
Sometimes Love Isn't Enough

[WARNING MATURE CONTENT] For the first time in Nuelle's life, she experienced what you see in a movie. From the bullying to the unexpected love situations and the heartbreak and betrayal she still can't believe her once peaceful life is now full of drama. Nuelle kalio is a 17 almost 18-year-old girl that moved from her home country Nigeria to New Orleans with her family. She had a normal life with no drama but all that changed when she meets Jeremy Morgan. Jeremy Morgan is a troubled 19-year-old who is used to people being at his feet, what is he going to do when the new girl in school is not easily intimidated? Can they handle what life has in store for them? PS cover picture from Pinterest

Serendipity_Lee · สมัยใหม่
29 Chs


📳 my phone vibrates as I'm having breakfast.

LEVI: I'm parked outside.

ME: Okay I'm coming.

"Thanks for the food mom," I say as I stand up and carry my school bag.

"I will be on my way".

"Oh you told your boyfriend not to park in front of the house?" she says not removing her eyes from her food.

"Mom! he's just my friend and I didn't tell him to do anything," I say with a small voice.

"I will be going now" I ran out before she can say anything. That Woman is something else.

"My Nigerian princess how was your night?, did you dream of this handsome American prince?" Levi says with a very bright smile on his face.

"That will be a Nightmare Levi, I'm sure you will be chasing me with a cutlass in my dream if I ever dream of you" I joke.

"Oh my God, you know me," he says while laughing as he drives off.

When we got to school, I and Levi's first period is different. We agreed to meet at lunch, he asked me to sit with him and his friends which I agreed to.

As I walk into my first class for the day, the first person I see was none other but Jeremy himself. Shit! I swear under my breath. People in the class are staring at me as I walk in, some are murmuring, while others are laughing. Pictures of me with paint all over were posted in our school group chat. I wasn't bothered as long as it wasn't the one of me in my undies.

All through the class I can feel Jeremy's eyes on me, I couldn't look behind me without our eyes meeting.

"Nuelle Kalio and Jeremy Morgan, you will be partners for this assignment. You are to write about the historical background and life of the partner you are paired with, this assignment will be submitted in two weeks" says our History teacher.

"Ma I'm sorry but can I switch partners," I ask.

"Why will you want to do that?" She asks.

"For starters, I'm already receiving death stares from his fans. We are always at each other's throats and I'm sure Mr. Jeremy here doesn't want me as his partner too" I say looking at Jeremy to confirm what I'm saying.

"I don't mind working together with you on this Assignment," Jeremy says.

Am I hearing things wrong? "What did you say again?, please repeat, I think there is something wrong with my hearing," I say to Jeremy looking so shocked. He just stares at me blankly without saying anything.

"Miss Kalio I don't think Mr. Morgan has any issue with working with you on this and even if he has, I can't do anything about it, the principal personally asked to group you guys," she says then walks out.

"Jeremy you really want to work with her?" Cindy the typical blonde-haired bitch asks.

"Yeah" is his reply as he carries his bag and walks out leaving everyone to think of a reason why he will want to work with me.

As the lunch bell rang I went straight to my locker to drop my books. As I open my locker, I see a note it reads ' text me, from Jeremy ' his phone number is also written there. I decided that I never received such a note 🙃, and I'm not ready to be involved with him. I close my locker and went to lunch.

At lunch I unwillingly sit with Levi and his stupid friends, I feel they are worse than Jeremy's friends. They haven't particularly done anything to me, I feel that's because of Levi but I see them bullying other students. I greeted just Levi as I sit with my food.

"Levi isn't the only one here you know," says one of his friends, I think Caleb is his name.

"Ooh so sorry, I wasn't aware of your presence here. Hello everyone!" I say wearing a fake smile, I don't like these guys.

"Now I see why Jeremy doesn't like you," Caleb says.

"You like what you see?" I ask faking cuteness.

"Guys it's okay," Levi says looking at the both of us. I roll my eyes at Caleb and continue eating my food.

"So I will pick you up by 8 pm," Levi says as he drives me to work.

"Pick me up for what?" I ask looking confused.

"For the party" he replies.

"I never said I'm going to the party"

"Please you won't regret it, I promise no persons from our school will be there except a few of my friends," he says giving me a pleading look.

"My mom wouldn't let me go," I say.

"Your mom will be on night shift today"

"How the hell do you know about my mom's shifts?" I say looking genuinely shocked.

"You told me this morning" he replies.

"I did?" I ask.

"Really? why can't I remember telling you?" I say.

"I don't know" he replies.

"So I will see you by 8 pm right?" he asks giving me puppy eyes.

"Sure, you will," I say.

"Dress sexy," he says smiling.

"Never, I'm gonna wear my mom's maternity gown," I say laughing.

"I'm sure you will still look sexy in it," he says and drives off.


As I get home from work, I take my bath and start preparing for the first party I will be attending in my almost 18 years of life. I will be lying if I say I wasn't excited. I'm wearing a red breast tube corset gown that stops right under my bum with a black leather knee boot and a raven black waist-length straight wig. I apply a little makeup and I'm done.

"Fuck Nuelle you look so hot, why were you hiding this hot body under baggy clothes?" Levi asks as I come out to meet him.

"Levi let's go now or I will change my mind" I threaten.

"Let's go," he says. I can see his eyes as they lingered on my cleavage and my bum as I turn around to get into the car.