
Sonic Revolution Act I

Sonic Revolution Act I is the debut fanfiction novel by Casey McGregor, and serves as the first instalment in the Sonic Revolution series, a hard rebooted continuity based on Sega's popular Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. The novel is currently ongoing and is slated to finish before the end of 2023, and is being published by SenpaiCasey Literature on book sharing platforms as a free read. Sonny Hedgehog is a social outcast at West Mobotropolis High School, alone and isolated from his former childhood best friend Miles "Tails" Prower, and childhood crush Amy Rose. Sonny spends everyday waddling in his own sorrows, with his only possible confidant in his older sister, Sonia. Shadow the Hedgehog is a wanted fugitive in the nation of Mobotropolis, hiding in a remote island village for his connection to a deadly raid aboard a Space Colony 50 years ago. Shadow lives his life as a hero on the island, serving as a beacon of hope for the people of the village, while his memories continue to tear him apart inside. Amy Rose was Sonny's childhood friend, led astray by her mother's fame, but never forgetting about her former best friend and childhood crush. In her regret, Amy wishes to rekindle her friendship with Sonny before it's too late, hoping to go further afterwards. When a conspiracy is revealed, these three hedgehogs will have a fateful encounter, setting in motion a series of events that will change their lives forever, and inadvertently plant the seeds of war between two neighbouring nations. Poised to become the most ambitious fanfiction novelization ever written, Sonic Revolution: Act I promises to craft a new kind of story for the iconic Blue Speedster!

SenpaiCasey2023 · วิดีโอเกม
1 Chs

00a. That Fateful Day (Part 1)


"Shadow, wake up!"

"Shadow, we have to go! Come on!"

Shadow the Hedgehog woke up to the voice of his creator and father figure, Professor Gerald Robotnik, calling out to him from outside his bedroom, and the sounds of many alarms outside. As he opened his eyes, Shadow immediately found himself blinded by flashing red lights.

Something was wrong…very wrong.

Shadow quickly jumped out of his bed, the red lights illuminating his black fur and quills, blending in with red streaks in each quill. He then quickly grabbed his pair of shoes from under his bed, putting them on as quickly as he could.

Rushing over to the desk in the corner of his room, he grabbed his inhibitor rings, two powerful wristbands made of pure gold, and clamped them onto his wrists, the rings flashing for a moment. The rings were infused with Chaos Emerald energy which could hold Shadow's full power back in order to prevent exhaustion or disaster. Without them, his power would become untamed and dangerous.

As Gerald continued banging on his door, he then grabbed a locket necklace from the desk, opening it to reveal a photo of he, Gerald, and Gerald's granddaughter Maria, a blonde haired girl in a blue dress. He latched the necklace around his neck, holding the closed locket tightly against the white tuft of fur on his chest as he closed his eyes for just a moment.

Shadow then rushed to the door, opening it to see Gerald standing just outside, his bald pale head almost reflecting the red lights from the sirens lining the hallways of the Space Colony ARK. Gerald, a 70 year old renowned geneticist, was wearing a white lab coat and a pair of round tinted glasses. Below his nose was a long, grey moustache, which appeared ungroomed, which was unusual for Gerald. His face was painted with an expression of fear and desperation as he grabbed Shadow's hand.

"What's going on, professor?" Shadow asked frantically as Gerald began pulling him through the halls of the space station on which he'd been created.

"We have to find Maria, Shadow, and get the two of you out of here, now! They found us out! They've come here to kill me and take the two of you to be harvested for your blood!" Gerald explained as Shadow followed him through the halls of the ARK.

As they continued running through the halls, the flashing red lights illuminating the normally silver steel walls, with the entire area going dark for a moment every time the lights dimmed. As the alarms continued to ring, Shadow could hear gunshots in the distance, followed by blood-curdling screams. He'd never experienced anything like this. He felt his hands begin to shiver as the sounds of gunshots and screams became closer and louder.

"Professor, help me, please!" A younger voice suddenly called out, prompting Gerald to stop in his place, "They shot me, professor!"

Looking around, they saw a young blonde-haired man sitting against the walls, wearing a similar lab coat to Gerald. He was wincing in pain as he held his abdomen, blood covering his hands as tried to apply pressure to a gunshot wound.

"James! I'm here, kiddo. Stay with me, okay, please!" Gerald exclaimed, rushing to kneel at the young scientist's side, "It's gonna be okay, I'm here. Just stay with me."

Gerald quickly pulled off his own coat, placing it over the wound, helping James apply pressure. Shadow stood next to them, unable to speak or move from the shock of the situation.

"I don't wanna die, professor. I wanna go home." James pleaded, tears rolling down his cheeks as he winced again from the pain, Gerald placing his arm on the young man's shoulder.

"I'm here, James, I'm gonna help you, I won't leave you here." Gerald repeated, as Shadow felt a tear trickle down his cheek, "I'm sorry…you don't deserve to die for my mistakes…"

Shadow wiped the tear away from his cheek, shocked and confused. He'd never felt like this before. Sorrow, guilt, fear. All emotions he'd never had to face before. His time aboard the ARK had been so innocent before today.

Suddenly, in the distance, the sound of incoming soldiers was heard, their footsteps becoming louder. Gerald looked up at Shadow, a determined yet fearful look in his eyes.

