
Soul of darkness

The underage child experienced a traumatic event when he witnessed his father killing his mother and was forcibly made by his father to shoot his sister. On the same day, he also killed his father, who was responsible for the death of his mother and sister. As a result of this incident, he spent a long time in prison, but due to a series of events that occurred in prison, he managed to escape. Upon escaping, he immediately went to the cliff he always visited and, in search of freedom, committed suicide. However, due to his strong and noble soul, he was reincarnated and tasked with continuing the legacy of the dark god. A dark yet sweet future awaited him.

emirhan · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Happiness in the Darkness

Teyat was screaming in pain on the ground.

The police, ignoring this, suddenly flipped Teyat over and handcuffed him.

They lifted Teyat and took him to the police car.

Teyat was limping in pain, but the police didn't care.

Because they had already labeled him a murderer.

The reason for this was that after Teyat left the cabin, the police had entered the burning cabin and seen the bodies inside.

They labeled him a murderer because they found the iron rod that killed his father and the gun that shot his sister. They had found his fingerprints.

The reason the police had come was that they had heard gunshots and were searching for two kidnapped girls.

In a way, the police had killed two birds with one stone.

The police shoved Teyat into the car.

As Teyat writhed in pain, he finally realized what had happened.

A faint smirk appeared on his face.

Teyat grasped the situation.

'Seriously... I am the unfortunate slave of fate.'"

After a long journey, Teyat arrived at the police station.

As soon as he arrived, there were journalists, reporters, and a crowd of people at the door.

As Teyat stepped out, he looked at the crowd with pain due to the wound on his leg, while they looked at him with hatred.

Teyat was surprised, but inwardly, he was mocking them.

"Huh? Now I have to deal with these idiots."

Two police officers suddenly grabbed Teyat and quickly took him inside.

Suddenly, the reporters and journalists started speaking all at once.

"Did you brutally murder your family?"

"Is what they say true?"

"Why did you kill your family? Didn't you feel any guilt when you murdered your sister?"

Teyat always hated prejudiced people. They talked a lot and said nothing without knowing the truth, and when they finally learned it, they never admitted they were wrong.

In short, Teyat hated foolish people. But he used foolish people for his own benefit, including those who were compassionate.

Whether it was his appearance or his sincere and charming speech, they always fell for Teyat's act.

Teyat never felt uncomfortable about this because if the people he deceived were smart, they would know that compassion and appearance were irrelevant. In this dull and absurd thing called life, judging by compassion and appearance was beyond ridiculous to Teyat.

People would eat food but disregard the world that created the ingredients, polluting it. To cover up their flaws, they would make excuses and act hypocritically. People had eyes but couldn't see the real world; they had ears but didn't want to hear the truth. They took the easy way out, hiding behind God, a being they didn't even know. Teyat saw humanity as a virus clinging to and harming the world like bacteria.

Before passing through the door, Teyat looked back at the group asking questions with a mocking smile.

"Well, I'm human too. My hobbies are a bit more important than people."

Hearing this, the group cursed and booed Teyat in anger.

The police officers, hearing this, beat Teyat savagely inside the station.

Teyat's face was covered in blood, and his clothes were stained red. The expression on Teyat's face was that of someone who had given up on everything.

He was smiling...

Teyat was taken in for questioning, and the only thing he said during the interrogation was

"I killed them all."

After a while, a court decision was made to send Teyat to prison.

After the journey to prison, the place Teyat called prison was a place made up of solitary cells.

Teyat was happy to be placed in a solitary cell.

"At least I'll die alone in a single cell."

He chuckled. The officials took Teyat and led him to his cell.

The cell Teyat entered had only a small window, and the rest of the cell was surrounded by darkness. There was a blanket on the floor and a dirty pillow.

Teyat was delighted. He was happy to be in a cell filled with darkness.

At that moment, the official spoke harshly.

"You'll go to the toilet once a day, eat once a day, and go to the courtyard once a year. You'll rot here for the rest of your life, you murderer."

Teyat gave a sincere smile.

"Thank you"

Suddenly, the official became angry.

"I'm sure you tricked the people you killed with that smile. Rot here, you scum."

Suddenly, the door of the cell was slammed shut; it was a typical cell door.

Instead of going to the lighted area, Teyat took the pillow and blanket and went to the darkest corner.

Teyat smiled.

He was at peace... He was at peace because he was in the dark, in his own space.