
Soul Nexus. Volume 1: Before Dawn

Every great adventure has a beginning, although sometimes it’s not a good memory. In an attempt to rescue his friend from her wedding celebration, Shun and his brother Max devise an escape plan to save Lidia, which will defy the fate and could have unexpected consequences. Everyone's lives will be interrupted by the abrupt arrival of an old evil that has come to claim what was promised it. What will await these youths in the face of such a threat?

Jun_Arai · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Episode 14.

"Tick, tock, tick, tock." The hands of the king's pocket watch moved in step in that there was less than five minutes left for them to line up at number XII. Time was beginning to run out so that the "hunters" would reach the castle after a long investigation in the town.

It was logical this would happen. What I did not imagine was that the king would rule the search that way, leaving the punishment in the hands of one of those two fearsome military, which was not good at all. Even though Rask is Shun's instructor, there was no guarantee that the king would forgive him. That's what I get for trusting that idiot. He ends up hurting himself and makes mom nervous.

Both my mother and the queen looked very uneasy, they were both of the few people knew what was going on. They tried to maintain their usual composure and not get upset so as not to reflect their restlessness. The maternal instinct of both was present in their suppressed behavior. Honestly, I never thought I would see that reaction from her majesty. It made me realize that there are many types of mothers, in her case, a very distracted person who emitted a strange, clumsy and quite tenuous affection towards her daughter; Even so, you could see that mother's love, a love that Lidia hadn't noticed, nor had we.

The band finished playing and the dancing stopped. Guests proceeded to applaud to which was the last piece of the night. The huge pendulum clock on the first floor echoed through all the rooms of the palace, announcing twelve o'clock of the new day it started. Officially it was Novembris 11th, the birthday of the princess of Haiza. It was a shame that she was not present (though not for me).

Time was up, not even Sergeant Rask nor Commander Laurens had returned yet. The king closed his watch and stood up from his seat, about to leave the dining room. However, Mom's trembling voice stopped him, begging him to wait a little longer, hoping that Rask, whom she had placed her trust on, would manage to find them. The queen did the same, showing solidarity with mom, since she also appreciates her, and she was also one of the few people who did not dismiss the relationship that Shun and I had with Lidia, something quite strange.

Queen Mireya: 『 W−Why don't you give them a little more time, dear. They probably won't be long. 』

King Van Laar: 『 I already gave them enough time. I can't keep waiting for those kids to keep playing− 』

Young guest: 『 Hide-and-seek? Ho, ho, who would have thought that a princess, at her age, still likes to play those kind of games, don't you think..., Your Highness...? 』

King Van Laar: 『 Sevan Narek. 』

And so, the prince of Tikalt appears on the scene. A lad two years older than us, with strenuous blonde hair and strange reddish-brown eyes which seemed to be those of a vampire due to his pale skin, only missing a pair of fangs on that cocky smile of his. It was unbelievable that he was making an appearance until that moment. I don't know if he had waited on purpose until it was the official time or because he's someone who doesn't know what the word punctuality means.

King Van Laar: 『 How may I help you, young prince? 』

Sevan: 『 Oh, you know, I just wanted to properly congratulate the dear princess for her birthday, but it seems that she is not here... Ha, ha, could it be that she's hiding from me?… Or could it be that…? 』

Sevan seemed to realize there was a problem about Lidia and played with it, as if he were making fun of how stupid the kings and their guards are for not noticing her disappearance and not resolving it immediately. I think he wanted to provoke the king with that; knowing that he was a very cold man and little reactive, he sought to check if it was true and at the same time have fun with it. But in the end he would get nothing, the king didn't even flinch and just answered with his same tone as always: 『 No need to worry about her, she just needed to get some air. She will be back soon to greet you. 』; evading the comments of the presumptuous subject.

Sevan just smiled falsely assimilating he had swallowed those words, making an annoying performance where he was deeply worried like something had happened to the princess. He began to say with a rather questionable tone of veracity that he would do anything to make the princess well, whether he would have to rescue her from a tower guarded by a dragon (an old cliché) or he would have to punish anyone who hurt her, a clear sign that he had a fairly complete idea of the unannounced situation.

But just at that moment, the opening of the door to the great dining room was heard along with the metallic footprints of two soldiers entering the place together with a boy in a waiter suit and a young girl in a fine garnet dress. Mom and the queen turned to see who they were and the expressions on their faces changed. They were Shun and Lidia, they had been found by Sergeant Rask, but I don't know if that was something to celebrate, at least not from my part.

The queen didn't hold back and hugged her daughter immediately, asking her where she had been, since she couldn't find her (yes, she also looked for her, although only inside the palace). Lidia responded with a simple: 『 I'm sorry. 』, without corresponding the show of affection from her mother and with a very tired face and some disappointment for having returned.

For her part, Mom only made a sigh that expelled her concern for Shun, she was grateful to God for seeing that he had returned with Rask and not Commander Laurens. I'm sure she wanted to hug her son the same way, and also give a good blow to the idiot, but she was still maintaining her proper posture as the king's personal servant, so she would have to postpone it, but at least she looked happier and relieved.

