
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

SeigHeart · อื่นๆ
80 Chs


Chengying looked at the man in front of him helplessly. After more than a year of getting along, he had already known the identity of this man, the future emperor Xueye, and the current prince Xueye.

      Since buying a kerosene lamp from him, Xue Ye has often run to him. Half of his reputation as a great sage comes from the prince.

      "Brother Cheng, don't be unharmed! You are a great sage of Heaven Dou City, and you will certainly not mind the offense of the little prince." Xue Ye was not polite at all, sitting directly at the tea table, making it by herself without any notice. Had tea.

      Bingdi rubbed his eyes and saw this scene from upstairs, and yawned at a discount: "Good morning! The food is here again!" As a soul beast, the Bingdi has no respect for the prince.

      "I'm not here this time for a meal." He just said so, but the tea has already reached his lips.

      "Then you are going to tell me what is going on this time, let me talk about it first, soap, mirror, glycerin, spinning wheel, these are not to be discussed, I will not sell them." Cheng Ying moved a stool. Let Bingdi sit beside him.

      "I wanted to buy it, but it's really not the case today. I came to the Great Sage today for disaster relief. This year, the large areas north of Jialingguan were affected by a severe drought. After the drought, there was a locust plague. No receipt.

      I was very touched by what Brother Cheng said just now, knowing that brother must be a person with the world in mind, this relief work for the victims..."

      "Stop! Stop being poor! Don't run on me." Chengying interrupted After Xueye's beautiful words, he flipped through the desk and said: "Everyone is a resource to me. I naturally cannot watch them eat their children, break their bones and cook."

      Cheng Ying's simple eight This word made Xue Ye look solemn. Cheng Ying only used the common description of the disaster area in his previous life, but Xue Ye thought that Cheng Ying was the most terrifying famine he had experienced, otherwise he would not be able to make such a refined and cruel description.

      "However, let's say yes first. I can help, but the empire has to pay. Relief to the victims is originally an obligation of the state. At most, I will help the empire to advance.

      Take it. This is my plan for the resettlement of the people in the disaster-stricken area. It also includes the methods of planting potatoes, sweet potatoes, and radishes with short maturity cycles. The fastest, it can mature in two and a half months. The requirements are extremely low.

      Take the note I signed, go to the warehouse in my city to pay 10 million soul gold coins, and then go to the warehouse outside of my city to pull away all the potatoes used for brewing this year, tusk! I originally wanted to use distilled alcohol instead of gasoline, but now it's all up to you! "

      Cheng Ying look of mind, will plan and a paper made of special materials pushed to the front of the snowy night, to see the snowy night stupefied.

      " Cheng brother you ... this is long predicted that this year will be Is there a severe drought? "Xueye couldn't help but think otherwise. The plan is too complete. It can't be formulated in a day or two. Together with the omnipotent image of Chengying, it is really enough to bluff.

      "Of course not. I just look at the clouds and estimate that it will not rain tomorrow, but I don't have the ability to predict the El Niño phenomenon. It's just that your agricultural system is inherently fragile, and famines will happen sooner or later, just take precautions. "

      Prepare for the rain..." Xue Ye repeated another idiom he hadn't heard before. He felt reasonable, and Cheng Ying blurted out such thought-provoking phrases. This is also one of the important reasons why Xue Ye thinks he has great wisdom. .

      "Oh! By the way, when you are doing disaster relief, send some of the farmers who care for the plantation outside the city. Your officials may not be able to figure out how to plant my crops.