
Someone Journey

I'm too lazy to put synopsis so here disclaimer {A/N: the cringness is strong in this one, the hole too, and you know the rules, grammar: OH WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY!!!? -disclaimer: I didn't own anything all of the anime are from their respective owners, and the MC are mine.) and this is wish full fillment didn't expect someone to read this.

Just_A_Creature · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Chapter 10 Chat Room? wait! why steal count as skill!!?lii

I will tell everyone now, this is a wish full fill ment, and some chapter would be shit, because I like to write when I'm about to sleep, or it all shit.


I look at the coffin, before sitting down, Enkidu and Saber just look at me in front of the door.

"so, can you heard me? *chuckle* I'm afraid you wouldn't. after all this is not your coffin but a grave with no body, isn't it? Enkidu?"

Enkidu didn't say anything but the silent already say that as yes.

"I just want to say, I know how you feel, love, after all, I too fall for you, well, at first is just a curiosity but that change in to love, the reason I'm curious about you, is that, I can't copy you, can't create a mask the same as your face, expression, and pride." I said while looking at Bab-ilu in my hand.

"that how I'm fall for you, it pretty embarrassing to say it now, but I too do love you, but I'm good at hiding my true feelings, after all, I am an assassin, but I will come back when I completed my objective." I said then walking out of the castle of Uruk, follow by Enkidu and Saber.

"let's go the clock tower should we? or should I participate in the greater grail war and destroy it again? or should I enter the new organization call Chaldea? there many things to do yet, so little time, the time of the end almost come isn't it." I said while looking at the sky, there was a shade of red.

"I believe we should participate in the Greater Grail, just to fuck other up." Enkidu said, yep because s/he with me too much s/he get some of my personality.

"I don't want to believe our team would become like this, one Shirou is already hard enough, now we have 2 Shirou." Saber said with a regret expression.

"Thank you for compliments" I and Enkidu said at the same time, like really, Enkidu really become like me now, but Enkidu still have his/her gentle smile, it seem my job is still far.

—let see Rin life in clock tower should we?—

"WheRe iS HiM?" yep she just found something that almost made her tremble in fear, Sakura.

"I don't know but there was a news that he will go to the Greater Grail in France?" Rin said with a deadpanned expression.

'this girl really obsessed with Shirou' Rin thought while looking at the preparation to go to France of Sakura.

'and to think she is my little sister in blood'

"But why would he go there? I mean he always travel around but he always avoid France and Thailand isn't he?" Sakura ask with a lively expression while fixing the plane that she just crash in to clock tower.

"There is a news there was another Grail War that will happen, so he probably go there to destroy it, or just go there to fuck other up." Rin said while having a flash back about Meliodas foods.

Archer can be seen in the corner of the room while saying, "Why everyone forget about me?"

—come back to our lovely MC that just finish beat the shit out of Shirou Kotomine.—

"so this is me? weak?" I said while choking Shirou Kotomine, yeah sure.

"arghh" he try to say something.

"hey, I will be the person who over watch this fight at the same time make it harder than hard, so how about it?" I said while looking a Semiramis that got tie by chain from Enkidu, Enkidu really enjoy it.

"*cough* why do you want to make this holy grail war harder? humanity greatest master?" he ask me while looking at Semiramis.

"just to fuck other up" I and Enkidu said while Saber have a helpless yet complicated expression on her face, and Semiramis give us a deadpanned face.


just like that, I forc- I mean convince them to let me be the watcher of the grail war.

— I wait for a while then, a man with a large build come in to the church, I look at the blond hair girl then back at Saber, I do it for many times.

"Father!!?" the blond hair girl that wear a strange red dress, I really thought that a past heroes are just bunch of pervert now, she wear a really revealing clothes too.

"I'm not your Father!!!"

"HEY YOU PLAY THE WRONG SCRIPT!!!" I shout while the Red one look at me and Saber give me a death stare.

"what?" I ask but they answer is..... Noble Phantasm.





all you could see is a a black red devoid of nothing, if you want to ask where I get Ea then answer is Bab-ilu, I always use Bab-ilu as a dagger.

— Narrator PoV.

"what is happening here?" The large build man ask while looking at Enkidu that still looking at everything with smiles.

"it seem master really have fun with them" Enkidu said while looking at the destruction.

in the background you could see 2 blond girl rushing and trying to kill a green hair man with a strange key-shape dagger in his hand while blocking the blow of the two blond at the same time as attack them.

"so I like to sign as Master of red saber." the large build man said.

"then please sign this." Enkidu give the book with a cover 'Death Note'

"I think I should sign in the other one" the large build man said.

in the background you could see that the green hair man pull out a spear before toss the spear at the two blond, then the spear vanish before it becomes a thousand mini spear.

"oh right where is my manner, my name is Kairi Shishigou." Kairi said.

now if you look closely at the fight in the background you could see that there was a chain that tie the green hair man and the 2 blond hair girl.

"*chuckle* I am Enkidu, nice to meet you, master of the red saber."

"and won't you stop that?" Kairi ask while pointing at the tied Shirou and 2 Saber.


"*chuckle* it will always be like this if our master playing around too much, and it seem he and Saber class not really suit well with each other." Enkidu said while looking at the melt Shirou, and the biting chain Saber of Red.

"don't waste your time, Mordred, I already try it." Saber said to Mordred while looking at the melt Shirou, 'I already knew it, but it still never cease to amaze me.' saber thought.

"eh? he die?" Kairi ask while looking at the melt Shirou, then he feel someone tap him on his right shoulder.

