
Chapter 133: Complications

A bronze arrow shot through the Cyclop's head, hitting the other one behind him, surprise for sure, all the monsters around were taken by surprise by the sudden movement of the shadows to reveal a dark-haired boy wielding a purple-light blue sword in hands, slashing and dashing against the monsters, that scary sword was too much for them, they froze and couldn't escape, even more when a sudden lightning bolt hit two of them, turning them to the golden dust that scattered around.

"Damn." Enychta rose his eyebrows at the double kill both Bianca and Thalia had, Nico hurt some of the monsters by Shadow Travelling to the middle of them, which was reckless, but he had Annabeth and now? There were only one Hellhound. Both Cyclops and Harpies were killed instantly, without the chance of reacting. "I guess we taught them too well..." Luke hummed while Pruno closed his eyes before opening them, his pupils were now glowing in a pure white color. "huh... Those monster... When did they left Tartarus?" Enychta tilted his head in confusion, why would it matter when a monster left Tartarus?

Seeing his confusion, Pruno sighed before tilting his headd down and poiting at the only Hellhound left: "See? That shouldn't be out yet. It died, like, a week ago? and normally, monsters like them leave Tartarus after two to one and a half weeks, but that thing left in like, one week?" Luke hummed in agreement, it was somewhat strange, but not alarming... RIght?

Enychta, however, felt like this was something important, about something... About a Misstress? He can't remember, the memories of his past life slowly faded away, he still knows that he is not from this world, he still knows he died and reincarnated, but he can't remember much about his last world. Well, he remember his sibilings and his parents, and he did not have a great relationship with his parents, so as the older brother, he protected them from the world... He died burning alive? Yeah, that's right, he was betrayed wasn't he? Eh, doesn't matter anymore.

Pruno watched as Annabeth, Nico, Bianca, and Thalia quickly acted just as they were taught how to! Annabeth and Thalia had experience hunting and killing monsters before, so it was slightly impressive how fast and precisely Nico and Bianca acted together, Bianca with her arrows and Nico slashing precisely the monster, with Annabeth behind him with a single stab into the monster's only eye before Thalia came from behind and slammed her shield against the monster and electrocuted the monster into golden dust. "Huh..." Something was strange about this golden mist, it had a stronger death aura than it had before... Maybe the monsters are getting stronger? That's a possible option as well.

"Impressive." Luuke commented from watching and analysing what they all did, Their movements, their attacks, their flaws, how they reacted at how seemingy easy it was for them to kill all those monsters. Would they got cocky? WOuld they need to be humbled? Luke was ready to make them humble ifnecessary. After all, arrogance kills you so easily... He knew Hubris was Annabeth's fatal Flaw, just as Holding Grudges is Nico's (And Bianca's too), Thalia's Fatal Flaw is her Ambition, while his own Fatal Flaws are- surprisingly- two, both Anger and a little bit of Inferiority, since he doesn't think he's worthy his beloveds while he gets angry rather easy when someone hurts those he loves and differently from Eny, whose anger is visible, his anger is colder, interal, it doesn't show much. And that's super dangerous.

Pruno's Fatal Flaw would be his Yandered Tendencies- that's what Enychta called them- and his Jealousy. He can control himself, but it gets really bad whenever someone flirts with Luke or Eny, he will do pretty much everything to make sure it doesn't happen again, which can mean a lot of things including or not, murder, kidnapping, and other forms of getting rid of someone.

Enychta's Fatal flaw is surprisngly his love for his family, he would do anything for them, he is way too clingy and would never let them go away, never let them be possibly get hurt. And because of that, he would give his own life if it meant his family would live longer.

-Scene Cut-

"So, you know what you did wrong?" Luke looked down at the children that grew cocky with killing their first monsters, they had big bumps on their forehead as he taught them the importance of humblesness and principally Annabeth, whose Hubris only grew when she killed the monster so graciously, she was proud of her acomplishment, but Luke looked at her with a dissapointed look that quickly shattered that confidence she had.

And now, they are hearing Luke talking about their mistakes, which were surprisingly many.

"Nico, you appeared in the center, between several monsters, you surroundeed yourself with creatures that would love to take a bite out of you!" Luke sighed as Eny suddenly moved from where he was, his hand holding a silvery arrow. Looking at the arrow and looking at the figure of the child approaching them, surrounded by several maidens, he couldn't help but growl lowly as he rememmbered Bianca's fate.

It looks like the Fates hate him, huh?

"What do i owe you the pleasure to show yourself to this mortal male, Lady Artemis?" Enychta's surpressed anger was easily heard by all, afterl all, he wasn't making an effort on hiding his anger. She just shot towards him! Bitch, his hand is bleeding a little. "Oh, a new arrow, take this Bianca. A gift from the Great Goddess of Hunt. Pretty isn't?" Giving one of her divine arrows to a mortal, Enychta was offending her, but she offended him first by trying to shoot hi with said arrow. The cut on his hand slowly closed, whatever that arrow was, it slowed his healing to almost non-existent... He needs to be careful if he wants to win in a fight against this silver-haired bitch.

"You, abomination, shall be eliminated in the name of Olympus. Surrender your life to me, monster" Her hand pointed towards Enychta, who only looked at her like she was crazy before saying: "Hum... No?"

Apparently, that was not the right answer.