
Somnolence on a cloudy day

"Librarian-turned-roadkill." They should have written that on my obituary; I was hit by a car after all. Although, I suppose I shouldn't really worry about that right now, seeing as I've been shoved inside the body of a baby. By the way I have a twin. He has purple hair. So do I and it's natural too. See where I'm going with this? A KHR fanfic [M] for cussing, sex, and incest (later)

Night_Ink · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Of tutoring and birthday presents(I may have started the beginnings of a passion)

Vibrant green leaves on tree branches glisten in the sun after a morning drizzle. A warm breeze picks up and gently caresses each blade of grass. Sighing, I smile in bliss, treasuring the peacefulness. Leaning on the side of the window I was sitting on, I start to fall into a sleepy daze.

The image I made would have been quite a sight.

Imagine, a tiny purple-haired little boy, a blindfold on his face, and his body seated on the window of the 5th floor.

They must have taken me as suicidal.


I'm barely fazed as the door opens, feeling extremely drowsy already. Faintly registering my twin's presence, I instinctively scooted over to make room. Legs playfully knock against mine as they dangle out of the window. Holding out a hand, he gripped it with his small hands and gently squeezed

I smiled, quietly greet him, "Apples. How're you doing?"

"Lemon. Great, I caught a butterfly today!" He puffed his chest out with pride. After I clapped my hands for his achievement he continued, cheeks red with happiness.

"Also, the sunflower seeds I planted last week are growing real nice. I can't wait till they get real big and yellow. I'll bring 'em here when they're done growin' so you can feel them. How're you doin'?"

With a lazy smile, I leaned back, enjoying the breeze. "Oh, nothing much. I was just sitting here and enjoying the fresh air. The strings you found were really easy to work with." Rummaging around, my hand found what they were looking for and presented it to him. "Look, I made a new one!"

In my hand was a string bracelet, its strings were woven in intricate patterns that I knew looked bomb from my memories.

"Wow! It looks great!" Holding his wrist up—already laden with other bracelets I had made—he let me tie it together.

Once I finished tying the last knot, he pecked my head and laid his on top.

"If it's for you, I'd give you anything in the world."

Ruminating about what I had planned today (which wasn't much), I decided on what was needed.

Facing him, Squishy perked up to listen. "Do you wanna get started with the lesson? We can start on your math." With stars in his eyes, he nodded.

"Sure!" Smiling goofily, he glomped me in a tight hug. " Hehe, my little brother is so smart. I bet you'd be a better teacher than the one we have at school."

"Hmm, I'd rather not; you're the only person I'd bother teaching to so there's no point. Now," twisting around and sliding off the ledge, I continued, "it's study time so go get your books." Giggling, he rushed to get his worksheets from our desk. I plop down on our bed as I get lost in thought.

A long time has passed and we're almost 3 years of age. I've gotten better with the echolocation all due to Squishy's help.

It had started when one of the kids had spilled water on the radio I used for practice. Having the radio break had been a wrench in my plans to practice so I sulked that day.

Squishy, upon seeing my sad state of being, had tried to cheer me up by saying nice things he could think of. Of course, being a near 2-year-old, he couldn't really form full sentences and ended up blurting out a myriad of fruits and sweets since—according to him—'they were yummy and yummy things cheer you up'. Halfway into his rambling of sweets, I had realized that the way I hear him is different from the others.

When people talk, the best I can see is an outline of the bare minimum. However, listening as my twin spoke, the images got clearer as if sharpened. I've made it an experiment to speak to myself when I was alone to see if I would get the same results. If I said more than one word the image would only blur before getting clearer. In the end, it was like the beeping of sonar so using only one worked the best since it was smoother.

As for the random word thing, I just thought it would be fun for me if not annoying for others—I always did like to freak the others out. I guess Squishy copied me because of a twin thing—he probably thought it would annoy the others too since he continued doing it despite not being blind.

As for the schoolwork, classes have started up and the kids are having an absolute blast (note my sarcasm).

It seems Squishy is one of the very few who actually enjoy those classes. We're the youngest kids in class seeing as everyone is almost 2 to 3 years older than us. I had made sure that he was under everyone's radar by asking him to be quiet and promising to answer any questions he had. The children learning with us were told to stay away so they were pretty tame. The adult teaching the class knew that we were quiet so she didn't bother with us, too busy focusing on the other kids.

