

Over a million years have passed since the awakening of Erios, the "Soul Queen"-Goddess Of The Moon who now waits in idle for her next candidate to cleanse humanity. who will take on the responsibility of the soul king & Cleanse the human race by exterminating beings called Tears that aim for chaos & annihilation of the human race. Yet, an even bigger threat lurks in the shadows.

Hondaru · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs


At Midnight I found myself standing in Shiba Park, surrounded by five menacing shadows whose hostility oozed from every pore. A surge of power coursed through me, manifesting as a dark blue flame that erupted from my open palm. Its brilliance cut through the darkness, casting an eerie glow around me.

"This gift has granted me the ability to turn both good and evil into ash," I declared, my voice surprisingly confident, though I couldn't understand where this authority came from.

"I am your savior... I am your king!"

The flames danced and swirled, casting ethereal patterns on the faces of the shadows. My eyes glowed with a mesmerizing shade of blue, reflecting the intensity of the power I now wielded. A power that rivaled that of Gods.

With each step forward, the ground lit up beneath my feet with pulsating blue flames, creating an aura of ominous energy. The air crackled with foreboding as I faced the shadows.

"Disappear!... Disappear!... Disappear!..." My words echoed through the night, each syllable carrying a weight of finality. The flames responded eagerly, engulfing everyone & everything around me in a torrent of blue fire until only ash remained.

"All of you are Sinners!"

"Every last one of you deserves to perish!..." I laughed maniacally while losing control of myself.

Their screams mingled with the crackling of the flames, creating a haunting symphony that reverberated through the empty park. Their suffering brought this new side of me pleasure. But amidst the chaos, my attention was drawn to a figure standing at the edge of the scene – a mysterious girl whose presence seemed ethereal, her features obscured by the flickering flames.

Without warning, the flames reached out towards her, hungry and unchecked. A part of me tried reaching out to help her,

The girl trembled as she tried to shield herself, but the flames devoured her, turning her to ashes.

"What have I done?..." I finally managed to regain my composure and drop at the sight of ashes from someone I had killed.

All that remained left of her was a scorched Ribbon and Tie.

The dream abruptly shifted, plunging me into an abyss of darkness.