
Sonic Boom Sonic x Reader/mermaid

This is a story about you as the reader who ends up washing up on the beach near Sonic shack. Once he discovered you, he takes you inside and put you in his hammock. Once you wake up you tell him what you remember, and when Amy yells at Sonic thinking that she was his new girl. Read more to find out what happens next. Make sure to comment vote and follow me for more books thank you for your time.

AlainaHylian · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
2 Chs

Chapter One

Sonic's p.o.v

I was on one of my usual runs around the island as I spotted something or well someone washed up on the beach in front of my shack. They however looked a lot like me as they were unconscious wearing red shorts and a red top. Their fur color was somewhat a lighter shade of blue like mine. I gently picked them up into my arms as I walked into the shack, I then put them in my hammock. I called Tails right away. Tails answered by saying, "What's up Sonic?" I said, "Tails you might need to come over. I found another hedgehog."

Tails p.o.v

I was working hard on one of my inventions and later I get a call from Sonic who told me he found another hedgehog explaining that they washed up on the beach. I stopped what I was doing getting ready to fly over to the Shack. I started walking to Sonic's shack when I got there I brought a doctor with me as we both watch him examine them. Once the doctor was done telling us that it was a she and that they were completely fine as well healthy. The doctor told us to keep an eye on her health and make sure that when they wake up to give them water.

Your p.o.v

I felt that I was in something as it smells like a guy hedgehog sweat. I still couldn't wake up the cause for all I know I was created by DNA in someone's evil lair. Of course, my head hurts bad but I soon remember something. I was on a cruise ship when it tipped over I was probably lucky to survive. I of course remembered my name as well too. But I felt that a person was touching me but soon stopped as I hear voices. I hear a man's animal voice as they said I was completely fine and healthy but to keep an eye on me.

Sonic p.o.v

After the doctor left I get a glass of water ready just in case this girl woke up. I take notice that they were moving slightly but not enough to be noticed by Tails. Tails looked at me as he said, "Should we tell the others about this?" I shook my head as I said, "Not yet, let's wait until she wakes up alright buddy." Tails nodded understanding as he says that he was going home to finish his work. I wave goodbye as I was left alone with this girl. She looked so peaceful in my hammock as I watched her chest rise and fall glad she was still breathing.

Your p.o.v

I continue to struggle to wake up but eventually my eyes slowly open, my vision blurry blinking a few times as it clears up. I sat up in the hammock and took a moment to look around as I realized that someone saved me. Of course, this male hedgehog doesn't know my secret that I can turn into a mermaid when I touch the water at night. The male hedgehog came back in as he gasp seeing me awake. He came up to me, giving me a glass of water as I smiled, kindly taking it as I drank it all down.

Sonic p.o.v

As soon as I walked back in she was wide awake as I gasped. I grabbed the glass of water walking over to her, I handed her the glass of water and she started drinking it right away, finishing it in a matter of seconds. I saw her smile as she then thanked me for the water, I soon said, "So um how did you get here if I might ask?" She told me that she was on a cruise ship out in the ocean not being able to remember how it happened because she was unconscious. Soon Tails came in and he was also surprised that she was awake, he came up to her wanting to know some things about her. She sighs as she says, "Well my family are probably dead now, I know how to fight to defend myself, I also can run pretty fast too."

Tails p.o.v

As soon as I had come back seeing the girl wide awake being surprised, I walked up to her and asked her questions. She explained that she lost her family and knew how to defend herself and can run pretty fast. I look at Sonic as I say, "Is now a good time to tell Knuckles, Sticks, and Amy about this?" Sonic looks at me as he then spoke saying, "Yeah but we have no idea how they will react to having a new member of our team." I replied, "Yeah good point they may ask questions."

Your p.o.v

As the two were talking I got off the hammock standing on my feet. I soon lost balance then the blue hedgehog quickly sped over catching me. I looked at him in his emerald green eyes as I felt heat rise to my cheeks. I knew my face was either pink or red. He helped me back up, I eventually was able to walk getting used to it. I walk around for a moment as I then look back at them and say, "I may need a place to stay." Sonic looks at me as he says, "Actually maybe I can have someone build you a place to live here." I smiled brightly as I said, "Really that would be great. Considering I have nowhere to go."

Amy p.o.v

I haven't seen Sonic in town as of late and I have started to get worried about him. I decided to head over to Sonic's shack as I started heading there, Tails walked in front of me as he said look over there as I looked at him being serious. I soon figured something was going on as I said, "Tails I know that you two are hiding something from me." Tails of course tried to stop me but I walked fast as I walked straight into Sonic's shack. As soon as I walked in I saw Sonic with another girl that angered me. I walked up to Sonic as I spoke, saying, "I can't believe you, Sonic your dating someone and didn't tell me!"