When the schooling had started, I saw my chance and took it. Sneaking into the matron's office was easy. Finding and memorizing all of the syllabi....not so much. I had to take my brother with me so he would write them down and recite them to me later when we were in bed.

I had to make sure that Squishy had an education so I took it upon myself to teach him, and seeing as I had already understood what was going to be taught, I had no problem with the process.

(Not once did he question me.)

I was pleasantly surprised when he took to it like a duck to water. When he did get stuck on something there was no hesitation to ask for help. I wouldn't want him to miss out on something because he was reluctant to learn about it.

He was easily bored in the mandatory classes we took so I tried to make our sessions as interesting as possible. Thank God I had a boatload of techniques from Before when I had been a college student. I had learned nothing from the lectures so I taught myself by doing the reading straight from the textbooks. My time was spent more on visiting the library than my actual classes.

"Okay, I'm ready!"

Dropping down on the bed Squishy pulled out the homework I assigned. As he finished reading out loud his answers and work, I made a note to myself to go over number 7 with him since he seemed to have a harder time solving it.

"Okay, you did well. We'll have to go over a few to see what was confusing, but you did fine for the most part." Pulling out a math book from under my bed I start on the next lesson.

Giving him some time to work on a couple of questions, I look over today's language lesson. It seems today is French day, covering past tenses would be adequate. Focusing my ears on the clock on the wall, I estimate 3 hours of studying until break time and then dinner. Satisfied with the schedule, I lay on my stomach reading the braille book Squishy had brought.

When we were allowed to go on weekly trips to the library, I couldn't hold back a wide grin at the announcement, barely covering my mouth in time. The moment we stepped inside, I immediately explained how the library system worked, taking him over to the language area.

The 3 hours had gone by in a flash and before we knew it, the dinner bell had rung. Sitting up from our previous positions, I asked him to save our seats while I took care of his things. Pecking my cheek in thanks he smiled.

"Thanks lovely, you can have my cookie for helping me, I know how much you love them." and left for the dining room. Mumbling to myself that it wasn't true knowing that I was lying to myself, I cleaned up the room and left to eat.

Remembering to touch the walls to keep up my pretense as blind, I walked at a steady pace to where my twin was. Knowing where I liked to sit, he picked the seat near the edge of the room where no one would bother us. Bless him.

Whispering a brief "sorbet" as I enter the room, I follow to where he called out to me. "Okay everyone, please be seated. It's time to eat so get ready to say your prayers. " The voice of the matron rings out against the chatter of children as she recites the prayer for the meal. "Now children, you know the drill; no dessert unless you finish your food."

I don't dislike her, she's rather the only person I trust in a room full of adults. With a rather small stature and kind disposition, she's a person that everyone is fond of. Wearing an apron with a rather messy blonde bun with freckles that sprinkle across her face, paired up with a white blouse and black ankle-length skirt, she gives off a rather homely feel. While she does stiffen sometimes when I reveal myself, she still does her job without fail so I can't fault her for it since it's only a natural reaction.

Nodding my head in thanks—despite going unnoticed—to the person who ladles tonight's dinner, I slowly ate my meal. Tonight's dinner is Pelmeni soup which is my favorite meal to eat. If you don't know what Pelmeni is, it's a dumpling that can be served buttered, with condiments, or in a broth like the one I'm eating now. Sneaking into the kitchens is a pastime my brother and I love to do on Pelmeni nights. We'd always ladle some leftovers into our own bowls we had stolen and decorated for fun, and ate it while on our windowsill.

When the first dumpling gets in my mouth, I simply melt in ecstasy. The broth is light and hearty with a delicious chicken flavor. Not too hot or too cold, the soup sinks to the bottom of my stomach with ease. The Pelmeni themselves are a work of art; soft dough beautifully soft and chewy, meat delicious and juicy thanks to the broth it soaked up. The carrots and bok choy added a nice touch to the soup. I had never been averse to vegetables since I wasn't a very picky person and I had instilled this trait into Squishy.

I had read about scenarios in books where kids had used "Puppy Eyes" on people to get what they want. All I got from what little directions those books gave, was that you have to open your eyes extremely wide and ask them what you want. Seeing as I don't have the very thing that made up the move, I got by with what I had.

~6 months ago~





"What?" he asked, confused. Completely serious, I repeated my request, "Eat."

