

Bernard_Obama · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


<p>Demuegre lacking the true knowledge of the devine world decided to create a flawed reflection of the perfect spiritual reality.He created his own universe created stars ,planets ,moons everything that is contained in our immediate universe.Demugre was a speck a thought of Sophia the goddess of wisdom so he was a genius by nature he was a freak of nature who could generate new ideas each and everytime he put his mind on something.<br/><br/>Demiurge created himself his own servants who he believed were devine which in real sense was not in any bit devine.Demiurge created his own angels in a process called the devine assembly line.He took impure elements from his own created imperfect representations of the devine realm and moulded them into angelic beings he used different elements to create different beings as he wanted a variety of powers.He then established himself as the supreme ruler of them and his own Angels were to serve him for an eternity potraying him as their creater the ultimate God.<br/>Until one day when one of his first batch of created angels decided to betray him fueled by pride Lucifer decided he had served for long enough and now was the time for him to ascend to the heavenly throne.He rallied with his own group of dedicated followers he had gannered to himself all those years when he was in heaven.Lucifer being the first angel to be created was often treated differently compared to the other angels God loved him and gave him the highest possible hirachy in heaven but this was not enough for lucifer as years of being in his position made him get bored by it and he started coveting his own fathers power he wanted to be a supreme ruler of the universe as God himself he had become tired of being below his father and felt that now was his time to ascend higher in power hence he decided to wage a great war and challenge God for the throne of Heaven.<br/><br/>This war took a thousand years as the devil and his angels fought bravely against Michael the archangel the angel of war created specially by God if the need for war ever came.Michael being the war machine he was a master strategist of war and a man who could think straight if any war came up finally defeated lucifer and his group of angels chained him and took him to the throne of Heaven to await his judgement.<br/>(please do leave a comment below about how the book is any changes i need to Make or something.https://chat.whatsapp.com/Dl2gSPp10z7JqPMGgvWdIF join my what'sapp group for the book)<br/><br/>Demuegre sentenced lucifer to a verdict of banishment from the heavens if he did not apologize to God and the other angels in which lucifer chose his pride and ego over the heavens.</p>