
Son of the Underworld

Fate is not always fair sometimes who was born to be king can become an animal. One fool's act can lead to a path of blood and madness. Will you sell your kindness for revenge? Can you forgive someone who doesn't deserve that? Olympians destroyed your life can you take revenge on them? Do you have enough power to destroy your enemies? (Hi I'm glad to meet you, my friend and I hope we will have very interesting adventures. Okay first of all this is not my story I'm not original author of that fan-fic. I'm just rewriter, and I don't know why author of original work decide to delete that work. It's up to him to do whatever he wants with his own work. So this version belongs to me for that I changed couple stuff but don't worry the main idea is still a same)

Asemertias · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs


Slowly wading along the desert plain, Olympian muttered a certain melody. "You will shed your brother's blood and eat your father's flesh. Mother's tears don't shed, mother's tears don't shed, mother's tears don't shed! Kha!" Haemon's body convulsively trembled in a fit of wild pain at the moment he fell to his knees, and black blood came out from his mouth. One eye gradually acquired a dark sclera. Black veins swelled all over the body, transforming the warrior into some kind of monster.

"Olympian, I finally found you! You and I, as you remember, have unfinished business" An angelic voice coming from the mouth of the cursed witch Arachne addressed the warrior. During a carnage in a forest, the spider tried to devour the barbarian, along with her friend, a big fan of riddles. As a result, the mistress of webs lost her right arm and several paws, while her friend learned the answer to a new riddle: "How painful is it when someone tears off your wings?"

Forced to flee, queen of spiders held a grudge against her enemy, by hiding in the shadows of webs, she followed Olympian and wait for a moment to strike. And when an enemy is weakened by illness, how can you not take advantage of this. With a sadistic smile, she threw a spear at the savage's head. Having hit right on target, spider anticipating tasting flesh a creature of the higher plane, she limped towards the corpse. "Kill, Rip, Consume, Subdue! Kill, Rip, Consume, Subdue!" Sound of breaking bones invaded the lady's mind.

A crunch and then another and another after that. Haemon's arm anomalously curved back, while twisting all the bones. Long clawed fingers gripped the spear, and then yanked it out with a sharp movement. Like a living dead man, he rose from the ground. Allowing contemplate how a hole on the forehead heals instantly, without even leaving a scar.

"What abyss gave birth to you?" Spider asked in horror, while convulsively drowning in the shadows. But unfortunately, it was already too late, crushing blow hit the front paws, tearing chitin like soaked bread. The mistress squealed in pain, as a result, screamed more. Cause Haemon ruthlessly tore off another pair of legs, and pierced them into the spider's belly, while spraying poison mixed with blood. "Olympian I beg for mercy, I will do whatever you want! But please don't k... Ahh!" By grabbing the head of weaver with his arms, he brutally tore it off. While raising the trophy above his own head, he opened his mouth to taste the nectar.

Tiredly wiping blood from lips, he painfully whispered: "I'm so damn tired from voices"

Over this time, a lot of stuff happened in the palace, stuff that led to big changes. Cause of the intrigues that Hades built to take over Olympus. Persephone was unable to withstand the pressure anymore, she simply decided to run away, and leave the young prince without mother's love. No matter how much she loved her husband, she still cannot betray her father. Thanatos tracked down the whereabouts of a queen and informed Hades about it. While king in his turn immediately gave the order to have an eye on her, and in cases of even a small hint of betrayal kill her. Palace becomes empty without a queen, thus plunging servants into confusion and anxiety. Fear of being out of the king's favor was truly a strong incentive, but a realization that there was a possibility of betrayal by former queen don't want to give a rest for a servant's mind.

Forcing the mind to ask questions like, what if Zeus is already gathering troops to crush them? Perhaps all this is not worth it? The wrath of one king in exchange for another. It's simply put they all found themselves between a hammer and an anvil. Then Hypnos offered the most ingenious solution for their problem: "We should ask mom to come back!" Hades shook his head, certain that Nyx would rather disembowel him than humiliate herself by returning. Thanatos intervened, assuring them that this was the best way to solve their problems. By the fact that mother would be able to suppress the anxious minds of servants with her mere presence. Well, also the young prince needs a tender mother's love.

You just need to choose right words and maybe then Nyx will agree. According to her eldest son's words, she has a too kind motherly heart to reject their offer. Better not to talk about political matters, it is well good to simply invite her to take care of the prince. After considering the words of chief adviser, Hades finally agreed. By allowing three brothers to go after their mother. Nyx herself all these years was in her possessions, where dreams and nightmares merge with the stars together, as if being in deep sleep she never leave the throne of night.

Olympus was not much different from the underworld, except that, beyond the place of the cries of pain, cries of pleasure were heard all around. Many palaces with luxurious houses adorned the possessions of supreme rulers. And just in one of these castles lived the most beautiful woman Aphrodite. The entrance to the chambers of which was guarded by incredibly powerful guards, preventing any creature from disturbing a peace of the mistress. Inside, many beautiful servants performed household duties, running back and forth in fear of not pleasing the mistress.

