
08: Eating Monsters

When it was morning, or 5 am in this case, Eny woke up. He avoided moving his body as he looked around and sniffed the air, he felt no monster scent around him and smiled his wolfish grin closed when he saw the boy in his arms. He was sleeping reverse to Eny, while Eny was upside down, the boy wasn't... He also needs to know the boy's name, not that he would use it because he would get attached, but so he knows it. Frowning, he expanded his wings and let loose his tail, falling from the tree. He flapped his wings to slow down his fall and landed on his hind legs, carrying the boy with his forearms.

"Wake up." Eny's voice when he was in his Dark Chimera mode was deeper, comparable to a male adult voice. The boy opened his eyes just to see Eny, his eyes expanded and he screamed in fear, soon he began to cry sending Eny in a panic. He needs to shut up this child before any mortal or monster comes! Soon he also noticed something else, pain, his body was feeling pain as his fur began to fall from his arms. He quickly dropped the boy, as soon as the boy touched the ground Eny watched in surprise as the grass withered and greyed, dying, the soil began to crack and the trees began to break as the boy brought upon place destruction. "Master." Grenade appeared from his shadow, as soon as he touched the ground he whined in pain.

Eny noticed that his legs were also hurting, he looked at the boy and decided he needed to make him stop crying: "Hey. Stop crying. See? The monster's gone!" Eny shouted as his form shifted back to his human form, his nails grew back to their normal size, his tusks returned to his mouth, his second mouth closed, and his Scorpion tail entered his back again. "See? Gone!" The body stopped crying for a second and Eny did what he thought would calm the boy down, he hugged him, which made the boy push him away in fear. Soon Eny noticed why, as soon as he touched him, his body withered and he lost some of his life... 'This boy... Is strong. I need to keep him, he is a valuable asset.' Eny thought, if with just one touch the boy could kill someone, then he needs to keep him.

Eny, however, noticed that the ground kept breaking and withering faster than before. 'If touching can't calm him down... Maybe a song?' He sighed deeply before singing a lullaby, the only lullaby he could remember:

"Wolves are asleep beneath the trees.."

"Bats all a-swaying in the breeze..."

"But one soul lies anxious, wide awake..."

"Fearing all manner of ghouls, hags, and wraiths..."

Do not judge Eny for only knowing this lullaby, he liked to play some games with his friends before he died, but wasn't that fond of games, he liked books and novels more than games and music. He listened to music, of course, because why would someone not listen to music!? All the other songs he knew were either inappropriate for children or were not a lullaby. And this song always gave him the creepy feeling of being a child of a monster that sings this song to him... This feeling is even stronger now.

Eny tried his best to make his voice low and resonant with the boy's heartbeat. Oh yeah, his heart was beating so loudly that even Eny could hear it, he thought that maybe he would need to get his senses to a [Unique Skill] grade to be able to listen to people's heartbeat, but no, he could if he focused or it the heartbeat was too loud like now. It seemed to work as the boy's heartbeat began to slow down until it was in a normal human heartbeat. Eny sighed deeply before looking at the ground, the ground was dry, deteriorated, and crumbling to dust as he stepped on it. The grass had turned to ash and the flowers to dust, the trees were dry and looked like they could break at a man's touch.

"Come on, we gotta leave... Monsters are coming." Eny said, he just now felt the scent of monsters, 10 monsters that were coming in a flock, Harpies. Eny tried to get the boy in his arms, but when he saw that his skin was dry and crumbling, the boy began to cry and apologize: "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry..." The boy looked terrified and guilty at the same time. "Please don't leave me." It looked like he was having a moment now... "As if," Eny said, of course, he would not let this boy behind! He was a great asset and could be useful in the future! "I just need you to hold tight, okay?" The boy nodded as Eny looked towards the scent of monsters, he scoffed before a pair of bat-like wings appeared behind his human form. "By the way... What's your name?" Eny tried to distract the boy, and it seemed to work as he answered: "Pruno... Pruno Begoni."

Eny raised smiled, took the boy in his arms, and flapped his wings. But just as he was going to fly away, a gust of wind hit him hard on the left side of his body, making him be sent flying to the right side and hit a decaying tree. Eny reacted fast and shifted his body to protect Pruno under his body, the boy was unharmed as Eny hit his back and the tree that was hit began to crumble and fall backward, hitting another tree and causing a huge explosive sound as it hit the ground with force. Eny looked at the Harpies that had small tornadoes on their hands and frowned, he placed Pruno on the ground before he shifted his body to his Dark Chimera form, flying fast towards the Harpies. He focused on just above the Harpies and used [Cosmic Magic: Cosmic Dust] to cause [Pain] on the Harpies, which all began to cough and hold their throats in pain, stunning them and giving him enough time to get to them.

His long claws slashed the Harpies and cut them down, using his teeth and scorpion tail to bite and stab them, he killed them all in 1p seconds, which was very impressive. As their corpses fell on the ground, lifeless, Eny landed beside Pruno to see if he was alright, but to his surprise, he just hugged him while crying. After a few minutes of comforting him, Eny was able to grab some of the Harpies and are them. They tasted like chicken...

To his surprise, however, he got a new ability:

[Fire Resistance: 0%

An inferior version of the ability Harpies and Cyclops have, which is called Fire Immunity.]

Huh... So that's what he can get from eating monsters.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Pruno comes from the name Cherry Blossom: Prunus that represents life and beauty

Begoni comes from Begonias, which a pink flower that represents being caution