The children of Athena are expected to fear spiders and obtain knowledge of buildings, but Naruto breaks this mold and shows the world what weaving can really do. I don't own the characters from the original story (Naruto or Percy Jackson). Arthur: Infernofox01
Naruto was working on his monthly assignment for Persephone, but he the weather outside was throwing off some of the stitches. He knew for a fact that Zeus wasn't angry at him, apparently he has to know why all of Hera's cloths are coming from and having cloths made from a mere demigods wasn't good enough. He changed his tune when Naruto offered to make some of his suits for free. Anyway Naruto was undoing and correcting the stitching when he heard a sound that wasn't naturally in the wild. He looked out his window and saw that Chiron and his sister, Annabeth, were walking towards the camp's border seemly waiting for something. They waited for like a minute when they began to drag Grover and an unconscious boy to the Big House, drying them off and patching them up.
"Looks like we have another camper" said Naruto, "odd that they would come in this weather."
When Naruto looked out the window he saw that the storm has passed and the newbie is taking to Chiron and Mr. D. This really didn't interest him as it happened all the time, but when Naruto looked closer he saw Mr. D start to change color. The newbie must have done something to anger the god of madness. Dionysus seemed to have left, with the newbie unharmed, and Chiron began to exit his wheelchair to reveal his horse body. Naruto decided to introduce himself to the new camper and try and possibly a new customer. He left his workhouse and began to walk towards the new camper, but was interrupted by the daughters of Aphrodite. He couldn't distinguish what they were asking as they all talked at once.
"span" Ladies please, if there is something you need from me, please fill out the purchase form and hand it to me." said Naruto trying to resolve the situation.
When Naruto resumed his journey he was greeted to the sight of Clarisse dragging the new camper towards the restrooms.
"Well looks like he'll need a new set of cloths" said Naruto, "Why must Clarisse do this?"
He walked back to his workshop and grabbed some a spare shirt and pants for the new camper, he looked like a medium, and walked towards the Female restrooms. When he got there he was greeted by the sight of Clarisse, her two cronies and Annabeth soaking wet and smelling of sewage.
"What in Olympus happened here?" asked Naruto
It seems that the bathrooms weren't up to Percy's standards" answered Annabeth
"Really, usually the children of Aphrodite have complains about the bathrooms" said Naruto, "These were originally meant for Percy but seeing that he is bone dry I believe you can find use for them."
"Thanks" said Annabeth
"You must be Percy, the boy from last night "said Naruto as he turned towards Percy
"Yeah, that's me "said Percy, "but who are you?"
"Name Naruto Uzumaki part of cabin six" said Naruto
"Oh. You must be Annabeth's brother" said Percy
"Yes, one of many" said Naruto, "and something tells me Annabeth would want you on her team for tonight's game."
After Annabeth changed into some dry cloths the horn for lunch resonated throughout the camp.
"Well looks like lunch is ready" said Naruto, "Good luck trying to get a sit at Hermes table."
Lunch wasn't really that interesting to Naruto as he usually eats in his workshop, not by choice but sometimes the orders really pile up. Today's venue was smoked brisket with roasted red potatoes, fresh greens and potato soup.
"So Annabeth any new strategies for tonight?" asked Naruto
"Unfortunately no, ever since you were banned from participating in Capture the Flag our plan's success rates have decreased by Sixty percent." Answered Annabeth
"I still say they're being dramatic, so some of the campers were in cocoons big deal," said Naruto, "None of them were hurt."
"I don't believe that was the issue" said Annabeth, "I believe they banned you because you turned some of the forest into string and no one could get past you."
"I still think they were being dramatic" said Naruto, "Doesn't matter anyway as I have to finish Persephone's dress."
"That's good; by the way how do get the gods to pay you?" Asked Annabeth
"The thing is only the Goddess and some of the Gods pay me, while the others tell me that I should be honored for making them cloths." Said Naruto
"That sounds about right" said Annabeth, "well at least you help support the camp."
"I try and play my part" said Naruto
When Naruto woke up he began his daily ritual of feeding his pet owl, Fluffy, and pet spider, Stilio. The owl was expected as it's his mother's sacred animal, but the spider was unexpected and needs further explanation. Patches is a black widow that appeared in his workshop a few weeks ago and he just couldn't get rid of it. When his siblings discovered his new pet, they were less than ecstatic about it. This only decreased his popularity with his brothers and sister but after dealing with them for a few years he grew use to it.
"O.K. "Let's see what today orders entail is" said Naruto as he grabbed a pile of paper, "Armor, armor, dress, repairing a skirt: it only makes since as tonight's Capture the Flag."