It was dinnertime and his twin had stuck a carrot on his fork and pointing it to him quietly gave him that request. Despite not being able to see his eyes, Squishy knew that they were open and had not stopped staring at him since his younger twin's start in the conversation. In a way, it was pretty cute how he could feel his mile-long stare and saw the nervous little tilt of his head.

Ah, how could anyone deny his cute brother. Nodding his head, he leaned forward and ate the carrot.

His twins had relaxed his tense muscles in relief and briefly let out a slight smile. Not caring about the taste, he was happy when he felt the dim aura around his brother get brighter. Figuring that eating his vegetables would make his warmth happy, he gladly continued doing so.


Looking at Squishy happily eating his vegetables, I feel glad I asked him that night. I would've sneaked his vegetables some way or another if he had refused otherwise.

Cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk, I made for quite a sight. Squishy's image was the replica of mine, we both were content just eating the dumpling soup. The background of children quietly talking and the sound of silverware clinking added to the peaceful atmosphere.

"Y'know," I started, catching Squishy's attention, "I memorized the kitchen schedule."

He raised his brow in confusion and swallowed his soup before asking, "Why?"

Not looking away from my food, I answered him, "To find out when the kitchen is free.."

With a sly tilt of my lips I continued, "I don't see why we can't sneak in and make some Pelmeni while they're not here."



I could imagine stars coming out of his eyes from how wide he was smiling. Shaking my head at his cuteness, I turn my attention back to my meal. One should always show their thanks to the cook by fully enjoying the meal after all.

After finishing dinner, the children were sent to be washed up to go to bed. I had to wait outside the bathroom since it was a rule for me to go last. Squishy usually stays behind with me unless he is pushed up the line. After the last pair of boys got out of the bathroom, I calmly walked in.

Going through the regular procedures, I take off my button-down shirt and shorts until I'm left standing naked with only the blindfold left. My eyes close as I reach up to take off the blindfold. My hair is a little messy so I shake my head a bit and then quietly call out to the caretaker in charge of washing today, "Ms. Katina, I'm ready." Startled by the sound of my voice, she strains a smile.

"Of course. You know your way around things so just sit tight for now, okay?" Seeing my nod, she quickly busied herself to get the bath ready.

Feeling the vibrations of my breathing bounce off the walls, I moved to the tub, making it a point to use my feet to touch the floor so I could "navigate" my way across. Sensing her come near, I raise my arms out to be lifted. Chilly hands, because of the previous baths, go under mine to pull me up. After being quickly deposited in the tub, I sit down and go through the regular procedure of being scrubbed on every inch of my body.

I had long since been used to this rather violating ritual so I didn't make any sounds of disturbance. Quick hands rubbed soap into my body and cold water was poured on me after that step was done. The water was always cold during my bath time since all the heat was used up by the previous batch of children. When she was done, she lifted me out and rubbed me dry with the towel. Her gaze on my body was piercing, as if analyzing me for anything—although she'll probably soon forget the details (they always do). After being dried and dressed, she sent me off to my bedroom and quickly walked away without a backward glance.


Narrowing my eyes in suspicion, I observed Ms. Katina's retreating figure. Standing at a regular height with mousy brown hair and a plain face she wouldn't ring any alarms. Not being one to pay much attention to me, our interactions were quick. However, she was more thorough than usual, normally she never touches me for more than 5 minutes when bathing me. I'll save that thought for later though, Squishy must be getting anxious from how long this took. Nodding to myself I check to make sure no one is around before walking normally to our room.

Upon walking through the corridor, I see my brother's fluffy ball of hair peek anxiously out of our door. Seeing me, his worried expression turned into one of relief. He rushed out, quickly latching onto my hand and pulled me inside. When he closed the door he lost all tenseness and turned around to hug me. "It's scary," he mumbled in the curve of my neck, "you took too long and I couldn't go out to find you and none of the others can see you and-and-" He couldn't continue talking, already choking on tears that were dripping down his face like streams.

Taking his hands in mine, I bring him to lay with me under the covers of our bed. "Shh, shh. Listen," I pushed his head towards my beating heart, "what's my measure?"

After a couple of seconds of trembling, he answers back with a sniffle, "Four four time."

"That's right so always remember this. As long as you can hear this beat," I point to my heart, "there's nothing to worry about." Nodding his head, he tilts back up and brings me closer for some cuddles.

"Now, tell me about your day." Starting very quiet, he was offering the accounts of talking to the small number of friends he succeeded in making over the years. When he had gotten to the part where they had had a water fight during bath time, the tremors in his voice receded and he had gone back to being his energetic self. When he had wind down from his storytelling he surprised me with a question.

