
Soul Eater in DxD

An ordinary guy is offered a deal that simply cannot be refused, and he is reborn in another world. But there was one thing in the deal ... The chance to survive and rise is less than a percent. What will the main character do in such conditions? Of course, he would use the power he received. I do not know English, so I just translate the novel in Google translator. I do not own any of the Anime/Manga that I use. Art taken from google.

KainVampir · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
39 Chs

Chapter 27-Becoming a God

So, to begin with, I'll just try to channel the energy of faith into the eye of insight. I don't really need it anymore, so I won't lose much if I fail.

I carefully channeled the energy of faith into the eye of insight, which began to change. I first channeled a hundred thousand, then five hundred, and when the energy channeled into the artifact exceeded a million, I felt the eye of insight change.

When I activated it, I was stunned for a second. I noticed a lot of different lines, flows, and geometric shapes. When I recovered a little, I looked around again and realized that these were energy flows. Moreover, there was a huge amount of different energies in the world, but in my laboratory the most was the energy of darkness, fire and chaos. The energy of chaos was like a mixture of all the others and literally absorbed the energy from the other streams, feeding itself.

Once I was convinced of the success of the experiment, I immediately moved on to the next one. In the same way, I start pumping the energy of faith into the incinerating hymn, slowly changing it. But just to change it, I already needed eight million faith energy. The last thing I did was upgrade the Holy Grail, which I spent 15 million energy on.

Now all my artifacts have changed a lot and become stronger. But most interesting of all, it was as if I had made them a part of me and now understood them completely.

And by the way, how are they displayed in my status now?

Name: Daniel Gaap Darkness

Races: Fallen Angel; Phoenix; Demon; Dragon; God (Absorbed by Gods: 30/100)

Divine Weapons: Sword of Chaos; Eyes of Chaos; Ode to Chaos; Desecrated Grail

Divine aspects: Lightning, Family, Marriage, Oceans, Seas, Earth, Fertility, Home, Truth, Light, War, Hunting, Wisdom, Love, Beauty, Trade, Cunning, Blacksmithing, Craft, Fun, Wine Making, Water, Wind, Clouds, Darkness, Magic, Monsters, Victory, Luck, Rainbow, Fear, Horror, Healing, Dreams, Youth.


Mana: 8 467 450/8 467 450/832 650 per hour

Prana: 9 502 400/9 502 400/475 120 per hour

Mental Energy: 7,484,000 / 7,484,000 / 374,200 per hour

Soul energy: 10,320,000 / 10,320,000 / 5,516,000 per hour

Demonic Energy: 1,159,900 / 1,159,900 / 63,840 per hour

Divine Energy: 58,953,560 / 58,953,560 / 12,990,900 per hour

Elemental Energy: 6,478,900 / 6,478,900 / 4,563,780 per hour

Faith Energy: 147 478 200


Body: 237,560

Mind: 187,100

Soul: 258,000


They were all divine weapons now. But they have both added and added some features. The Eye of Chaos, as I said before, just got stronger. You can say that these eyes can now see everything at all. And now, when activated, my eyes look quite interesting.

The Ode to Chaos, which is a reworked withering hymn, has now lost its function of capturing someone and using their power, which isn't a big problem for me because I didn't use it anyway. But what's really good is that now my flame is burning up reality itself on a conceptual level. The flame itself is red, but sometimes it shimmers black and purple. Also, now the ode of chaos can only be used with the help of soul energy, which is also a plus, because I have a lot of this energy.

Finally, the Desecrated Grail. Now it does not affect the psyche in any way, although it did not affect me much before because of the upgraded mind. It can also animate everyone, just like before, if their soul is not destroyed. He can literally tear out the already reborn soul of a person and put it in a new body. Also, the improvements are now much more significant, but also more painful. It can be said that those who can withstand the pain of this amplification will become very powerful. Well, the cool thing is, as for me, now I just can't be killed if you don't completely destroy my soul.

Well, I think I have strengthened myself very well, but not enough to beat the Great Red. So I need to get stronger again. And I even have two ways to do this, but now I'm thinking of using the already proven one-killing gods. ВоFirst, I realized the usefulness of faith energy, so I want to get more of that energy. And secondly, I want to understand what the counter of killed gods means in my status and what will happen when I kill exactly 100 gods.

And to do that, I even know exactly where I'm going. The Aztec pantheon is known as one of the most numerous, but at the same time weak. First, I'll just get the number of gods killed to 100, and then I'll slowly exterminate the rest of the pantheons.

