
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

SeigHeart · อื่นๆ
80 Chs


You can understand the meaning easily.

      "Then I have to ask the shopkeeper to introduce your pearls." As

      he said, he picked up a small bright silver tin box and opened the lid. He thought it was a rare gem in the box, but didn't want a bunch of flames. Suddenly leaped out of the box, he was startled.

      "As you can see, the lighter is still a useless plaything for the time being, but when the tobacco smoked by the tribes in the south is passed on, it will become useful."

      Ye Ye understands what Chengying means. Such an exquisite lighter must be very valuable. , The poor can't afford it, and the nobles have servants who can't use it for life. The only function is to use it to pretend to be when they go out hunting.

      Putting the lighter back in place, he picked up a small paper box and shook it. There seemed to be a few wooden sticks in it: "What is this again?"

      "It's similar to the previous one. It's also used for ignition. This is called a match." Saying that Chengying took the matchbox to burn, the bright fire light made Ye nodded, if this thing is cheap enough, it is a good thing.

      It's just that Chengying quickly dispelled his thoughts: "This thing is still produced by me by hand. The cost is too high. People don't have a hobby that needs to wipe the fire frequently. At best, it is just a plaything, but this white phosphorous match is a little bit to the point. Nothing else."

      Said Chengying pulled out a match and broke the head of the match off and said: "White phosphorus, a new kind of poison, this [八一中文网www.x81zw.info] is almost the same in my hand. It's a lethal dose."

      Chengying's words made Ye couldn't help taking a step back, and his gaze at the match was no longer a plaything.

      "Don't worry so much. If you accidentally eat it, you may survive gastric lavage and vomiting." Although Chengying said so, Ye still looked solemn.

      It's not that he has never seen a poisonous, but it is also a bloody throat, like this kind of poison that will kill you if you eat such a bit, it really can't make people not afraid.

      "Forget it, if you don't like matches, just look at this." Chengying took out something like a glass water bottle and handed it to Chengying. Below the glass water bottle was a metal jar with a metal gear on it.

      "What is this again?"

      Cheng Ying took off the glass cover, took out a match, lit the wick below, and suddenly a bright light was released from the wick, which was very clear even in daylight, brighter than candles Many.

      "The kerosene lamp, if you think it's too bright, you can turn this gear to adjust it." As Cheng Ying turned the gear two times, the light became like a candle.

      "This is quite interesting. It doesn't need to cut candles, and it is brighter. If you are willing to sell in large quantities, there should be many big families coming to you to buy." Ye seems to be very interested in kerosene lamps: "But what does it burn? You can never light it out of thin air."

      "The kerosene lamp naturally burns kerosene. A barrel of gold soul coin is not expensive! I will sell it! If you want to buy the manufacturing technology of the kerosene lamp, you can also sell it. "Chengying smiled slyly.

      "You know how to do business. The kerosene lamp is a one-shot deal, but kerosene can flow slowly, but a bucket of gold soul coin is not expensive."

      One gold soul coin is probably enough for an ordinary family of three to save money for a month. , But for the big family, it is really nothing. Although kerosene lamps can make money, but they are somewhat insignificant at night, he is very interested in kerosene extraction methods.