Sonic p.o.v

As I was helping the girl she seemed pretty nice and she was way better than Amy in the past. I mean in the past Any used to always chase after me and know exactly where I was at the right time. But times are different now as Amy has changed but she never stopped expressing her love for me and I'm pretty sure she keeps a diary somewhere in her home about me. Tail of course heard Amy immediately going out as he tried to stop her but failed miserably as Amy walked in seeing me with her. Amy looked seriously angry as I knew that she was going to chew my head off for this if I don't explain things. I was about to open my mouth to say something but she beat me to it.

Tails P.o.v

I tried my best to stop Amy from seeing the new girl but I was too late as Amy yelled at him. I overheard Amy say, "I can't believe you, Sonic your dating someone and didn't tell me!" I went over to Sonic as I spoke , "Sonic isn't dating her, we just met her today actually. Sonic found her washed up on the beach in front of his shack. I mean she just woke up from being in a semi coma and we don't even know her name." Amy calmed down as I looked back at the girl as she looked frightened by Amy when she yelled at Sonic. Sonic tried to tell her that it was alright as she calmed down looking at Sonic for a moment then at Amy.

Amy p.o.v

Once Tails explained everything I calmed down as I was feeling bad for accusing Sonic for dating the girl. I soon apologized to Sonic as he said, "Na it's cool Ams." But even before I could introduce myself to her she sped out fast just like Sonic. I was however puzzled by this seeing as I thought Sonic was the only fastest thing alive. There of course was a very light blue streak behind her when she had left. I felt bad that I may have upset her and who knows where she may have gone.

Sonic p.o.v

I then saw her speed past us leaving the shack as I thought, "Wait a minute there is no way there can be someone like me." I soon speed after her hoping to find her in time before Eggface finds her and captures her using her as bait for me. I sped faster and continued my search for her as when I finally spotted her she was out in the forest sitting on a rock crying. I walked up to her as I didn't know what was wrong, "Hey what's wrong?" She then look up at me as she spoke saying," Sorry It's just I remember something. I had an agreement with my father and he yelled at me and threatened to treat me badly." I soon hugged her as I spoke softly,"It's alright he won't lay a finger on you anymore he is gone now so don't need to worry."

Your p.o.v

When the blue hedgehog found me, he asked what was wrong so I told him. He hugged as I then hear him tell me saying that it was alright and he wouldn't let him lay a finger on me anymore, that he was gone and I didn't need to worry. Before I could say anything I get captured along with Sonic as sleeping gas was let out of a bomb. I fell to the ground as well as the blue hedgehog that I literally just met. When I finally came to, waking up I was locked up in a cage along with the blue hedgehog that I still don't know his name yet. Of course the blue hedgehog was still out cold, snoring softly as I tried to wake him up.

Sonic p.o.v

I was heavily asleep as I felt someone shaking me gently as I would stir, turning on my side on the floor. I felt her shake me again slowly opening my eyes as I looked around just after sitting up. I looked at her soon realizing that we were locked in a speed cage designed by none other then Boldy mic nose hair. I sigh as I say, "Great. This is the last thing I wanted to happen to us both." As I rolled my eyes I could overhear Eggface shouting, "Yes yes I finally caught Sonic and another one just like him!" I sigh yet again trying to figure out a way to get us out of this mess.

Your p.o.v

Once the blue hedgehog was awake I heard him say great, this is the last thing he wanted to happen to us. I saw him roll his eyes, we both overheard the evil villain shouting in happiness that he captured us. I tried to think of something as I pulled out a hair pin from my quills taking it to the lock trying to see if I could get it open. I tried to do this for hours on end but it failed as I tried to think what to do. Sonic of course looked at me as he spoke, saying, "I never really got your name. But I am sure my friends will come looking for us. Cause they always do when I go missing or well when one of us goes missing."

Sonic P.o.v

When I had asked for her name and explain some things she sat down next to me on the floor. She then looks at me with a faint blush on her cheeks saying, "Oh um I'm ( Your name) the Hedgehog." I smiled softly as I held out my hand saying, "Nice to finally meet you (y/n). I'm Sonic, Sonic The Hedgehog." As we got to know each other's names things weren't so awkward. After a few minutes of waiting the door comes falling down as Amy was with Sticks and Knuckles. Knuckle broke down the cage door as I walked out with (y/n) as she smirks at me saying, "Let's teach this evil villain a lesson."

Doctor Eggman p.o.v

I've been spying on Sonic when he had discovered that new hedgehog that washed up on his beach. When I finally captured them I was overjoyed knowing that I successfully had a brilliant plan. I was celebrating with Orbot and Cubot but then I heard my door being smashed down as I jumped in fear that maybe they had escaped. I quickly rush into the room finding Sonic and his friends together with the new hedgehog girl that had had (e/c) eyes. I knew that I was done for as I quickly ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Before I could they tied me up putting me into the cage as I knew I was defeated.