"Shadow, you need to leave, get out of here." Gerald ordered, as a feeling of unparalleled sadness washed over Shadow, "Find Maria, please, get her out of here. Leave me, I've chosen my fate with you."

"I can't leave you here, professor…father…" Shadow pleaded with Gerald, as Gerald took one of his hands away from James, placing it on Shadow's shoulder, smiling regretfully.

"I was always meant to die here, Shadow. For the chance to save the world through you." Gerald replied, as Shadow realised the gravity of the moment, more tears rolling down his face, as Gerald closed his eyes for a second, as tears leaked from his eyes as well, "I knew this day would come, I couldn't have come soon enough. I created you to save this world, Shadow. If you die here, today, then all I've done is for nothing."

As the sound of footsteps continued to close in, Gerald quickly brought his greatest creation…his child…in for one last hug.

"I love you, son, but this is farewell, it needs to be." He finished, letting go of Shadow, "Go, please. Take Maria down to the surface. I know you can save everyone…"

As the footsteps came closer, Shadow quickly ran away from Gerald, crying frantically as Gerald left his sight.

Inevitably, after Shadow was out of sight, a group of soldiers emerged from around the corner, all wearing military uniforms with black camouflage patterns and wielding firearms, which they held towards Gerald's direction. On the left sleeves of every uniform was an insignia in the shape of a shield, marked with three letters; G.U.N.

"Gerald Robotnik, you're under arrest for high treason against the United Federation of Mobotropolis, and sentenced to immediate death, as per the executive order of President David King." One of the soldiers said, as Gerald placed his hands behind his head, knowing his fate at this moment.

"Please, save my boy here, don't let him die like this." Gerald pleaded for James' life, "I've done my job…just don't make others pay for my mistake."

As Gerald desperately pleaded for James and the rest of his team, James looked up at Gerald, thankful for Gerald's guilty yet determined demeanour.

Suddenly, the soldiers parted to make a path, through which another, older man stepped forward. The man was around 40 years old, only slightly younger than Gerald, with short, slightly greying brown hair. He wore a pristine, freshly ironed navy blue coat on top of a white business shirt. He glared straight towards Gerald immediately, a look of disapproval painted all over his face.

"Take this young man in for medical treatment, he's not the problem." The man ordered one of the soldiers, before taking a pistol from one of the others.

Two of the soldiers lifted James onto his feet, helping him walk to one of the military transports to return to the planet below. Another then handcuffed Gerald's hands behind his back, before lowering him to his knees.

"Go and find the others…and the hedgehog." The man then ordered again, "I'll deal with Robotnik myself…"

Obediently, the soldiers dispersed, leaving the man standing alone above Gerald, the pistol in his hand.

"He's already gone, David, you won't find him." Gerald remarked to the man before, President David King of Mobotropolis, smiling, "It'll only be a matter of time now, your empire will fall to its knees…"

David simply smiled, sighing before grabbing Gerald, yanking the old man to his feet and pinning him against the wall.

"You have too much faith in your little abomination, Gerald…" David replied, placing the barrel of his pistol against the side of Gerald's head, "And too little faith in me…"

"What makes you think that, David?" Gerald asked, glaring back at David, "You have no idea what I've created. The power he holds…the raw ability to control the Chaos Emeralds you so fear. After this, I wouldn't put it past Shadow to tear you limb from limb for killing me now."

David scoffed, before throwing Gerald to the ground, holding the pistol in his direction.

"The King Dynasty has lasted for centuries on the foundations of human equality, prosperity and perfection." David explained, lowering his weapon for a moment and turning away from Gerald, "Those little gremlins had their chance, and it died with the echidnas. My power will not be torn apart easily by an army of them, let alone a single one, no matter how strong he is. Acorn has tried before…and they suffered accordingly…"

"You think you're perfect, don't you? Because you built your name on less bloodshed than your father?" Gerald remarked, as David turned around, "The people already see the facade, David. They look for equality for the anthropomorphs just as much as humans. They will rally behind my son…their Messiah...because with him the oppression and inequality forced by your family will end, to be replaced by peace and unity for all, not just humans."

David grabbed again by the collar, lifting him up to face him directly, grinning in disbelief.

"This optimism is exactly the reason your grandson came to me, Gerald." David replied, as Gerald's expression immediately sank into a state of guilt, "Julian understands the truth. That the anthropomorphs are undeserving of any status. The echidnas' machinations almost caused the total destruction of the world. It cannot be allowed to occur again."

"The way to bring peace is through equality, not a purge." Gerald reiterated, his true guilt showing through the cracked facade of optimism, "Julian never chose to listen, and instead fell for your propaganda."

"You want peace, and yet you seem to condone a revolution." David replied, placing the pistol against Gerald's head again, holding the trigger, "I give you one last promise, Gerald. Rebellion will die with you…rest in peace, Professor."

David pulled the trigger on the pistol, as the loud sound of the shot rang through the halls of the Space Colony ARK. Gerald's limp and lifeless body fell to the ground beside him, leaving the disgruntled president looking down at the body.

Such a waste of such wisdom, Professor… David thought as he walked away, Good riddance…