
Something about HER

"Jill!" Sheri whispered. Jill continues to give Sheri grief. Though, in all honesty Jill didn't care, nor did she have room to judge. Jill has done what Sheri is about to do once or twice. Maybe even three times by the time she's done with Anthony. Who knows what his status is? Don't care... But Jill could shamelessly say this, she's never blatantly seen a man's wife and still brazenly flirt with their husband. Sheri was on a whole new level of savagery, and Jill wasn't letting her best friend off the hook so easily. Jill thought to herself, the next time Sheri tries to act all innocent and poise to judge me, imma rub the dirt all up in her face. She continues to push Sheri’s buttons till she gets up to leave and go to the bathroom. Jill was getting ready to tell her to use the gel when unexpectedly, Sheri collides into the Governor. They were a whole tangled mess, Jill practically had to pull them apart before his wife came. The Governor was grateful for her intervention because even he realized he wasn't focused. Upon meeting the governor's wife, Jill was 100% sure, she did not like her. This self-important, condescending chick, made Jill simply want to backhand her. Her whole attitude was trash. She looked down at Sheri and Jill the whole time with fake greetings of kindness. But Jill matched her energy. Like b*tch, your not about to run over me. But Sheri... Practically became her yes girl. And Jill had to fall in line because it wasn't her fight. *** After the awful encounter with Monica, the Governor's wife, Jill got to work on making sure Sheri had a more prominent presence. The girls went to the bathroom, and Jill opened every stall to make sure no one was around. "What was that?!" Jill yelled. "I know right?! Absolute b*tch!" Sheri added. Jill wanted to smack Sheri. "No! You!" Sheri was confused. "You're not focused! When she came up to us all stank, you had no fight in you. You acted like a docile little girl. She said jump and you went 'how high?' Even I had to fall in line." Jill was so infuriated. "Oh...". Sheri said in recollection. "Listen that right there was a freebie. Monica is not about to think that's how things are gonna be moving forward." Jill declares. Sheri was silent but signaled she understood Jill continued as she paced the spacious restroom. "She's the one that had things she wanted to discuss with you, not the other way around. You should of let Monica know what day YOU were available instead of going along with what she choose!" "I know I just got nervous..." Sheri put her hand to her forehead. "Well that needs to be out of your system now that we have a vague idea of what she's about. When we go to the Governor's house, don't act all impressed, as if you've never been in a place like that before, and whatever she asks of you, tell her you need time to deliberate. She's not getting her answer right away." Jill looked at Sheri sternly. "You're right! I'm sorry!... I guess I felt bad about my behavior with her husband that I kind of submitted to her." Sheri admitted. "So are you gonna feel bad about the Governor's behavior too?!" Jill snapped "Takes two to tangle, And y'all was entangled!" "Jill... I don't know if I can be the type of woman that can mess with a married man..." Sheri lowered her head. Well what is she trynna say about me! Jill thought. *** Hey everyone, thank you for your interest in my book, this is my first time writing a story. Hope you enjoyed this excerpt. This is my original work and the setting is urban American. My characters are of African American, Caribbean, and Hispanic descent, so this book may have a different flavor from the more traditional stories on here, so feel free to comment if there are any slang terms or phrases you don't understand.

_OrganicBeauty_ · สมัยใหม่
63 Chs

F Boy Mark

When Anthony got in his truck, he instantly recollected the events that transpired in his Range Rover last night and the wee hours of the morning. He decided to take his truck to the car detailer by the gym called Drip Clean.

The woman told Anthony that they were busy so it'll take about two hours. This was fine with him because he planned on getting it in at the gym.

At Driven Gym, there were state of the art equipment for Anthony to do some real damage. As he finished doing his first rep on the bench press, a call came through his earpiece.

It was Mark. Anthony decided to answer since if Mark pissed him off, he was at the gym and would be able to get his frustrations out.

"Damn! I've been calling you all morning!" Mark bellowed into the phone when Anthony picked up.

"Man chill." Anthony said resuming his work out.

"Why are you breathing like that? You still got your lady friend over there?"

"Nah. She left. I'm working out at the gym." Anthony said between breaths.

"Oh, well what time did she leave from you because she and Sheri are over 15minutes late. They were supposed to be at my house by 12 pm."

