
18. Dorms

Lara's feisty spirit, undimmed by the grandeur of the orientation, brought a comforting sense of normalcy to Kiki. Her friend's words were a grounding force, a reminder of their shared values and the importance of maintaining their integrity amidst the unknowns of their new environment.

"Yeah, we'll keep each other straight," Lara said with a determined nod, her usual fiery demeanor shining through. "Let's not forget why we're here—to learn, grow, and, heck, maybe even change some things for the better. But on our terms."

Their resolve affirmed, Kiki and Lara joined the stream of students heading towards the dormitory assignments. The school had organized upperclassmen to guide the newcomers, helping them navigate the sprawling campus and find their designated living quarters. The buzz of conversation filled the air as students speculated about their roommates and the adventures that awaited them.

As Kiki and Lara approached the dormitory assignment area, they were greeted by a group of older students, each wearing badges that designated their roles as guides. The guides were friendly, offering smiles and words of welcome as they checked names off their lists and provided directions.

"Let's see," one of the guides murmured, scanning the list in front of her. "Ah, Kiki and Lara, right? You two are in the East Wing, room 24B. It's one of the newer dorms—nice views and close to the training grounds. You'll love it."

Kiki and Lara exchanged excited glances. The prospect of sharing a room was a relief, offering a slice of familiarity in their new setting. They thanked the guide and set off towards the East Wing, following the directions given.

The East Wing of the dormitories was a beautiful building, its architecture a blend of the school's traditional design and modern conveniences. True to the guide's word, the location offered stunning views of the school's gardens and the distant training grounds, a constant reminder of the blend of study and physical prowess that defined their path as heroes.

Finding room 24B, Lara pushed the door open, revealing a spacious room with two beds, desks, and a large window that bathed the interior in warm, natural light. The room was simple but comfortable, a blank canvas for the two friends to make their own.

As they settled in, unpacking their belongings and arranging their space, the reality of their situation began to sink in.

The excitement of exploring their new room slowly gave way to a moment of quiet, a pause in the whirlwind of their arrival at the school. Lara, ever observant, turned her attention to the clay golem that had dutifully followed Kiki since their arrival. The golem, now standing silently in a corner of the room, seemed almost out of place in the otherwise ordinary dormitory setting.

Lara walked over to it, her curiosity piqued. "You know, Kiki," she started, examining the golem with an appreciative eye, "I've got to admit, this golem of yours is pretty impressive. I mean, it followed you around all day, carried your stuff, and didn't so much as chip a piece of clay. You made this yourself, right?"

Kiki smiled, a mix of pride and modesty in her expression. "Yeah, I did. It was one of my projects back home. Took me quite a few tries to get it right, but I learned a lot in the process. I wanted something... or rather, someone to help me out with tasks, especially those that require a bit more physical strength."

As Kiki and Lara continued to settle into their new room, discussing the potential and capabilities of golems, a knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Standing in the doorway was one of the upperclassmen, holding a stack of papers. With a friendly smile, she handed each of them a sheet. "Here are your class schedules. Welcome to the school, and good luck!"

Thanking the upperclassman, Kiki and Lara eagerly examined their schedules, curious about the subjects they would be studying. The school had tailored each student's curriculum to their unique talents and the areas they wished to explore further, a personalized approach to education that both friends appreciated.

Kiki's schedule was heavy on magical studies, with classes in advanced golemancy, elemental magic, and magical theory. To her delight, there was also a course on alchemy, something she had always wanted to explore but never had the resources to pursue. The inclusion of alchemy hinted at the school's understanding of her interests in creation and transformation, both of which were at the heart of golemancy.

Lara's schedule, on the other hand, reflected her physical prowess and interest in combat. She was enrolled in advanced sword fighting techniques, where she would learn to master various bladed weapons, and Aura manipulation, a class that promised to teach her how to harness and project her inner energy as a force in battle. The focus on Aura was particularly exciting for Lara, offering a new dimension to her combat skills that went beyond mere physical strength.

As they compared schedules, it was clear that while their paths at the school would diverge, the diversity in their studies also offered opportunities for collaboration and mutual support. Kiki was fascinated by the concept of Aura and saw potential applications in her golemancy, while Lara was intrigued by the magical aspects of Kiki's curriculum, recognizing the strategic advantages magic could bring to her combat skills.

"Looks like we're going to be busy," Lara remarked with a grin, her eyes scanning the timetable. "But imagine the possibilities, Kiki. Your magic and my swordsmanship—we'll be unstoppable."

Kiki nodded, her mind already racing with ideas on how they could combine their talents. "I can't wait to get started. There's so much to learn, and who knows? Maybe we can work on some projects together. Your Aura skills could bring a whole new dimension to my golems."