"It rude to curse someone, that still listen you know?" Shirou said while pointing a cross at the Saber Of Red, he just wants to repeat the history Satan.

"Hahhhh!!!!? The thing we chase is just a clone!!??" Mordred shout out loud while looking at the smiling Shirou, and then Shirou just throw her another cross.

"well, yes, but actually no, that not his clone but his after image" Saber said while looking at the smiling sunglasses Shirou face.

"master, that no good you know, it will take all the fun" Enkidu said while giving Shirou his unlimited coffee work.

"I want tea sometimes you know." Shirou said but he drink the coffee anyway.

"so you're master of the Red?" Shirou said while taking another sip, while in the background Enkidu enjoy tie the 2 blond in many way Enkidu can.

"yes" Kairi answer while looking for a way to attack Shirou, but all that he see is he will get prank.

"oh well, then the holy grail war will start now? I really don't care about that wish granting device, I'm here because I want to watch the show, and I recommend you to find the Saint, that will be my only advice." Shirou said while looking at the sky.

"I will take your word for it." Kairi said while looking at the direction where Mordred got throw by Enkidu.

then suddenly Mordred pop out of nowhere again.

"Father!! this will be the time you finally noticed me!!!" Mordred say while rushing at the tied Saber.

however before she can reach Saber there was a strange black sword that look exactly like Excalibur place down in front of her.




"Senpai!!" there was a familiar purple hair girl drop kick at Mordred before jump out of her then starting to rushing to the green hair man who stun by the Stungun Kairi shot at him, just cause he can.

"he-help!! please, anyone but this mass of good luck!!" Shirou shout out loud to find if there anyone who will help him.

but no one is coming.

then he start to shut down his sense of touch hearing and taste.

[The invitation has been sent. you have received Dimension Chat Group]

[Yandere Maker has entered the chat

Rias: oh there is new guy!

Furuichi(Admin): eh? I didn't sent any invitation thought?

Aqua: Fwahahahah what with that name!!?

Yandere-Maker(MC): what this?

Furuichi: Fwhahaha you right!! his name!! hahahaha!!!

Yandere-Maker: Solomon is this what is that guys make again? I mean sure he takes my eyes now he try to take my pride, sadly I don't already have it.

Furuichi: what this!? are you an Chunnibyou!?


Yandere Maker: Shut up before I go in to your world then unseal the sealed star.

(Yandere-Maker change his name in to Shirou)

Rias: eh? he knows that we not in his world? and Solomon take your eyes?

Shirou: Yeah, Solomon, the king chosen by god, now he is just but a puppet, and I know, I already looked in to the will happen of this world and there was none of you guys here.

Furuichi: wow. finally some guys who can fight, can you send us your autograph?

(Picture of beautiful green hair man wearing a sunglasses with a blue hoodie with a priest cloth on it and on his neck there is a red scarf, with a purple hair girl crush him with her mound.)




Furuichi: yeah sure, you look really sexy, is you a guy in the background?

Shirou: no I'm the person who get crush by the purple hair girl.

Aqua: wait!! isn't Shirou have a red burning hair!!?

Shirou: ah? I mean, yeah I should have red hair because my mother and father have red hair too, but I have green hair, and I don't care about them anyway, they already die in the fire of fuyuki. ahhhh good time.

Rias: wait you is the long hair or the short hair?

Shirou: Short hair one, I don't like my hair to be too long.

Shirou:but enough about that, what is this? who are you guys? do you want me to free the seal star?




Furuichi:is he for real?]

as for all of the other chit chat, Shirou decided to just ignore all of it and look around the function of this strange chat room.

[True Name: Shirou Emiya

Class: Assassin(this guys is clearly caster)

Type: Human

Strength: A+

Endurance: B-

Agility: A++

Mana:???(Heaven Feel)


NP:???, E-—Ex, Anti-World, Anti-Army.

Class Skill.

Presence Concealment A++:he can breath his mana the same as his breathing, this make him invisible to almost every person, except those who have obsession with him, or those that have connections with him

STEAL!! A-:this skill allow him to— wait, it count as skill?

personal skill

Yandere Maker A: just this guy show kindness to someone, that girl always become a yandere for him, one of the reasons he don't like to show his good side.

Thousand arm mastery B+:Mastership of combat arts has reached the point of being said to be unrivaled in one's era, so to say, "hey peerless knight want some fight?"

Heaven Feel User ???:this grant him the immortal soul, no matter how you kill him, he will come back, and unlimited mana

The seal star A+:although it was just him creating something just for fun, however, his spear:Chastiefol has the last form, The Seal Star, his just dump all of his mana in Chastiefol in it sunflower from, and when use at night, it look like a star that the sun has replaced, thus come the name seal star.

A little Clown E-:he likes to play around but not enough to make him become a troll.

Wish Hater C-:he hate those that give the wish for free, everytime he fight with those who wish for the 'peaceful' world, this skill will make his stat raise by 1 rank.

Treasury of Babylone E- — Ex: this is the treasury of Kagane(Gilgamesh) or the queen of heroes, said to contain all of the treasure that humanity make.

Revelation A+:he can see through almost all of the things in his 50Km radius, truth, lie, and even it end.

Clairvoyance B+:he who have watching the world from it new beginning, can't see in to the past nor present but it future, and when it will end.

Charisma ???: he make yandere just because he show some kindness.



Saber:Arthoria Penndragon



Caster: Mer-- N/A

Archer:N/A(This place for Kagane only)



Alter Ego:N/A


Moon Cancer:N/A





what the fuck?