
Soul of darkness

The underage child experienced a traumatic event when he witnessed his father killing his mother and was forcibly made by his father to shoot his sister. On the same day, he also killed his father, who was responsible for the death of his mother and sister. As a result of this incident, he spent a long time in prison, but due to a series of events that occurred in prison, he managed to escape. Upon escaping, he immediately went to the cliff he always visited and, in search of freedom, committed suicide. However, due to his strong and noble soul, he was reincarnated and tasked with continuing the legacy of the dark god. A dark yet sweet future awaited him.

emirhan · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Friendly monster

Teyat appeared behind the scruffy-bearded bandit using the "Aura of Darkness."

Teyat summoned a small sword from the darkness by using the "Massacre of Darkness."

The sword was small and engulfed in dark flames.

Suddenly, the sword created from the darkness pierced the bearded bandit's throat.

With the sword's entry, the bandit released the child he was holding and fell to the ground in agony.

Teyat looked down at the bandit writhing on the ground with disdain.

"Die, you filthy monster."

Suddenly, the other bandits took up a defensive stance.

They were horrified by what they saw because they were looking at a terrifying creature covered in dark flames, with a thin red flame emerging from its eyes, and part of its hands blazing with red flames.

One of them stammered in fear.

"Who the hell are you, you lunatic? Are you so eager to die that you challenge us, don't you know who-"

Teyat cut him off abruptly.

"Shut up, don't waste your last breaths with nonsense."

Hearing this, one of the bandits shouted in anger, and strange symbols written in orange appeared in his hand. Suddenly, flames began to burn from the orange symbols.

Suddenly, three fire arrows, sharp and resembling arrows, emerged from the runes written on his hand and were quickly hurled at Teyat.

Teyat stood still.

As the fire arrows were about to impale Teyat, he suddenly appeared in front of the bandit who had fired them.

The bandit saw the creature in front of him, and before he could even react, a dark flame-formed arrow pierced his throat.

He didn't even have time to be surprised.

The moment Teyat appeared before him, he had already intended to create a dark flame-encased arrow from the darkness behind him and impale the bandit—and he succeeded.

The bandits, who witnessed their companion being killed by the creature, launched an attack.

But the creature engulfed in dark flames, who was just in front of them, suddenly appeared in the darkness in the middle of the cave.

Teyat was waiting in the darkness for the bandits to attack, as he planned to create arrows and swords from the darkness to kill them.

The reason Teyat could manipulate the "Massacre of Darkness" technique so well from its initial stage was because he was the one who created this technique.

His face, once covered in dark flames, suddenly reverted to its original state, and he smirked at the bandits who were staring at him in fear.

"Come on, come on, aren't you going to avenge your friend? How pathetic."

Suddenly, one of the bandits yelled out in rage.

"You filthy bastard, you kill the one who feeds you out of selfishness; I'll kill you with my own hands, you scumbag!"

A smile appeared on Teyat's face.

"Alright then, I'm waiting for you."

Suddenly, the bandits charged into the darkness, attacking towards their own deaths..

The grin on Teyat's face was hidden by the dark flames.

Four bandits charged at the creature wrapped in dark flames, waiting in front of them.

Suddenly, Teyat stepped four paces back, into the darkness, and taunted the bandits.

"Four strong bandits, and you can't catch a rookie... how pathetic."

The bandits didn't hesitate for a moment; strange symbols appeared in the hands of two of the bandits.

Both bandits held ordinary swords in their hands.

The four of them attacked the darkness at once.

But the spot they attacked was empty because Teyat had appeared in the shadow at the cave entrance.

A shadow is a type of non-material substance created by darkness.

Therefore, Teyat could use the "Cunning Darkness" technique on the shadows as well.

The dark flames surrounding Teyat, who appeared in the cave's shadow, suddenly vanished, and the thin, red flame burning in his eyes also disappeared.

Teyat chuckled, mocking the bandits.


Suddenly, as the bandits turned around, intending to launch an attack after being taunted by Teyat, dark flame-covered swords shot out of the darkness and impaled the hearts of all four bandits.

The last thing the bandits saw was Teyat smiling sincerely at them.

They all died with their eyes wide open from the sudden attack.

Teyat sighed and turned towards the people who had been silently watching the scene in fear.

The eyes he saw caused a reassuring and sincere smile to form on his face.

"Don't worry, I won't harm you. You're safe now."

The tension on the faces of the group of people suddenly eased.

A woman hesitantly stepped forward.

"A-are you sure? You won't harm us, right? We're safe now, right?"

Just as Teyat was about to speak, he suddenly coughed violently.

Black blood was dripping from his mouth.

Teyat could somewhat understand what this black blood was.

The words of the golden-eyed man in the dark realm came to his mind.

'Guess I used too much power.'

But Teyat didn't understand why the blood was black instead of red.

Teyat wiped the black blood from his mouth with his arm and looked at the people again with a sincere smile.

They were all looking at him with concern.

A girl suddenly approached him cautiously and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"A-are you okay, sir? Blood is coming out of your mouth."

Teyat's face suddenly turned red, and he looked at the girl in surprise.

Because, aside from his sister and mother, no other girl had ever touched Teyat in his life.

Who cares about a penniless, filthy person in a world where money is god?