
son of the demon king

Reinhart born as the son of the Demon King realizes how people label others just as it happened to his father, since he had the status and named Demon King, they sent someone who called himself a hero to assassinate him. So at the young age of fifteen he was orphaned, so he vows to take revenge on all the people who did him wrong. "As you thought that my father was the villain just because he had the title of Demon King, now I will take revenge on you just because you have the title of humanity".

Alfred_0624 · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

chapter 2

"This is none of your business so don't try to make me angry," said the fat king to his daughter Christine.

Christine seeing this left the room angry because she did not hear what she was looking for.


Back to the present, Reinhart was on the infernal beast at full speed. After an hour he was able to arrive, when he arrived he saw that the soldiers were in formation ready to attack at any moment. Reinhart saw that in one of the tents was his father.

When he reached the tent he saw his father talking to the general about how to attack.

"Father, sorry to bother, but I also want to help in all this." Reinhart said with determination.

"Son what are you doing here, And don't you see we are in a war! So don't even think I'm going to let you go to the front." Said Reinhart's father with a tone of concern.

"No matter what you say father I'm going to help...".


Before he finished speaking a loud explosion was heard outside. Everyone went outside to see what it was. When they arrived they saw some mages preparing to unleash another attack. "Everyone get ready to attack!". Shouted the general, all the soldiers immediately went to the front thus unleashing a bloody battle.

Reinhart seeing this was going to go out and look for a sword when suddenly he feels a huge pressure on him. It was as if a mountain was on his shoulders. He looked around for the presence causing the pressure.

When he found it, he saw a man in golden armor walking straight towards where his father was, Reinhart seeing this runs out to stop the man. When he got closer he felt a huge murderous intent even bigger than the previous one leaving him immobilized by fear.

Meanwhile the man heading towards Reinhart's father who was also the demon king began to speak. "Well this was easier than I thought, now I will have to kill you, too bad I thought I would have fun with you, but that wasn't the case." Said the man with a smile on his face.

"Who are you and for what reason are you going to assassinate me?". Said the demon king being extremely cautious, but the answer he heard left him a little surprised.

"Why am I going to assassinate you, firstly because you are the demon king and secondly because I was ordered to, besides I am the hero now if you don't mind I will proceed". With this saying the man who called himself a hero advanced to kill the demon king. He used a spell that immobilized people. Then he drew his sword and cut off his head with a simple cut.

Reinhart at the sight of this was filled with rage. He didn't care that the man was too strong all he wanted was to kill him, when he thought he made a cut the sword broke in half. The man saw Reinhart with an amused look. Then with a blow to the neck he knocked him out, grabbed him by the leg and threw him into a forest to the east.

Since the leader of the demon kingdom was dead, the soldiers lost their motivation and surrendered to the human army. With this the humans were able to conquer the demonic kingdom in a very easy and direct way.

Two hours later in the forest Reinhart woke up with a strong pain in his neck, when he noticed that he was in a forest he became alert, because according to what he had studied there were wild hell beasts in all the forests.

As he was alert he remembered how his father was killed in front of him just for being the demon king. "You murdered my father just for being the demon king now I will take revenge on you just because you are human." Reinhart swore this in his heart to bring him justice and avenge his father's death.

Now the problem was where he was. Reinhart looked around for any clue that would help him to locate himself geographically. After a while he found an unusual grass which made him find his location. "So I'm in the forest east of the demon realm."

With this clear he decided not to return to his kingdom because he suspected that the human army would have a big advantage and that sooner or later they would win and take over the kingdom, so his only option was to head to the elven kingdom which was closer.

Two weeks passed since Reinhart left for the elven kingdom. He was already half a day away from being able to get there. When suddenly an infernal beast attacked.

Reinhart saw this and quickly dodged it by bending his body to the side after which he lashed out with a blow to the solar plexus of the hell beast. The beast upon receiving the blow spat out a mouthful of blood because of how hard it was going.

As Reinhart had fortified its body with mana its strength increased quite a bit. The hell beast looked at Reinhart after which it jumped, swung its right paw with the intention of slashing his neck. But what it didn't expect was that Reinhart had grabbed a branch with a spike on the end which he used to his advantage as he dodged and pushed the branch into its stomach, piercing it completely through and dropping dead instantly.

After this Reinhart continued on his way to the elven kingdom.

When he arrived he noticed that the elves and some Angels were entering after an inspection without having to pay. He approached and stood in line waiting for his turn.

When it was his turn they did the same to him as the others and he was able to pass. What he sought was the guild so he could earn money and become stronger for the future.

With all this done Reinhart let out a big sigh full of sadness for losing his father.

I would appreciate your support and comments on how you liked the chapter since it is my first novel that I write.

Alfred_0624creators' thoughts