Katsuya Jonouichi.