Sevan was quick to interrupt the queen in her action, who still had her daughter trapped in her arms, to officially present himself before the princess of Haiza. He took his right hand to his chest and his left hand behind his back. He leaned forward and saluted her.

Sevan: 『 Princess Lidia, I finally meet you. I really wanted to finally see you in person. It's an honor to be able to contemplate your exquisite, unparalleled beauty. 』

Sevan took Lidia's hand and kissed her, as is the custom. However, he had the clear intention of taking advantage of this to taste Lidia's soft skin, taking far too long with the duration of this. Rather it seemed like he was tasting her, almost eating her (Yuck!).

Shun was furious when he saw how the prince's lips didn't leave Lidia's hand. He no doubt wanted to knock Sevan's teeth out with his clenched fist, but he knew that he had to restrain himself when being in the presence of a large number of nobles and the kings, or it would complicate things more. He had no choice but to endure and observe the scene.

Finally, he finished that disgusting gesture and Lidia, also disgusted, secretly wiped her hand covered in saliva on her skirt. Sevan released Lidia and brought his legs together to stand in a firm position, just like a trained military; he turned directly towards to the king and queen and asked to speak to give an important speech.

Sevan: 『 I think now is the right time... Your Majesties, if you allow me, I want to ask for the hand of your daughter and your blessing to marry her... I would be extremely grateful if you accepted my proposal. 』

Hearing those words, Shun quickly reached his limit. He couldn't take it anymore and stood in front of Lidia to push the braggart away and confront him, saying how upset he was with the proposal and without holding anything back.

Shun: 『 Wait, are you serious?! This is the idiot they chose for you?! 』

Lidia: 『 Shun, what are you−?! 』

Shun: 『 This is unbelievable, Lidia! I imagined he'd be quite a snooty guy, but marrying this scum is...! 』

Shun no longer cared if he made a scene or not, he would stop Lidia from marrying Sevan at any cost. Everyone watched the act in which a simple waiter qualified the second highest representative of Tikalt in such a way and in front of the kings; They couldn't believe that such a low-level subordinate would insult a "respectful and fair" person like that. Of course Sevan would not sit idly by in the face of such indignation towards him.

Sevan: 『 Hmph! I see that many things have to be corrected here, starting with removing this dirty commoner who doesn't know his position. 』

Shun: 『 Oh, don't worry. I know my position very well, and it's to prevent hypocrites like you from approaching Lidia! 』

It was obvious that Sevan had a very sanguine temperament, he got carried away very easily on impulse; He probably grew up like a spoiled child who was given everything and when he no longer liked it, he would simply throw it away, repeating the short cycle over and over again. It was quite clear that he would throw a tantrum whenever he didn't have what he wanted at the moment, and he was about to make one.

Upon hearing those words, Sevan unsheathed the sword that he carried on his belt and almost attacked Shun, but Segeant Rask reacted very quickly and squeezed Sevan's arm towards his back to immobilize him. Shun took Lidia as far away from that sharp blade as he could, while the soldier accompanying Rask stepped in front of Shun to hold him down as well before he attacked the prince.

The situation had become very tense all around. The guards present and the Tikalt military guests became uneasy and almost took out their sabers as well. Luckily they stood by, ready to draw at any time someone made the first move. Shun and Sevan insulted each other while they were held.




King Van Laar: 『 ENOUGH! 』

The king became upset and, very seriously, put a firm stop to the fight. We were all surprised to hear that volume of his majesty's voice for the first time. It seemed for a moment things were calming down, the men on guard removed their hand on the hilt of their blades and rested.

The king began to scold both of them for their inappropriate behavior in the middle of the event and in the presence of the guests. Even so, those two continued to look at each other with such hatred and disdain that it was very intimidating. However, the king's anger and of course was even worse, he would let his subordinate know.

King Van Laar: 『 Shun, I've given you too many liberties here in the castle, even let you to get closer to Lidia than allowed. But you have caused too many problems tonight, much more than the ones you have accumulated, and on top of all during an extremely important event... I planned for Sergeant Rask to be the one in charge of your punishment, but now you leave me no choice than to be much stricter..., therefore, I shall be the one to think of what to do with you, understand? 』

Sevan: 『 In that case, allow me to be the executioner of such punishment, your majesty… Let me show him the true qualities of a knight. 』

Shun: 『 You're just an asshole, Asshole! 』

Sevan wanted revenge against Shun. The issue was already completely personal, so he wanted to do things by his own hand. Both were determined to beaten each other. The king looked at them to confirm their desire to do so. Sevan had a machiavellian smile, believing that he could tear his new enemy to pieces soon; On the other hand, Shun seemed very serious and calmer than the prince, with a coldness covered with anger in his eyes that made him look even more frightening than before. That look helped the king decide what to do with the two.

King Van Laar: 『 Well, if that's what you want... 』

Sgt. Rask: 『 Sir...? 』

King Van Laar: 『 Since you clearly intend to hurt each other, I will have you fight in a duel. If it's the only way to end this... so be it. 』