
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

SeigHeart · อื่นๆ
80 Chs


Compared to Tang Chen's three months of wind and sun, Chengying's leisurely life in Tiandou City during these three months is really a bit sorry for his reputation as a great sage.

      In addition to occasionally instructing Dugu Bo, I was talking nonsense with Bingdi. After getting along with Chengying for a long time, Bingdi is no longer the original ignorant little Lolita. If you encounter some problems, you can argue with Chengying. sentence.

      It's just that Bingdi's body shape has been maintained at about fourteen years old, which really makes Cheng Ying a little helpless.

      The reason why he has been so sloppy these days is mainly because the technology has fallen into a bottleneck, and the technology of hydraulic machine tools can't come out.

      The hydraulic machine tool that can barely be used is made, but the problem is that the processing accuracy is not as high as that of the craftsman's hand polished. In other words, it is impossible to rely on this machine to produce a machine of the same model but with higher accuracy.

      Generally speaking, this problem can only rely on a little technical accumulation, and Chengying will let the craftsmen toss themselves, and the project on hand is left with the cultivation of hexaploid wheat.

      Chengying only recently discovered that the wheat in Douluo Continent turned out to be tetraploid. It's no wonder that he used all the composting, but the output could not increase. The experience summed up over thousands of years told him, Hexaploid wheat is the most suitable for large-scale cultivation.

      It's just that this thing uses a greenhouse, and it takes a year to produce the first seeds, which makes him idle temporarily.

      On this day, Chengying was introducing the game of billiards he had just made to Bingdi, and suddenly there was a loud call from outside the shop.

      "Dare to ask if this is the residence of the great sage Chengying? Haotianzong, Tang Chen came to       pay a visit!"


Chengying shot the white ball directly into the hole with one shot...

      "You just said that a white ball cannot enter the hole. Is it true?" The Bingdi was still listening to Chengying's rules. Generally, the games that Chengying made were very interesting.

      "Don't worry about the white ball for now! Come downstairs with me, this one has a promising future!" How could Cheng Ying not know that Tang Chen, the strongest Sect Master in the history of the Clear Sky School, became a god at the strongest time. Only one step away, although he is only a teenager now, his potential is absolutely limitless.

      Hyotei crooked head tilt, enlightenment is not happy: "Don Chen is very powerful you can how much???"

      Cheng Ying thought:. "A few decades, you could beat him."

      "On What a joke, humans want to beat me, at least level 99." The Bingdi refused to accept, but still followed, wanting to see this young man who is said to be able to defeat him in the future.

      "His words, I am afraid that in a few decades, I am really going to reach level 99." Cheng Ying said, touching Bingdi's little head: "But you don't need to be unbalanced. Even if he has cultivated to level 99, he will have the most. To live for hundreds of years is far worse than ours." After all

      , Chengying had already taken the lead downstairs and opened the glass door to invite Tang Chen in.

      "Dare to ask your Excellency, does the great sage live here?" Tang Chen asked Chengying politely.

      "Uh... although I don't want to admit it, but the great sage you are looking for is probably me." Chengying is also very speechless. The title of the great sage magician is simply for him The ridicule of Er Bing, but Xue Ye did it too quickly, and when he wanted to change his title, the name of the Great Sage had spread.

      "You are the great sage?" Tang Chen imagined that the great sage should be a kind old man with white beard and hair, or at least a middle-aged man with calm temperament.

      The boy in a white coat who looked not much older than him, completely did not meet his imagination.