
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

SeigHeart · อื่นๆ
80 Chs


  In fact, this  It is to take money from the left hand to the right hand. We give these people money, and these people buy our food with the money in their hands. "

      But I think the wages you pay are rich!" "Tang Chen wondered.

      "Then have you ever thought about who the future belongs to the land cultivated by these people, the crops they planted, the roads they repaired, and even the cities they built?" "The man in blue seems to have seen himself at the beginning, so his tone is also quite kind.

      Tang Chen was taken aback, and then he thought of this question: "You mean..."

      "Yes, they can use their wealthy money. Come to buy crops, houses, and even the land in the city, and after calculating it, we will not only spend a penny in the end, but also make a profit.

      This kind of relief not only has countless lives, but also prospered and governed, so why not do it! And the most important thing is..." Speaking of this, he was so touched that he was in a daze unconsciously.

      "What is the most important thing?" "Tang Chen interrupted his feelings and asked.

      "The most important thing is that this gives the victims dignity and allows them to eat the food in their hands and feel at ease, rather than like a group of beggars, the great sage said. Labor creates wealth. I agree with that. "

      Tang Chen couldn't help but feel touched when he heard this. He has been away from the sect for almost a year, and he has been a heroic

      man , but in the end, no old farmer can understand it. "Young man, I guess you are also a famous sect. You should be literate." Right! If you really want to do something, go to the government affairs office there and temporarily replace an official who manages a thousand people. It is better than doing this. "The man in blue patted Tang Chen on the shoulder and pointed him to the position of the Government Affairs Office.

      Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Tang Chen hurriedly asked: "Uncle, what you said was taught by a great sage? ? "

      Yes, if I hadn't been recruited into the Great Sage's farm at the beginning, I am afraid I will be no different from them now." "

      Tang Chen was even more surprised when he heard this. If these words were spoken from a sophisticated scholar, it would be normal, but if they were spoken clearly and clearly from a former farmer, it would be shocking.

      Especially when the other party is accustomed to it, but he doesn't know that it is this accustomed performance that makes this thing more unusual.

      In the end, Tang Chen went to the government affairs office and personally led more than a thousand people, plowing fields, building roads, building cities and building houses... The

      long hours of work made his skin dark, and the palms of his hands were different from those of holding a hammer. Calluses, neat short hair draped over his shoulders, and his fairly glamorous clothes were replaced with blue work clothes.

      But after three months, Tang Chen felt that everything was worth looking at the strong city he had built with a stone and a basket of sand, the straight and wide roads outside the city, and the endless farmland beside the road.

      After resigning as the temporary official, he made up his mind that he must go to Heaven Dou City to meet the great sage who had created miracles.

      That's right, in everyone's eyes, this is a miracle. After the arrival of the disaster relief troops, the disaster-stricken area was settled again. Not only were few people starved to death, but there was no outbreak of plague. The most incredible thing was that after three months, the famine passed. , The large area north of Jialing Pass turned out to be more prosperous than before the disaster.

      There is nothing more called a miracle!