Naruto began these orders by visiting Hephaestus's cabin for spare sheets of metal. While he was looking he started to remember how he created the new armor.
He was in his second year and was dealing with one enemy that all demigods go through: boredom. His business was as popular yet and he already took care of the orders that were sent to him. After thinking about it for an hour or two he decided to train with his new abilities with the children of Hephaestus. They offered their stockpile to him because it was mostly scrap. As he was walking he noticed how the traditional armor looked clunky and uncomfortable, so his mind went to the possibility of weaving the metal thread he created into a shirt or pants. The earlier prototypes were a failure as they were either too bulky or offered little protection. He went through multiple designs, but got a breakthrough when he weaved together the thicker pieces of metal with the thinner pieces. By having the thicker pieces acting as the main shield while the thinner pieces cover the little gaps offering further protection. When he went and told Chiron about his new armor, he looked interested but needed further proof that it actually worked. Chiron arranged for the new armor to be demonstrated and see if it actually worked, his test consisted of the children of Ares and Apollo attacking a manikin with the new armor on it. The Ares children basted and battered the new armor, but on closer inspection the manikin was undamaged and the armor was still functional. Long range assault was delivered by Apollo's children and none of their arrows stuck, just bounced off. Chiron was impressed with the armor and decided to integrate it into the system. The reaction to the new armor was better than he expected and Naruto's new armor started to become a camp favorite. When he did reach his destination, Hephaestus's cabin, He saw that the gate was unlocked and his usual basket was there waiting for him.
"How nice of them." Said Naruto as he walked closer to the junkyard.
Naruto took about an hour to gather all the materials for the armor that's been ordered and began the walk back to his shop. On the way he saw that his cabin had sword practice today along with Hermes cabin. He actually stopped and observed how his siblings are doing and saw that Percy was getting his butt whooped by Luke, one of the best swordsmen in the camp.
"Hey Naruto" said Luke as he spotted Naruto, "Come over here and show this newbie what a real swordsmanship looks like."
"That's alright, I have a very busy schedule and it looks like you have everything covered." Replied Naruto
"Come on, we hardly see you fight and your style of fighting helps instill the principle of keeping up a guard." Said Luke
"I still need to get these orders done, the alternative is being mauled by Aphrodite's daughters" said Naruto, "and you know how sharp their nails are."
"Yeah I know but you still have the responsibility of teach the younger campers how to fight." Said Luke
"I know I know, but I have other responsibilities to this camp such as getting the money to support this camp." Replied Naruto
"A few minutes out of your schedule would change anything and besides a good thrashing keeps the younger one from getting a big head" said Luke
"You're right but only a few minutes" said Naruto as he set his supplies down and entered the fighting arena to see Percy Jackson as his opponent.
"My first opponent is Percy" said Naruto as he took a metal square out of his pocket, "Perfect"
"Aren't you going to get a sword?" Asked Percy
"Percy this will be your first lesson concerning me and that is anything on me could be a weapon" asked Naruto as the metal square began to unfold and reveal a thirty-six inch long rapier.
"How did you do that?" Asked a shocked Percy
"You see Percy unlike normal mortal, we demigods have special abilities that are related to our godly parent" said Naruto, "mine abilities are mostly related to sewing and crafting."
"Oh well" said Percy but was interrupted by Naruto
"The second lesson is never let your guard down around your opponent" said Naruto as he continued his thrusts.
What Percy didn't see was the pattern that Naruto used wasn't meant to harm Percy but disarm him.
"Naruto stop playing with him" said Luke
"He's just a beginner and you know I don't fight seriously against the campers that aren't ready for it." replied Naruto while keeping his eyes on Percy.
"Then just give him an demonstration" said Luke, "show him why your one of our best."
"Fine, I'll show a simple if it will get you to be quiet and let me get back to work" said Naruto as he backpedaled from Percy.
Once Naruto was far enough his stance changed from classic fencing to a stance that was meant to pierce. This confused Percy as he never encountered something like this.
"Be warned Percy Jackson as this technique was meant to pierce through multiple monsters at once" said Naruto as he aligned his shot, "eftheía volí (Straight Shot)"
What Percy saw could only be described as a beam of light shooting out of Naruto hilt and passing over Percy's shoulder and into the tree behind him. This only proved to Percy just how weak he was to the other campers. Naruto's sword returned to normal he refolded it and put it back into his pocket. Naruto then retrieved his basket and resumed the walk back to his workshop and that is the reason Chiron doesn't let Naruto fight the younger camper" said Luke as he entered the arena to resume the sword lessons, "That is also the reason why Naruto teaches the older campers how to fight multiple opponents at once.