
Some Doluo Dalu 2 Fan Fiction

Paul, just a normal guy, was re-reading the first volume of Douluo Dalu when a thunderstrike killed him. When he opened his eyes, he birthed as- well you will know if you read.

Griffpm · อื่นๆ
65 Chs

Chapter 61

After Yuhao showed off, the elders decided that it was useless to continue as only a limit Douluo would be able to fight and train him correctly but the only one in Shrek is elder Mu but he is gravely wounded for many years already so they can only wait for elder Xuan to breakthrough, and so Yuhao would concentrate himself in his research.

Some days later, in one of his lab, Yuhao was standing in front of a glass-like cylindrical container. Inside was what looked like an embryo.

Sadness and guilt were the only feelings Yuhao had when he looked at it. It's because the embryo in front of him was brother Daydream. In the process of rebirth the energy of Daydream has been absorbed as well as his spirituality making him become a pure and clean soul without any memories or even consciousness, the same for Elux who completely disappeared.

So, using the knowledge he gained from Elux, he extracted Daydream from his spirit sea and started the process of body creation. With a bit of Daydream skin that he was safekeeping and energy supply of his EPPZ, the body of the Iceworm was recreating fast but it would still take at least a year before completion because instead of recreating an iceworm body but a human one.

With Daydream becoming human, his potential will increase.

'Rest well, my brother, I will make sure to let you see your loved one again.'


Some weeks later, extreme north.

Yuhao was flying across the snow land without caring about the cold. Expending his senses to the limit he searched for her and after some time he finally found her.

"Ice Empress, come out! We need to talk!" He ordered while releasing his Ki.

Ice Empress who was near him heard his voice and was hangry that someone dared to order her but then she feels the Ki coming from him and was scared.

Slowly she came out of her nest and looked at the intruder. It was what looked like a Human youngster, he had short white hair, beautiful golden eyes and six pairs of wings on his back but more importantly, the energy coming from his body suppressed her.

"W-who are you? how can you suppress me?" She asked while trying to keep her bearing.

"Me? I am Tian Meng's brother and I have the body of a god. When my soul power will reach the limit of this world, I will ascend to the god realm. Ice Empress, Bing Bing, I give you the choice. Follow me or die in the Heavenly tribulation."

"Ah-? You are that tra-" She didn't complete her sentence as the suppression got stronger.

"Shut up and answer!"

"B-bu-but, you didn't explain to me what I-I will gain by following you."

"You will live and get a chance to become a god."

"D-don't tell me, just because of him, you give me this chance?"

"It is. Because now, even if he wants, he can't remember you anymore."

"Is he dead?"

"Yes and now. He is not dead but it's like he is. He lost his spirituality. Now I'm helping him to recreate a body and becoming human but in the end, he will be like a newborn. And this, because he wanted to be with you for eternity."

"What an idiot. He is a worm, I'm a scorpion, his natural predator, love between us is impossible."

"It's not impossible. True love bypass notion of life, species, duty, responsibility, and gender."

"Humph- I don't care about him. But if what you said his right, then I suppose I will follow you. But at one condition. I want you to give the same chance to Snow Empress."

"Sure, that was my intention but I can't do it now."

Bing Bing looked at Yuhao for a long moment before giving up. 'If he wants to harm me he doesn't need to resort to any plot and can just kill me.'
