
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

SeigHeart · อื่นๆ
80 Chs


The so-called angular momentum boxing method was actually just a joke made by Chengying. When he first taught Dugu Bo about advanced physics, he obviously couldn't understand it, so Cheng Ying used martial arts to make an analogy.

      For example, if someone punched you, you turned around with his strength to dissolve his strength. The law of angular momentum was applied here, and then Cheng Ying followed the way of Taijiquan in the previous life to Dugu. Bo talked about it, and shamelessly named this boxing method Angular Momentum boxing... It

      was just a joke at the beginning, but he didn't want Dugu Bo to take it seriously, and he also figured out a similar boxing method. This collision, Regardless of whether Dugubo's boxing technique is effective, he must be seriously injured.

      And he was able to concede defeat at the current level. Even if he conceded now, Tang Chen would be convinced of his ability, but it was obvious that Dugu Bo just wanted to fight for it.

      When Cheng Ying and Ice Emperor rushed out, Dugu Bo's palm also touched the Clear Sky Hammer, and the terrifying force made his arm bones creaked overwhelmedly.

      But he still endured the severe pain, one foot was drawn on the ground like a compass, driving himself to spin like a top, while staggering the front of the Clear Sky Hammer, the next palm of the high-speed spiral hit Tang Chen. Chest.

      The strength that he had just received from the Clear Sky Hammer was all returned to Tang Chen's chest. No one knew the power of Tang Chen's blow better than himself.

      The heavy blow from his chest made him unable to hold the hammer, and the whole person flew backwards, rubbing a gully on the ground.

      Dugu Bo is not much better. The force is mutual. Under the reaction force, he also flew out. Fortunately, he was caught by the shadow in time. Even so, his condition was very poor, his arm was broken, his mouth was broken. Rhinorrhea.

      "Teacher, I won!" Dugu Boqiang insisted, and couldn't hold it anymore and passed out in a coma.

      Cheng Ying looked at Tang Chen, who was still alive and alive while being carried by the ice emperor on the other side. He thought for a while and still didn't plan to tell Dugu Bo the real result of the battle.

      But at this moment, Tang Chen, who was being carried by the Ice Emperor, looked at Dugu Bo and said with respect: "I lost. When Sister Chengbing caught me just now, it dispelled the poisonous gas around me. Otherwise, I just fell. Within the scope of the poisonous gas, he will undoubtedly lose. He is the first person of his age to defeat me."

      Chengying heard this and couldn't help but take a look at Dugu Bo. In order to win, he calculated this point. I want to come to the original book. As the tail of the crane in Title Douluo, he must be very unwilling!

      Chengying was still thinking, but Tang Chen had already broken free of the ice emperor's hand. He prostrated himself in front of Chengying and said to the teacher: "Master, please be respected by the disciple! Master, please teach my brother the last trick!"

      Chengying After receiving Tang Chen's apprenticeship, he lifted him up and said, "What Dugu Bo just used was not the self-created spirit ability I taught him, but he learned from the physics I taught him. and if you are willing to learn, a teacher will teach from this physical. "

      Don looked at the morning staff was wearing a white lab coat Tokgo Bo loaded onto a stretcher, and nodded his head and said:"! Please teach me master "

      by the way here Now, although Chengying doesn't know much medical skills, he still has some common medical knowledge. After hiring some local doctors and training them uniformly, the hospital opened in Tiandou City has become more and more stylish. Most of the people who came to seek medical treatment were wounded by fighting spirits or hunting spirit beasts, and dealing with such not-serious fractures as Dugu Bo can be said to be easy.