
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

SeigHeart · อื่นๆ
80 Chs


 "It's not right for you to say that! Doing business is your wish. Since kerosene is better than candles, it is only natural for me to sell my kerosene."

      Although the spirit master abilities on Douluo Continent are strange, they can Speaking of the development of science and technology, it is still at the level of the Middle Ages. The kerosene lamp is also considered magical for the nobles like the night, especially the fact that it can adjust the brightness that makes him very interested.

      "But I am more interested in your kerosene. As for this lamp, you can't make too much

      money ." "This is difficult! The technology of refining kerosene is related to many other more important technologies. If you have I can sell tens of millions of Gold Soul Coins to you, but most people can't spend so much money, and kerosene alone is not worth that much.

      If you only buy the technology of the lamp, I will sell it to you . You can sell it with coins. If you can't make this glass cover, you can outsource it to my glass factory and guarantee that it is 30% lower than the market price." You must know that glass in this era is a work of art. On the other hand, in Chengying, glass can only be regarded as a daily necessities. A low 30% also makes a lot of money...

      "You have to drink all the soup and water!" Even so, Chengying could see the other party's intentions, so he continued:

      "I am a sincere price, we all If you make a profit, the kerosene lamp can only be regarded as an appetizer. Look at the so many things on my counter, you don't have to worry about the chance of cooperation in the future?

      So, if you feel a loss, I will give you a little trick for free. Didn't you say that the candle still needs to be cut? I have a way of not cutting the candle!" He turned his head and greeted: "Bo! Bring a candle for the teacher."

      Dugu said, and went quickly. I brought a candle in the desk. After contacting Chengying for a few days, he really admired himself as a master. Although Chengying said that what he taught him was the most basic thing, Dugu Bo knew very well. The basic things are more important. Whether it is the cell theory or the atomic theory of matter, Dugu Bo has benefited a lot, and he has more respect for Chengying.

      Cheng Ying took the candle and lit it in front of the night, and was surprised to see that as the candle burned, the wick spread out into three parts by itself, and then burned into ashes, just simply rubbing the wick into Three strands can eliminate candlesticks.

      The principle is so simple, but no one can think of it before seeing it in person.

      "You have seen it, it's actually that simple. I call this power of change technology, and the things I sell are new things that can change people's lives." Chengying blew out the candle and raised his head to indicate Take a look at the other products on the counter next to it.

      At this time, Ye also understood that what Chengying was selling was not any product, but the things he named as technology behind these products.

      "I have already received your gift. If I don't buy anymore, I won't be a villain. I will send one hundred thousand gold soul coins as soon as possible. What about the drawings?"

      Cheng Ying heard this and pulled out a piece of paper from the counter. In the standard ruler drawing, three views of each part of the kerosene lamp were drawn in just a few moments, and the scale was marked, so the structure was clear at a glance.

      He didn't worry about the other party's recklessness. The kerosene lamp was just one of the many small things in his mind. Using it to test someone out, Chengying would not feel distressed at all.

      "Your painting method is very interesting. Although it is the first time I have seen it, I can understand it at a glance. But it is much easier to understand than the inexplicable drawings of artisans. Is this also the technology you said?"

      "Forget it! Three views are just The basis of drawing." Thinking of the various homework when he was in the engineering drawing class at the university, he felt unbearable to look back.