

Samuru appeared in a park right next to a bench were Hinata was seated.

"Hey Samuru… it has been a while" Hinata said as Samuru took a sit next to her.

"Yes it has. So what have you been up to these past months?" he asked

"A never ending series of missions. We barely get any time to rest, if it was for these Chūnin exams, we would probably still be out on missions" replied an exhausted Hinata.

"So will your team be taking part in the exams?" he asked.

"Yes and I am hoping to get promoted on my first try" she replied.

"What about your team?" she asked.

"Yes they are but not me" replied Samuru.

"Why not?" she asked with a worried expression.

"Because I have been promoted to Jōnin" he said as he raised his chest in pride.

Hinata laughed, "Sure you have been promoted to Jōnin". She didn't believe him.

"I really was promoted. I we even been a proctor for the second exam" he said trying to defend himself.

But this just caused Hinata to even laugh hard, "Oh I really needed a great laugh after this past few months" she said after catching her breathe.

Samuru just closed his and laid back on the beach, he knew it was a futile attempt to try conversing Hinata and decided to just keep her company and the much cool breeze.

Hinata looked at Samuru as he laid back enjoying himself and she could feel her heart beat increasing. She noticed that in there time apart he seem to have become even more handsome.

"I can feel you staring at me" said Samuru with his eyes still closed.

Hinata didn't stopping looking at him. In fact, she came closer to him causing him to open his eyes and look at her.

"Have you ever thought about taking our relationship to another level?" she asked.

"Yes, I thinking about sometimes" he replied

"So, should we become more than just friends" she said as she come closer to him.

"Sure if you ca…" before he could finish his words, Hinata brought her head closer to his and kissed him. Samuru was surprised for a moment but then began to kiss her back.

There kissing got so intense that Hinata climbed on his laps and they began to dry hump on the park bench. Samuru run his hands up her thighs and grabbed her ass while Hinata grabbed him by the back of his head pulling her deeper in to her mouth.

Things were about to escalate to a whole another level as Hinata run her hands down his chest to below his belt were she could feel the massive bulge about to rip the pants apart. She was about to undo his zipper and get to the anger monster when Samuru got to his senses

"NO…not yet. If we do it now, you won't be able to take part in the exams tomorrow."

"Why?" she asked.

"Let's just say, you won't be able to walk for a while"

Hinata blushed when she had his reply, "fine, how about after the exams are done we fine a quiet place and resume"

"Fine by me" he replied as he kissed her again.

Hinata got off his laps to sit back on the bench and that's when they noticed there was a crowd of people staring at them. The men in the crowd were giving a look of respect while the women had red face and were giggling.

"Right it is a public park during lunch hour…of course there are people in it" he said as he released that they had an audience earlier.

Hinata began to with draw her neck in to her top like a turtle hiding in its shell, "please get me away from here" she said in a tiny voice.

Samuru smiled at her embarrassment held her hand and teleported but during the nanosecond it takes him to open a space rip and move through, he noticed a blonde haired girl in the crowd. It was Ino.

Ino just witnessed her whole world crash in to pieces. She tried to move her feet and walk away but her feet wouldn't move, forcing her feet she tripped and fell over.

But before she could hit the ground, a pair of hands wrapped themselves around her waist and suddenly the world around her changed from the park to a forest area near a lake.

She quickly turned to see who brought her here and that when she saw Samuru smiling at her. She felt the world go still as she stared in to his green eyes on his divine god like face enjoying the feeling of his strong arms around her waist.

She wished this moment could last forever when she heard someone clear there throat loudly.

Ino turned to see an angry Hinata staring at here. She quickly pulled out of Samuru hands as she reminded the scene of both of them kissing on the park bench.

"Why did you bring me here?" she asked

"Yeah why did you bring her here?" echoed Hinata.

Samuru smiled at them both, then walked behind Hinata and wrapped his hand around her waist. He then began to kiss her neck as he whispered in her ear, "I want her as well"

"NO" said Hinata as she pushed Samuru away, "I won't allow you to have any other woman in your life but me"

Samuru looked her in the eye and then turned to Ino, "do you also feel the same way, you won't allow me to have another woman beside you?" he asked

Ino laughed and replied, "As long as you promise to never abandon me you can have as many women or men as you want" [A/N: the men thing is never gonna happen]

Samuru raised his hand as an invisible force began to lift Ino in the air and slow pull her towards him. When she reached him, he kissed her which she welcomed.

Hinata saw her boyfriend happily kissing another woman in front of her causing her a lot of confusion. She couldn't understand why she didn't feel why angry but rather a strong urge to join.

"What is wrong with me?" she asked herself.

"Are you just going to watch or join us?" Samuru asked.

Hinata jumped in to his hands and began kissing him as well.

Samuru began to alternate between kissing Hinata and Ino and nearly lost self-control of his urges when Ino kissed Hinata.

"That is enough", he said as he pulled them apart, "Anymore action from you both and I may be force to rip your clothes apart and take you here and now"

"Why don't you?" asked Ino who was clearly horny and wanted more.

Hinata laughed and replied "apparently if he does, we won't be able to walk for a while"

"Oh someone is confident in his abilities" replied Ino as she laughed.

Samuru sighed and then proceeded to unzip his pants. This action catch the attention of the girls who stopped laughing and watched in anticipation to see what hide in his pants.

With his zipper pulled down, his erect cock had space to expand and shoot out the pants to stand tall, proud and majestic.

Samuru smiled with pride when he saw there looks of shock.

"Wow…that is huge" said Hinata.

"Is it even supposed to be that big?" asked Ino

Samuru took a step towards then and they took a step back.

"Why are you running? I thought you wanted to have some fun"

Ino and Hinata vigorously shook their heads, "we agreed to do it after the exams so we shall wait till then" said Hinata.

"I agree to that as well" replied Ino.

Samuru laughed so hard causing his cock to shake up and down with Hinata and Ino following its movement with their heads.

"Fine, I don't want you to say you missed the exams because of me" he said as he began to put back in his pants. That is when he noticed his cock looked different at full erect.

"Hmmm it got bigger…" he said.

Hinata and Ino looked at each other then turned to Samuru, "did you just say it got bigger?" they asked

"Yes, it used to be 7 inches about a month ago now its 10 inches. Don't worry I think it's normal, after all I am still growing"

Hinata and Ino held themselves together in fear, "It's still growing" they said.

"Yeah, I wonder at what length and thickness it will stop" he said as he finally stuffed his cock back in his pants.

"I think we should head back, you need to prepare for the exams"

Samuru walked forward and held their waists, he briefly looked to a tree top, smiled then vanished.

Dropping out of the tree top was a woman wearing a fitted mesh body suit that covered her from her neck down to her thighs with a dark orange mini skirt and an over coat.

"That is a lot of cock for a boy his age…I wonder if he knows how to use it and if he does, I feel sorry for those poor virgin girls" she said as she slowly shook head.

She then took a sit by the lake and remove a box containing takoyaki (octopus balls) and began eating.

"I would if I will ever see that cock again…it was so impressive"

It was morning and all the genin teams taking part in the Chūnin exam began to arrive and assembly in the waiting hall our side the examination hall.

"Today is the big day" said Samuru as he jumped out his bedroom window and headed towards the first exam location. He wanted to wish his Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto good luck.