
Hard awakening

Magnus hardly remembers being dragged as he saw the gates of Devinerite explode into a fireball.

Magnus wakes up in a carriage surrounded by some injured soldiers, he looks at his shoulder that's too stiff to move as he hears a familiar voice say," I have never seen such powerful spells being used in a battle " , as Magnus looks at Claud whose one side of the face has a long wounded as if an arrow touched the side of his left cheek that extends up to his ear as the medic is applying ointment on it.

" Yes, I was in the archer division that went to flank the army , I saw heads of my comrades explode , I was with my younger brother I was covering him as it was his first battle , and as we moved closer after the 2nd line fell I saw him rush towards the enemy , last I remember was his brain over my armour and his eye ball squishing under my foot I ran to save what was left of him. ", exclaims the soldier as tears roll from his one remaining green eye down his cheek into the bottom part of his chin that's Been torn off .

"It was the worst day for all of us , our kind lost in the east and finally the Eldonian continent has been divided into two parts , I fear we has seen the last of peace that would ever be upon this continent in a while." , Magnus interrupts saying "I am surprised u truly didn't see that coming, and now when u have be de throne from the seat of oppressors now you act like victims . We all know what elves did to them , breaded them like cattle to help build castles and walls . Keep them as servants , same u did to the dark elves and how they rebelled again the great elven king Zeanoth who burned down the dark elves for asking for food supplies during the famine ", Magnus replies ,"Lets not dwell on past and what kings did has nothing to do with people like us and innocent children on the street , Bariaton here lost his younger brother who probably didn't even know why he was fighting or why were the others fighting him , and most of the people join arm for food , loot and pay, they have nothing to do with history or why , or who, no morals all the morals they have is food on the plate , now we must worry of our survival ", Bariaton says "My father was crippled by a monsters in woods he managed to cut the beasts with the axe as it was devouring the legs my mother passed away shortly after , me and my brother didn't know any crafts so we joined the military to support my sister in her healing spell studies I wasn't fighting for anyone else but my sister ", as they are moving the cart is shaken violently and a shrieking sound came from the forest and horses seem to be spooked .

They are very shocked as all the other sounds seemed to be over casted by the sound of rain and thunder but the shrieking is still audible for some reason , the sound is so sharp as if it would pierce the ears .

Claud and Bariaton get down from the carriage with a lantern, the rain is too intense it's making it hard to see , as they reach the front to carriage the find that the soldier who was driving it has been beheaded . They are shocked and scared as well and they pull out their swords as Magnus struggles his way down the carriage and asks," what happened !" "shhhhhhhh shut up ! Shut up !" whispers Claud "we should hide !" Whispers Bariaton in a scared manner as he looks around the dark .

Suddenly a huge gush of wind cuts Bariaton in half as his guts spill all over the muddy grouts and horses head behind him are cut in half as well .

Claud filled with Bariatons blood with just a sword in had takes a back to back defensive position with Magnus as Claud is still in shock and have tears and blood in his eyes and can barely talk as his throat is locked due to sorrow of his lost comrade. Magnus says " Menticore ! It's a Menticore keep an eye in the trees " as Claud sees two red eyes glaring at him from the dark .... He instantly jumps pushing Magnus away from the cart as the cart is cut in half by the spikes of the Menticore

The beast comes out of the woods as its red in colour ,with wings of a bat and body resembling a hairless red lion and aa tale filled with sharp spikes that shoots as it waves it .

The best moves its tale for a final blow as Claud closes his eyes accepting his final fate .

As he opens the. Sees that Magnus has formed the protective shield called the "golden lovers armour " and he can see that Magnus's eyes have turned completely red along with his hair .. and the sword pendant in his necklace is glowing red too .. as the Menticore spikes are deflected from the magic shield .

In an instance Magnus appears at the tale end of the Menticore and cuts his tail but Menticore grabs his foot and as Magnus is exhausted all the changes become undone and he falls to the ground . But as he's falling he hears a sound and Claud has cut off the beasts head .

Back at Devinrite the king Armiton has been captured and William Anglion has been crowned the first king of Humans .

He orders all the shackles that were used for humans to be made into a throne as he orders the elven golden thrown to be melted and gold to be distributed among the poor humans and elves alike.

He stands there to give his first speech as king ,"Our rule would not be rule of one man over all else it would be a collective rule and all the people would have a say in it , humans would be appointed from each region to join this council to advise the king and tell him the needs of their regions , every one would have a right to agree and disagree with the king and give their views ", the whole crowd cheers as the King continues ," every region would be given representation , castle of men's keep previously know as elven keeps would be given to Robert Ranger of clan Ranger . The castle of spring hold shall be given to the clan polemist and since the elven of spring hold surrendered so the castles of Spring fields and men's port shall not be taken from the elven lords of clan Longas ", The crowd begins whispering as Agon Anglion silences them, the king continues ,"And his elder son Faragon Langos shall be granted a seat in the kings council ", As someone in the crowd says I wont stand for this and leaves along with some of the men of their clan, as the king explains ," If we want what we have to endure for generations we cant base it on hate for elves but rather on freedom and supremacy of our kind , we just begin to exist on the world map and we know very well what the oppressed are capable of , if we start doing to the elves what they did to us , then our fate would be same as what we witnessed at Devin right , we need Allies to endure not wars ." As the king was explaining most of the people leave only members of clan Rangar remained.

2 days later ...

The council conveys its meeting as the clan Rangars Erathor a wise young man in his early 20s with blue eyes and a muscular body and a serious attitude speaks ," We have lost a great deal we know but out country have lost even more , war is a heaven for bandits raiders and looters , we must start rebuilding from the treasury the homes that people lost to gain their trust and help the elves too as without the support of common elves we don't stand a chance and it would be necessary to prevent further mutinies. ","very well we shall send masons and material to repair all the broken homes with some supply of food though it would put a great strain on the treasury but I guess that golden thrones gold would suffice.", replies King William.

Hagard of clan Polemist speaks " I wouldn't stay here in the presence of an elf , William you are betraying all that we fought for by keeping this ... thing here ", King William a man now in his 60s mildly bald with black hair but strong and feared being with a resolute character and fear less attitude says " Maybe you are the one who miss understood what we are fighting for , we were fighting for the freedom and empowerment of human race, not the eradication or oppression of the elven race and we have achieved that , and those who once were your master now sit as advisers , and we have the power to listen to them if we want and not listen to them if we don't , and Halessif u don't like our elven partners here u can choose not to listen , now you may sit down." Says the king.

Fargo Langos elder son of Ganalon langos of elven clan Langos young olden haired elf begins to speak ," Due to lack of peasants and as armies passing and stomping the crops and using the live stock to feed the garrison has made the food stocks go down drastically", as he is interrupted by Hagar and other humans shouting as Hagar says " you eleven cunt you suggesting you want more human peasants ", "Yes , and if not we are all going to starve and we must build an aqueduct from the northern river spring fields is the only thing feeling the eastern kingdom ", u elven son of a whore !", says Hagard as he lunges at the elf but is stopped by the guards and is escorted out , and now only his sons remain at the council.

King says " hm , you cant keep them against their free will and would pay them for their work , 19 coppers per day and you would feed them at least 1 time a day , and my sons Agon and Alfred along with Erathon Rangar would start the construction of aqueduct in the northern part of Spring fields.", as the whole human side if the council starts speaking indistinguishly in anger .