Lying on a luxurious bed, Aphrodite, smiling cheerfully, looked at how a couple of lovers confessed to each other. Her mirror was able to show any being in love in the universe. A smile on her face changed to an annoyed grimace, staring at the corner of a room, she threw a pinkish knife that appeared in her hand out of nowhere. The knife didn't pierce wall and didn't even fall to the floor, dagger simply froze in the air. With an irritated sigh, she shouted: "How long are you going to stand there? And can you knock at least once for decency!" A hand in armor appeared at the place where the knife froze, and then owner of this very hand appeared.

"You didn't like my surprise? But I thought you love them!" A rough voice echoed through room like thunder. A huge man in armor that covers his entire body was leaning against the wall and looking at the pink knife in his hand. "I love it, but only when they are appropriate. But now you spoiled all my fun Ares" Queen of love answered while twisting a lock of her hair. "You know, something like that can easily kill someone," Said Ares, as he throw a knife at one of paintings in a room.

"Get to the point!" Sister of the executioner hastened. "Oh, does everyone have such a bad opinion of me?" Father of warriors asked sarcastically while placing both hands on his helmet,

trying to portray a shock from what he heard. "You know, there is a saying, if someone enjoys peace for too long, Ares will immediately stop that. And here you are in my chambers" Leaning her hand to cheek, she grinned wearily, expressing obvious fatigue from this conversation. "So what did you think about my proposal?" Sparta's father asked as he looked around the room more closely.

Aphrodite, while sighing heavily, began to massage temples on her head and muttering something like a spell: "Oh my, why world gave me such a brother. Answer is still the same. And in general, how dare you to discuss such things under his nose. If all-father finds out about this, then your fate will become worse than Prometheus!"

"Wait before making such hasty decisions, maybe I have something that will change your mind" He declared proudly raising his head. "Brother with all due respect to you, I don't think there is anything in the universe that can make me commit an act of suicide" Laughing at her brother's words, Aphrodite reached for a glass of wine. Crossing both his arms over his chest, Ares feigning sadness in his voice replied: "Well, then apparently you are not interested in tasting the flesh of a half-breed" Aphrodite raised one eyebrow in surprise. "What are you talking about?" Although the face of a progenitor of Sparta was hidden by a helmet, his fiery red eyes betrayed an obvious smile. "Let's just say I have one very curious candidate, for the role of your future lover"

"Zeus very carefully monitors all his children's, and certainly he will not give a person like me, even the opportunity to touch one of them" She narrowed her eyes while looked at brother with curiosity. "You know, when you have too many children's, you may become simply disappointed in one of them. And as a result, will leave a child alone in this dangerous world. But pure heart aunty Aphrodite, won't let a baby to suffer alone in this cruel world. She will probably help, is I'm not right?" Stepping closer, Ares held out a hand in which a miniature figurine in form of a young man appeared. "Hmm, I'll think about your offer!" Mistress of hearts answered while examining a figurine. "Nice to have a deal with you sister! And also tell a hubby to forge a better sword for me, 'cause soon I will probably go hunting!" With a wave of his hand, the executioner vanished into thin air.

Left eye start to twitch when warrior mentioned queen's husband. With a cry, she threw a pillow into a place where her brother stood before. "Tell by yourself if you need it!"


A sound of something large crashing into something very hard reverberated throughout forest. A huge boulder trembled like a leaf in a wind from the incessant jolts that came from below. While Haemon was covered in own blood, he headbutt a boulder non-stop with own head. Tears flow from mad eyes like a waterfall, while wounds on his head heal to get more damage. "Get out, get out of my head! Shut up, stop screaming, I can't do it anymore. Just die!" Clenching his fangs, Haemon threw back his head, and then with a painful smile, he sharply rammed into a stone, as result creating many cracks in it. He didn't stop there, he just start to bang own head against the stone more violently.

Boulder began to crumble like sand under an onslaught of Olympian, huge pieces fell to the ground and caused earthquakes. "Kill, devour, subdue, dominate, command! Flesh is true, pain is true, lust is true, hunger is true!" Cacophonous laughter with a wild cry of voices. A soft whisper of lust mixed with the angry roar of a beast, the thirst for blood mixed with hunger. All these abominations coexisted in one head, confusing thoughts slowly stitching instinct with madness. Then silence stopped Haemon from another blow. Voices subsided leaving their owner alone with himself.

By pressing face against own knees, Haemon tried to sleep. The torn mind bled and was forced to desire only one thing peace. "Question for backfill who is a no one?" A voice broke the silence again, but this time it didn't come from the subconscious at all. "The answer is an Olympian who feels sorry for himself, you are like a girl who was impregnated and then thrown away like a toy he-he! So instead of tearing your enemies and enjoying their sufferings, you lie in the fetal position. And wait for mercy from our enemies? Do you really think they will have mercy on us? Ha-ha no! Lions don't care about lamb feelings. A scorpion doesn't think before using venom" A creature slowly emerged from Haemon's shadow. The demon looked like an Olympian only in the shape of the body, the creature didn't have a mouth, it was an entire body-like darkness that seemed to absorb all light, and his white eyes looked directly into the soul of Haemon.

Voice all this time went from demonic to annoyingly hissing. In anger by just waving his hand, a creature of darkness demolished many trees with a shock wave. "Who are you?" Haemon asked while raising his head. Magically appeared in front of Olympian, creature hissed with joy: "I'm it's you, master!"

As always if you find any mistake let me now patron. I hope I will make next chapters much longer and also give me some ideas if you want!

Asemertiascreators' thoughts