
something I can't tell you

Something I can't tell you... It's the story of two best friends, they love each other , they care about each other, they fight, and spend their time with each other and enjoy a lot... Kriti has told everything to his bestie but he can't share everything with her because he has fear of losing her... And one day some clashes went between them. And they don't talk with each other for 3 days... And when he told the reason why he was upset , at that time her besties decision was to stay away from each other... Is the kriti's decision right or wrong of separation... Will they come again or not..?? It's good to not tell her everything or not...?? Now sparsh feels regret that why he tells her the reason ... So was the reason why they were gone away from each other .... To know you have to read the novel from start to end.

Atharva_Jadhav_2055 · สมจริง
1 Chs

chapter 1

It was 30 March

The sky was fully cleared, birds were chirping and everyone was happy because our last paper was over yesterday... And finally we were gone to the second year of our graduation.

Some of the boys of class were roaming outside of the office because, freshers admission got started from today.

I saw one chubby little girl was also taking admission for first year of graduation... And unfortunately she is the relative of my elder sister...

I'm not that much of an expert on face reading but , when I saw her she looked like an introverted and shyish girl. She was totally opposite of me.

I ask my sister about her ... about her nature and how she knows her ... Then she tells me that she is her relative. She started teasing me from her name I simply replied that " not like that you are thinking just I like to make new friends that's why I ask you".

Seriously I want to know her more but how can I talk with her... It's not good to talk directly like despo. So I can't talk with her I have one fear that the people who are silent from outside are that much angry from outside so I avoided talking ...