Having decided everything for myself, I went to Mexico, where there was an entrance to the subspace of the Aztec gods. Quick teleport to Mexico, and then use the Eyes of Chaos to find the entrance. It turned out to be quite simple, so in a couple of seconds I was already there.

It was an Aztec city, взятыйstraight out of a history book. There were a variety of creatures walking the streets, not all of which looked like humans, and from the largest pyramid, you could feel an aura on the level of Serafoll. This means that the Aztecs are not so weak, and there is at least one sufficiently strong god left.

This time, I didn't hide in any way and just stepped outside, starting to kill the gods and put their souls in the Grail.

- Aaaaaaaaa, assassin, " screams could be heard from the fleeing gods. This is disappointing. They're weaklings. Not only can they not do anything to me, but they also run away from me like ordinary pathetic people.

"And you dare call yourselves gods?" Pathetic scum, " I said disdainfully, releasing a wave of darkness from my sword that killed several godlings at once.

I calmly moved around the city and killed milestones in a row. Now they were just bugs that I could crush in peace. They didn't deserve my respect any more than they deserved a God-worthy death.

So I killed everyone in a row, moving to the pyramid from where I felt a strong aura. But the owner of that aura also disappointed me. I just sensed it trying to escape, but it can't break through my spatial barrier.

"Pathetic trash! I said furiously as I released a huge arc of dark energy towards that god.

When he saw me, he didn't even fight back normally, but just stood up and didn't move. I didn't wait for him to recover себяand just cut off his head.

After killing him, all I had to do was feed the energy into the sword and release it in the direction of the city. It finished off all the survivors and destroyed the once beautiful city.

"Well, another pantheon has been destroyed. I'm sure the gods will be more careful now, and maybe even decide to hide all over the planet. Well, I think I'll devour the Aztecs and immediately go out to hunt the next gods, " I said to the void before I stepped out of subspace and teleported home.

When I got home, I immediately went down to the laboratory, where I decided to absorb the souls of all the gods. In case of emergencies, there were about a hundred different barriers that would protect the underground part of the mansion, along with the basement.

After that, I just sat down in a chair and started absorbing the souls one by one. They didn't give me a lot of stats, nor did they give me much faith energy, but they were enough to fill out the counter.

After only a few hours, I absorbed most of the souls and finally filled the meter to the end.

- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, " I screamed as the pain ripped through me from the inside out. My body was changing. It was as if my energy was being transformed and burned out of my body. It was very painful and lasted forever for me. And I don't think I would have been able to stand it if it wasn't for the feeling of boundless power that fills me with every passing moment.

And so, my transformation ended. And I became something different, more perfect, more powerful, and ... complete.

"Status," I said hoarsely, enjoying the energy flowing through my veins.

Name: Daniel Gaap Darkness

Races: Chaos Dragon God

Divine Weapons: Sword of Chaos; Eyes of Chaos; Ode to Chaos; Desecrated Grail

Divine Aspects: Chaos...


Chaos Energy: 95 159 800/95 159 800/ 100 000 000 per hour

Prana: 12,672,000 / 12,672,000 / 633,600 per hour

Mental Energy: 11,680,000 / 11,680,000 / 584,000 per hour

Soul Energy: 15,388,000 / 15,388,000 / 769,400 hr

Faith Energy: 292,467,940


Body: 316 800

Mind: 292,000

Soul: 384,700


I mean, I really did rise up. And now, I've finally reached the level of the strongest in this universe, the level of dragon gods. I think I can now defeat the Great Red, but there is also Tregex, along with the mysterious enemies of the Great Red.

I think I should improve my weapon with one very useful material, Samael. It is known as the most dangerous poison for dragons. Therefore, upgrading my sword with his body and soul will be much more useful than just absorbing Samael's soul.

I had long known the location of Hades, where Samael is kept, so I immediately moved there. Upon arriving, I saw several grim-faced priests guarding the fallen angel.

After quickly killing a few with chaos fire, I immediately went into the vault and retrieved Samael. After teleporting to the lab, I placed it on the lab table.

Taking out my sword, I simply stabbed it into Samael's chest and began imbuing him with the energy of faith, while simultaneously drawing out his soul and infusing it into the sword.

Slowly, Samael's body began to shrink and disintegrate, until it simply crumbled to dust. My sword brightened up a bit and became stronger.

Now I'm one step closer to winning...