
Somnolence on a cloudy day

"Librarian-turned-roadkill." They should have written that on my obituary; I was hit by a car after all. Although, I suppose I shouldn't really worry about that right now, seeing as I've been shoved inside the body of a baby. By the way I have a twin. He has purple hair. So do I and it's natural too. See where I'm going with this? A KHR fanfic [M] for cussing, sex, and incest (later)

Night_Ink · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Lying in wait for an opportunity(I am the blanket monster. Fear me.)

~Nine months later~

The sounds of tittering children and talking adults fill the hallways. Each room is filled with children of separate ages too excited to go to sleep. Stories about their day were shared among one another. As usual, the caretakers warned the children not to go into the last corridor on the right or a monster would get them.

In the aforementioned room at the end of a quiet corridor, a door opens.


"Come on Lesya, hurry up!" Young voices filled the hallway full of anxiety.

"I know, I know. Stop rushing me." Reluctant footsteps patter across the marble floors moving into the silent room. Two girls around the age of 7 walk around the room in wonder and excitement. They had heard bedtime stories about the room in the corridor and didn't believe the rumors at all. Thinking that the caretakers just hid something there and wanted to make sure the kids were kept out, they sneaked out of bed to find out the truth.

"You know, there might actually be a monster here Alya." The taller girl rolled her eyes at the other.

"Lesya, for all we know the matron must've hidden something import—" creak "What was that?! Lesya what was that!" Alya began to panic with Lesya when they heard an increasingly louder line of creaks coming from the corner of the darkest part of the room. Turning their heads, their eyes land on a crib lit by the fractures of moonlight passing through a nearby window. Looking closer they caught a glimpse of a small figure they couldn't make out. Holding their breath, the girls stilled. A couple of silent seconds later, it shifted.


Finally having enough fear for one night, they turned their tails and ran like the devil was at their heels. Later, they would tell tales of their endeavor, solidifying the caretakers' warnings of the corridors, and would grow up telling the same stories to their own children about the monster in the room.

Back in the dark corridor, the door to the room opened once more.


Small feet padded into the room bearing no fear or hesitation. Seeing the small figure in the crib, they giggled and continued walking straight to the crib. They climbed over the bars and plopped right beside the figure. A quiet "mmf" coming from underneath brought a smile to their face as they saw a pale hand come out from under the covers of the blanket. As it latches onto their hand, the rest of the covers give way to a mop of silken purple.

Confused about the disturbance I raised my head out of my burrito blanket. Seeing Squishy, I mumbled, "Wasss wronnn?"

"Girls ran out." his soft voice answered back. I thought back to the muffled sounds in my dream.

"Oh. S'that all?"

"Un." Nodding my head at his answer, I reached out with my other arm and gently pulled him under the covers with me.

"Come, it's time to nap." Squishy let out a soft giggle before lying down and facing me.

"Bedtime. Miss dinner." He furrowed his eyes on me at that last part. Looking away from him I felt a little sheepish. It had become a habit to sleep everywhere no matter the time or place so I'd often miss meals.

Seeing that I felt sorry for worrying him, Squishy smiled. Digging through the many pockets of his overalls he held out a piece of chocolate to me. "S'okay, eat." He must have been successful in his kitchen run. Taking the chocolate, I broke it in half, and with a small smile gave it to him. Stopping him before he protested.

"Eating alone's lonely"

"'Kay.'' he smiled back and bit it, shifting so that he laid in his regular position on top of me.

I thought back about what had happened during the previous months while nibbling on my chocolate. After copious amounts of meditating in my room, I had been able to succeed in making out faces in my 'vision'. It had also taken a while until I had facial expressions down to a pat, but I had done it. Being able to finally see my brother's face had brought me so much relief I had cried (Squishy had panicked when he saw tears dripping down my face through the blindfold. I had laughed at him the whole time I was crying because I saw his expressions changing at such a fast pace I couldn't keep up.) The irony of being forbidden to look when without the blindfold is bitter. Disregarding the fact that I've never seen myself, not being able to see the only connection I had in this life was constantly a thorn in my side. I swear, I would've burned down the orphanage if not for the fact that I didn't have the basics for me and Squishy to live by ourselves. Not to mention, the fact that we'd have to avoid CPS. (Did they even have CPS?)

It had been four months ago when Squishy started talking. It was during feeding time when I heard him stutter out the word "No" when the caretakers had taken me away for a bath. I had missed when he had started walking so my happiness was understandable to be able to witness one of my twin's firsts. I had wanted to make sure I wouldn't rush things too fast so I paced myself using Squishy as my model. Walking and talking were things I did after he did them so as not to draw attention from the others. Although, I don't bother talking to them seeing as I'm usually past their radar unless bothered with. Maybe they think I'm mute. Who knows? I don't care. The only one worth talking to here is my twin.

Sure, the kids here are nice enough. However, when an adult tells a child to stay away from someone without a reason why, the child makes up their own reasons and it escalates from there. Suddenly you're the creepy child or the defect. Mind you, even though I may have been rendered blind I can still hear their whispers when I bother to make my presence known. I'd rather stay invisible forever but the body of a near two-year-old is very needy and needs attentive care. The attentive care I could do without; however, this body needs food and cleanliness, things I can't exactly do by myself.

Carding my fingers through Squishy's hair, I ponder the thought of running away with him. Running away would have its benefits I agree, however, we wouldn't have our legal papers and we would just be returned to the orphanage. I suppose it would just be better if we stayed. There's no chance that we'd be adopted since we're kept in our room so we'd be safe with that. We'd be able to have an education; since going to school was mandatory until you were 17.

Nodding to myself, I made a note to ask if Squishy wanted to go overseas for college, after all, I'm not going to waste our time going through years of wailing toddlers and jealous pre-teens. "Mmm. Definitely not letting you be boyfriend bait." I murmured. I'd rip them apart if they break your heart.

"Hmm?" Squishy questioned.

"Nothing, nothing. Now sleep." Yawning, Squishy shimmied up and held me like a teddy bear. Relaxing in his familiar unnatural heat, I drifted off into another dream-filled night.


[Redacted] Laboratory

The typing of a keyboard fills the dark room, lit only by the multitude of screens on the wall. In the left corner of the lab, a man sits hunched typing up a lab report when an update shows up on the corner of his screen.

"Hmm?" Eyes full of confusion until realizing, "Oh. Yes, the twins. I wonder how they are. It has been a while, hasn't it. It's almost time to pick them up." A sick grin plasters itself on his lips. "Oh, the wonders we'll discover together." he moaned letting his head fall back in ecstasy "We'll have so much fun! Just you wait." Tracing a picture of newborn twins taped on a board he giggled manically before sighing with sick happiness.

" My lovely Clouds"

Two sleeping twins could only clutch each other for comfort as they felt a chill of trepidation down their spine.

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