

long ago near jifreid castle a letter was brought to king Alberscheizer to warn him about what is about to come in his land. the king declared an assembly, he gathered people and he read the letter aloud and the letter said :

"There is no time for me but the greatest cities of Linoid and Syne have been ambushed so many lifes were washed away by the PARADOXIANS and put the camps around the two cities as for me i have no much. they took the time stones you need to get them back ... time is running out"

(people mumbling) : have you hear that Linoid and Syne have been destroyed what are we going to do. (people saying with fear).

the time stones were very important in supplying unlimited life of all resources and power to the two cities and now they have been taken the fate Linoid and Syne was going to end up to dusts.

Alberscheizer : dont worry my people this will be taken care of but in the mean time we need to all gather at a safe place we dont have much time we take the ships and you shall go to ginhad.... May you poor souls stay safe.