"Hey, brother?" he whispered in the dark, playing with my hair.

"Mnn?" I was one second from konking out so I was barely making any words come out of my mouth. Luckily, Squishy was my twin and thus immune to this.

He fidgeted a bit before asking what was on his mind.

"Why don't we have names?"


Oh dear.

Sighing, I turned around my body to face him. My eyes closed as I faintly traced the outlines of his innocent young face. There was a brief pause. There was no merit for this moment of weakness since he would know either way. We weren't told about our mother and her connection to the orphanage so there was barely anything to go off on.

"Because we weren't named."





Blunt, I know, but I ain't raising no bitch. If we're surviving this life together, we're surviving together intact. It's only logical to explain to him why we have that blaring difference between us and the other children.

You see, the orphans we live with all have names. It doesn't matter if their parents died before they were born, they were provided a name. The matron gives them names as soon as she receives them and records them down on their papers since it was a mandatory procedure.

However, the situation with us is a tricky one.

We were the only ones paid to be here, hence the whole "money under the table" situation with us. Our existence wasn't supposed to be a thing so we never had papers. We weren't in the system. This means that we could be kidnapped, killed, or sold and no one would be able to do anything about it. With how we're treated, I don't doubt the only thing they'll miss was the money.

Seeing his downcast face, I continued with a question.

"Want me to give you one?"

He spluttered in surprise. "W-what?" I repeated my question, lightly blushing.

"Do you want me to give you one?" His eyes brightened with interest. Furrowing his eyebrows, he pursed his lips

"How would that work though?"

"I'll think of a good name and call you that. Just remember to introduce yourself with that name to everyone. When we're older we can go over the legalities. It's not much trouble" Nodding along, he accepted everything I said.

"Then," he started with a stubborn glint in his eyes, "it's only fair I give you one too! After all, you deserve it the most." Feeling content with how the evening inquiry turned out, I closed my eyes.

How cute.

"We can give each other names next week, it'll be like birthday presents."

"Yeah, and—" stopping for a yawn, he continued, "you can teach me how to make Pelmeni and we can eat them together all by ourselves."

Moving my arm, I gently run my hand through his silky tresses, listening to his soft rambles.

"Mnn." Breathing in the scent of my brother, I lost myself in the softness of his sound. I'll need to remember the book of baby names I had read a while ago, they had a good list.

In the back of my mind, something was tugging my attention about tomorrow. I can't help but think that I've forgotten something extremely important.

Warm enveloping arms distract me from my curious thoughts and pull me to a comfy object. A small murmur goes unnoticed by me as I finally lose consciousness.


Watching his little brother sleep was extremely soothing for some reason. And seeing how often he's inclined to naps, he doesn't see him stopping his habit anytime soon.

When his brother sleeps, he looks more peaceful and small, almost fragile—although he knows better. He remembers how the grass turned into dust around the younger when the other children wouldn't let him play with them or how easily the spoons and forks were bent by him during breakfast when children nearby had spread nasty rumors that their mother had made a deal with the devil for some reason that had caused his coloring.

With purple silk tresses, pale skin, and a small nose just like his, there's no mistake that they were twins. The only reason why others never really register them as twins is the younger's ever-present blindfold and his overall lacking presence. He would have caused more of a fuss for his little brother for their inattentiveness but that would trouble him. He had said that he "was very low maintenance" —whatever that meant— after all. It seemed to work for him so he would let it be for now.

Realizing that he would be giving his little brother a name that he would use for the rest of his life next week, he began to brainstorm what to name him.

Alexei? No that wouldn't work. What about Dominik? Wait, wasn't there already a Dominik at the orphanage? Maybe something foreign, he did teach me some names after all. How about Raphael, it sounds nice. Ooh, maybe Semyon, it'd fit him perfectly.

Why's this so hard? My mind flurries around in a frenzy trying to find the perfect name. Maybe it'll come to me if I sleep on it. Hoping for the best, I pull him close to me as I nestled down in the warmth of our bed.

His body moves in a ritualistic fashion as it always has right into my arms. The softness of his hair tickles my nose and his soft body is cuddled against mine. The familiarness of it all pulls all the tension from earlier out of me.

Yeah..... some sleep would be great. I wonder if this is why he naps..... all the time. It's..... no wonder..... he's so..... smart...zzzzzzz.

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