
Chapter 47: Heat Over?

[Time Skip: October 29th]


Hot pain coursed through all of his body, bringing this acute sensation, like billions of tiny needles were slowly sinking into his flesh down his muscles, and into his nerves. It stings his whole body, sending waves of electricity through his whole body painfully, which made him jerk and move, not wanting to be quiet for a second because it would be worse.

So there he was a giant black snake with a pair of black eagle wings, flying around and not wanting to stay quiet for a second, always moving and hissing painfully. His body suddenly shifted and his snake form began to change into a bulkier and bigger form as the pair of eagle wings began to change into reptilian featherless wings, his snake form grew four feet as he changed from a Giant Snake into a Dragon. He began to cough fire as the heat from a dragon's body just made his whole situation worse, he tried to consciously change his body again just to fail miserably and be stuck in this form for a while... These few days have been a nightmare for Enychta. he had to control himself to not simply fly towards Camp Half-Blood, get both boys so he could break their ass in half with his monster dick.

He doesn't know how much time is left from the heat, damn, he doesn't even know how much time has passed since his heat started! He sincerely doesn't know what time is anymore, he is sure that at least some days have passed, or maybe hours? He isn't sure at all!

He looked down and noticed he was above a big body of water, so he did the most logical thing he could and dived deeply into the lake, or was it the ocean? Well, the only way to find out, and Is to see if it is salty or not. As his draconic body dived down and hit the cold water, making him relax for a second as the heat from his body seemed to cool down a little after he was completely wet, but it came back faster than it went away, even hotter than before. He tasted the water a little bit and it tasted like salt, which meant he was in the ocean... Great, he was in Poseidon's domain! He began to swim and suddenly something caught his attention, it was a beautiful lady with the lower half of a fish, she was gorgeous and alive! Maybe she could mate with him?

No! What is he thinking?

He quickly swam towards her, his mind fighting his body from doing something stupid, and as he expected, as soon as the Siren saw him, she swam away which made his predator instinct to chase her and eat her. And chasing her down he did, his body began to quickly change shape once more and he began to turn into a Hippocampus, a half fish half horse monster that could swim fast! And because it was Eny, he could swim faster than the Mermaid... Or was it a Siren? Only one way to find out, and that was to eat her corpse. Mermaids and Sirens are different, so Eny assumes they also taste different, it makes sense in his monster mind.

His lower fish half began to quickly flap from side to side, while his horse front galloped after the half-woman half-fish creature that he wanted to eat, thinking about it he doesn't remember eating anything for the past... He doesn't how long it has been since he ate something. Well, he is going to it now anyway!

Suddenly, the horse's mouth unhinged like a snake's mouth while his whole body began to increase in size, the mouth was so fucking big it could swallow a whole human! The half-fish half-woman felt despair as the creature rushed towards her and in a big bite, chopped her body in half... Her last thought was how cold the water felt against her skin and how it hurts the salt in her wounds, and also how big the creature was that killed her instantly.

Without mercy, Enychta swallowed the siren whole before burping in a very cartoonish way, creating air bubbles in the now blood crimson water... Only one thought echoed through Hippochta (Hippocampus + Enychta) right now: "I should've eaten her slowly, maybe it would keep me feeling a little less hungry... Oh well, there's no use crying over the spilled blood." His body began to shake and he felt his back aching again, it meant wings would grow out of his back! He quickly swam upwards as the feeling grew heavier and heavier until he jumped out of the water like a dolphin, but a few feet higher.

From his back, a pair of bat-like wings spread out, giving the half-fish half-horse with an unhinged mouth resembling a snake's mouth the ability to fly! And fly he did, back to the shore where he landed and began I change again, returning to his human form completely worn out... His whole body was cold- Wait, freezing? It was burning hot seconds ago! It has been burning with heat for a long time now, why did it suddenly stop?

Unknown to Enychta, he has spent 2 whole months flying around without rest, he visited every single USA state and are a lot of monsters, sadly not getting any ability from any of them. He was seen by mortals, which started a creepy urban legend about a giant flying creature that takes children from their parents to eat them, you know, like every German bedtime story ever. After 2 months of feeling like he is going to burn, his heat finally ended when the mating season passed by, so it means: "It's October!?" Enychta shouted, he quickly got up and was ready to run to Camp Half-Blood, but his legs gave in, he was too tired to even consider walking right now. He quickly used his threads to wrap his whole body into a tight cocoon of threads that he weaved and changed their color, making himself nice silk black clothes.

As the saying goes: When in doubt, wear black.

He needs to rest before even thinking of going back to his family, he needs enough energy to fly again. He doesn't know where he is, so he will call the Grey Sisters- Oh, he has no drachmas, at all... Guess he will need to find the nearest city and he will know where he is.