
6. That Will Make Me the Queen

Mass release, August 11th, part 4/5.


Before any of them could say anything, our parents got up and came to us, all of their eyes on me. "Darling," mom called me, "come take us to the carriage," I got up on the same second, feeling suddenly sad for the temporary separation.

I held her and dad's hand as we headed to where we came from. But none of them followed us. "We'll give you this time alone, after all, it's the first time you will stay a week away from each other," my aunt said behind us.

Holding onto them until the last moment, I accompanied them to carriage until they were inside it. "We love you, darling. It's just a week, okay? Try to bear with it. Everything will be fine," dad assured me.

"Did the Princes treat you well? Are you still scared?" Mom asked me.

"I guess they won't kill me now. But I'll be on guard," they giggled at that, probably thinking my fear is irrational. And I wish it was. I wish I was clueless like the Amelie in the game, and could just fall in love recklessly. But that's not possible when I know there's a deadline for me, thirteen years away. "With what frequency will I have to do this, mommy?" I asked, genuinely worried.

They shared a look I didn't like, and when she looked at me, she had a sympathetic gleam in her eyes, "Once a month. Three weeks at home, one at the Palace. That's what your aunt imposed to accept your wish to only meet at 8-years-old."

Again, I felt that familiar sickness. "That's 12 weeks in the year, mommy. 3 months at total! Isn't it too much?"

Dad held my hand through the open door of the carriage, "Darling, it was the only way we found to be able to fulfill your wish," so, it's basically my fault. "If you had meet at 4 or 5 years old, or even before, it would be a day per month, twelve days in the year." He seemed as sad as I was. "It's hard for us, darling. Stay away from you a week per month will be extremely hard."

"It's my fault," I sighed. "Now, I'll have to deal with the consequences of my actions." I took a deep breath. "Okay, I promise I would do it willingly, then I will." Putting a smile on, I turned to mom, "And mommy, don't promise to anyone that my siblings will get married to their child, alright? I'm already suffering from this, let's not do it again."

Smiling, she caressed my hair, "Okay, we promise!" Dad agreed, and then their gaze traveled behind me, than back to me, "It's time for us to go. Andy and Gustav will stay here with you," at least, some good news. "And they will protect you from any threat."

"See you in a week, darling!" Dad kissed my forehead and the mom did the same. "We love you more than anything!"

"Today, and forever," I said with mom, and we all laughed.

"It's just a week, but I'll miss you," I told them and they looked as if they were about to cry. "But well get used to it. And in my absence, work her to make my dream come true!" That made both of them blush and I giggled. "Have a safe trip back!" Then I closed the door and stepped back hitting someone behind me.

Whoever was it, held me so I wouldn't fall. My parents left and my Knights stayed behind. When I finally turned to see who was it, I got startled to see Princes Erik and Benjamin. But Benjamin was three steps behind his brother, while the other was the one I had hit with my back.

"I'm sorry!" I apologized for tripping on him.

He seemed amused, "Don't worry. Your mind was elsewhere," it was. "So, you asked your parents to give you a sibling? Isn't it better to be an only child? I wish I were!"

"That's what everybody with siblings say," I muttered. "But they need to have another child. I've been sold off to marry one of you and become the Queen," my tone showed how I didn't like the situation. "My parents will be without an heir, and they need one to take care of the Duchy. And I hope it's a boy, so, my aunt won't have any ideas to marry my sister to any of you despite the age difference!"

Benjamin came closer, "You really don't want to be Queen? Or is because you will have to marry one of us?"

"A little bit of both, if I'm being honest. But I really did not wish the Queen's duties," although I'm technically the rightful heir to the throne. "So, I don't appreciate marrying with any of you. Not because it's something with you, but because that will make me the Queen," sigh. "People expect to much of the Queen. They will compare me with my aunt, and with all the previous rulers of the Mhorgain bloodline, and that's a burden I didn't want to carry. I just wanted to stay at the Winter Duchy forever and take care of the land, and things like that."

My Knights seemed sad for me. After all, they know me since I was a baby, and I talk to them quite a lot. They are very conscious of my fear of dying by the hands of the Princes.

I looked at Benjamin, then at Erik, smiling softly, "It's not like any of us have a choice, right? You are the sons of the King, the only Princes of the Kingdom. I'm the only Princess. What else could we do?!" Sigh. "But don't worry, I'll do my best, even if I'm scared of everything now, I think we'll get used to each other with time and out responsibilities will become easy to bear."

When they looked at me, they had a strange gleam on their eyes. And it was expected. They don't know me, so they are suspicious, and it's understandable.

"The only thing I can ask you now, is to understand that I do not look down on you, I fear my future near you. And that right now, staying here with you is extremely hard for me, even if it doesn't look like it. I won't try to be someone I'm not to please neither you, nor your siblings. I'll be myself all the time I have to stay with you, I hope you keep that in mind," they nodded.

Not even Benjamin said anything when we entered the Palace again. And I felt relieved because I wasn't with energy to fight his arrogance now.

Mass release!

Part 4/5.

AnnGuslaviacreators' thoughts