
Sometimes Love Isn't Enough

[WARNING MATURE CONTENT] For the first time in Nuelle's life, she experienced what you see in a movie. From the bullying to the unexpected love situations and the heartbreak and betrayal she still can't believe her once peaceful life is now full of drama. Nuelle kalio is a 17 almost 18-year-old girl that moved from her home country Nigeria to New Orleans with her family. She had a normal life with no drama but all that changed when she meets Jeremy Morgan. Jeremy Morgan is a troubled 19-year-old who is used to people being at his feet, what is he going to do when the new girl in school is not easily intimidated? Can they handle what life has in store for them? PS cover picture from Pinterest

Serendipity_Lee · สมัยใหม่
29 Chs


Eat with me today at lunch Elle", Jeremy says.

I'm currently staring at Jeremy as if he has grown an extra per of head.

"What!? If this is a prank stop it I'm not in the mood" I reply not taking him seriously.

"Elle I'm not joking eat with me I want to get to know you better," he says seriously.

"Haha" I laugh nervously, "why?" I ask.

"Cause I find you interesting" he answers with a cheeky smile on his face.

"You are really funny Jeremy, you ignored me for almost two days after texting you which I was coerced into doing by you now you want me to eat with you I don't think I can I'm busy at lunch," I say.

"Ok then let's meet after school," he says.

"No!" I almost yell as I answer "I have work Jeremy some of us aren't born with a golden spoon in our mouths" I say rolling my eyes as I walk away briskly.

"Are you okay Nuelle" Levi asks as I sit down at the lunch table with him.

"Yeah, I'm good why do you ask?"

"I saw Jeremy talk to you, is he still bullying you" Levi ask with concern.

"No he's not I'm okay, trust me to tell you if I'm not.  We were just talking about the assignment we have together" I lie.

Holy mother of God I totally forgot about the Assignment maybe that's why he wants to meet with me, Fuck!! I have to go see him I don't think I can be in the same space with him not after what happened between us fuck.

"Are you really ok Nuelle?" Levi asks again looking worried.

"I'm good just thinking about my bad luck I'm stuck with Jeremy I might commit murder"

"Orange wouldn't look bad on you," Levi says laughing. "Or you can ask for my help and we will both commit the perfect murder"

"Woah I like the sound of that we will be the perfect jail couple," I say laughing.


It's almost 4:30 pm and I'm at work. Currently less busy and waiting for my shift to end then I see Jeremy talking to the secretary.

Damn, he is hot, fuck why is my heart racing, he talks so sexily  God!!! Have mercy!!!

"Elle" he calls me with his smooth voice.

"Jeremy! What are you doing here" I ask looking a bit flushed.

"My dad owns this place and I have over 20% shares here" he replies with a smug on his face.

"I don't  need to know about your inheritance Jeremy," I say

"Seriously what do you want? I ask.

"We have an assignment together or have you forgotten about it," he asks

"No, I haven't"

"It's an Assignment date then," he says smiling

"I'll text you the address to my house or will you prefer I take you there after school tomorrow?."

"Why are we doing the Assignment at  your  house?" I ask

"Will you prefer doing it at yours anywhere works for me" he shrugs

"Yours it is" I reply and continue with what I'm doing, but he still stands there looking at me with mischief in his eyes.

"Is there something else you want to talk about Jeremy?" I ask

"Not really" he answers.

"Ok you can leave my section now I'm not comfortable with you being here while I work". I complain.

"Ok see you at 6 pm then I'll text you my address," he says as he walks out of the shop.

It's exactly 6:15 pm and I'm outside Jeremy's gate and it's a really big house like 5x the size of my house

I speak to the security guard through the intercom outside immediately I mention my name  I was let into the compound and a maid ushers me into the house, I'm in the waiting room when I see Jeremy walking towards me in a very transparent singlet and a red short fuck! I can see his tattoos and nipple piercings damn!! Can he get any hotter the water dripping from his hair wasn't helping matters at all?

"I'm hot, I know I can put on a show for you if you want, I'm very good at strip teasing," he says leaving me very embarrassed.

"I wasn't staring Jeremy" I try to defend myself.

"I never said you were," he says mockingly as we walk towards his room.

"You have a spacious room "I comment.

"Yeah it's a big house he says as he lazily lies on the bed, you can sit anywhere you like although I will prefer it if you sit on the bed with me," he says jokingly.

"Thanks the chair is perfect," I say and sit on the chair opposite him, so let's start I say bringing out my books.

We spent an hour asking each other about our families, and I get to find out that Jeremy's forefathers were amongst the earliest settlers of  New Orleans.

"Elle can I ask you something," he asks.

"Sure" I reply still engrossed in my writing.

"You still don't remember what happened at Anthony's party?".

No no no he's not doing this to me

"Who's Anthony," I ask. pretending not to understand what he is talking about.

"Nuelle" he calls out, "I'm serious please answer me," he says with an unknown emotion in his voice.

I could smell his cologne when did he get so close?

"Can we not talk about that" I reply.

"No! I want to talk about it Elle, I'm tired of women telling me to forget what happened between me and them, you came at me Elle, you practically begged me to..."

"I know Jeremy" I yell shutting him up, "I know I beg~ged you to touch me  I know that's why I've been avoiding this conversation okay? Please I'm too embarrassed as it is" I say.

"kiss me Elle" he blurts out

"What?" I ask looking really confused.

His lips suddenly crash on mine hungrily pulling me closer until I sit on his lap, he bit my lips which cause me to gasp giving him entrance into my mouth,  hmmm I moan as his tongue swept my mouth hungrily.

"Jere~my please" I beg as his mouth is currently attacking my neck while his hand is circling close to my entrance.

"Please what?" he asks with a rasped voice clouded with lust, "you want me to stop," he asks.

"N~o ooh God I mean yes, fuck that's sweet"  I let out a moaning mewl as his hand gently brush my pussy, and I hold onto him tighter.

"You are such a moaning mess, if we continue at this pace I wouldn't be able to control myself he whispers into my ears as he licks it.

"Shit" I swear as I jump off his body carry my bag and rush out of his room.