Anthony put the weight down and sat up. "Why are they supposed to be at your house?" His heart jumped. Maybe that's why Isa left like that. But if that was the case he could have taken her home and waited for her to get ready and then took her over to Mark's house. Why didn't she wake him?

"Monica is gonna ask Sheri for the position of Vise Principal at King Robert Andrews High School. On top of me telling her that her school will be a part of the Dream Act program and taking in Jamaican refugees."

"Hold up!" Anthony couldn't believe what he was hearing. People looked at him due to his sudden outburst. He knew he had to continue this conversation outside.

"Your a F*** Boy for real Mark," Anthony said walking out the gym.

"What? why?" Mark said not trying to own up to misdeeds.

"You hooked up with your wife's potential boss! On top of you being Sheri's unofficial boss with the power of telling her what she will and will not do in her school! That's extremely unprofessional bruh!" Anthony couldn't believe how short-sighted Mark was being.

"It's really not that deep!" Mark said not liking how Anthony was tripping.

"Mark I could have said the same thing to you the way you were tripping over Sheri last night. WTF was that! You was thirsty! And now she coming over your house with your wife and kids. With your wife inquiring about a serious position that will benefit you in your political career in public and private contributions to society. Come on man, what are you doing?!"

"I didn't know that she so happened to be the principal of that school when I first met her. I was pissed when I found out and told Monica to just choose another school. Monica refused." Mark said nonchalantly.

"Well, you need to insist because this is messy bruh. What's the big deal about it being at Sheri's school anyways? Doesn't the Dream Act need to take place at multiple schools? How many refugees is the city about to take?" Anthony says, trying to figure out his logic.

"When Monica and I worked up a plan on this, it was to have my Alma Mater High School be at the forefront of running the Dream act with Monica being the Vise Principal and being in charge of the refugees that came to the school. It was gonna help us obtain votes in the future from immigrants and the people who supported education for all. Of course, other schools will be added in all over the country. But we wanted to be one of the first to get it going in the city of Parkdale, giving us a strategic advantage." Mark gave a vague synapses of the plan his wife came up with.

"Yeah, that makes sense. But, when did f***ing the Principal that was gonna help you get this all going come into play?" Anthony quizzed.

"We didn't have sex!... Listen I got it under control now. Besides Sheri wants things to be professional so that one slip is really all it was..." Mark knew he was lying to himself.

"Man, I don't know... You were doing the most with her last night. Could have ended up in jail if it wasn't for Jake..." Anthony felt bad knowing he slipped up not watching Mark last night. Mark is always doing the most when he's not being watched.

"Well, aren't we lucky to know a man like Jake... Speaking of which, you couldn't call me when you found out everything was good and that footage was gone?! Was up all night thinking about what would happen if it came out." Mark tossed and turned all night, not sure what he would face in the morning.

"I was making you sweat. I wanted you the see the errors of your ways. Make you reflect on your actions and how it affects your family, and the citizens of Parkdale." Anthony preached.

"F*** you! I ain't need all that! Just follow up like you supposed to- Oh shit they here!"

"Isa's there?" Anthony's heart flipped.

"Yeah... She and Sheri came together... How did you not know she was coming over- Damn Sheri looks good..." Mark remarked as he watched Sheri get out Jill's Mercedes.

Glad that Mark got distracted Anthony said, "Are you gonna be able to keep it together over there champ?" He wanted to see if he could score a last-minute invite so he could speak with Isa.

"Yeah... I should be good... I have Isa, and she's good at defusing complications..." Mark said remembering how she prevented him from getting caught up last night when he first got a hold of Sheri.

"Oh, so you gonna play nice?" Anthony tested.

"Yeah, she better be over that s***. Just keep your phone around and I'll text you if I need anything." Mark cautioned.

"And what if she's not? Your gonna cuss her out again? I don't think you had your head on straight when you decided to hook up with and savagely cuss out the women coming over your house today." Anthony chuckled at how unbelievable Mark's reckless behavior was.

"Isa's a professional! And Sheri was stern she said she didn't want anything extra from me... I'll be okay. Just be on the lookout for my text or call." Mark honestly didn't care what Sheri said last night. He knew if he got her alone he would convince her otherwise.

"Cool." Anthony couldn't help but wonder how Mark was so sure of Isa. He could also sense a lot out of her as well. Even though he couldn't figure her out...