
Some Doluo Dalu 2 Fan Fiction

Paul, just a normal guy, was re-reading the first volume of Douluo Dalu when a thunderstrike killed him. When he opened his eyes, he birthed as- well you will know if you read.

Griffpm · อื่นๆ
65 Chs

Chapter 34:

Douluo continent, Star Dou forest, three young people walked amidst the sea of trees. It has been already one week they were searching for spirit beasts with a good affinity for them but their luck was bad.

The youngest of the three looked at the sky and murmured: "It's time to begin."

"What is it, Junior brother?" Asked the second boy.

"Nothing, it just that I think we should return to the exit of the forest, for now, I think a have the means to find the one I am looking for but it's better to retreat."

"Really? In that case, let's go. What do you think, Tang Ya?"

The sole girl of the trio turned around and faces them.

"Well, it's better to try something instead of just wandering inside that dangerous place."

After an hour they had retreated to the outer borderline of the forest where spirit beasts are rare.

The youngest faced toward the center of the forest, looking toward the sky with his golden eyes, seeing things impossible to the mortal.

'It's time!"

He then directed his gaze toward the forest and without anyone noticing it, send a powerful wave of mental power.

As if answering to him, another wave of mental power appeared from the forest.

Bei Bei and Tang Ya, who were unaware of what their Junior do, were affected by the second wave and their ming goes white.

At this time, the ground under his body suddenly trembled. Two meters in front of him, the grounds presented some fissures, then the fissure increased gradually, turning into a crack. From within the crack, Yuhao was able to see a gold-white light.

A faint trace of ice-cold chill was sent out from the crack of the ground into the air, the surrounding temperature dropped quickly. The crack get bigger and bigger, in just some seconds, the diameter becomes five meters. But that gold light finally revealed it's true form.

A round forehead with a diameter of one meter, even more, It body was emerging slowly, the height has exceeded seven meters.

With its appearance, the breath of Huo Yuhao started to present ice mist.

This Spirit Beast was an Iceworm. But it wasn't an ordinary Iceworm as it was bigger than any recorded Silkworm.

'Finally, a human with a spiritual attributed spirit!' sounded a voice as the worm giggled happily.

"Happy to meet you, Skydream!"


"You wonder how I know you, right? Don't worry, I know just a little bit of the future, I knew from years that today was our predestined meeting. Don't worry, I will help you with your plan."

'Aye- I wanted to ask some questions but those bastards will discover me if I waste more time. Okay, I start!'

The ten golden patterns on the Skydream Iceworm's body moved rhythmically, almost as if they were alive. The white, Skydream Iceworm's, head reached forward to press against Yuhao head.

The ten golden patterns of its ring rapidly enveloped Huo Yuhao's muscular body, and the Skydream Iceworm slowly turned itself halos of white light that unceasingly surged into his body.

"What is it? Weak but strong? His Soul power is so weak but even so the purity is perfect, and so density...if not because he lacks in quantity he could surely try to give it a solid-state...isn't it what those super-strong humans with nine ring have? Aye and his body, he can already support a more than twenty thousand years soul ring... Wasn't the young human-only able to support hundred or so years?"

At this moment, a large portion of the southern area of the Great Star Dou Forest had become frighteningly quiet.

Previously, the sky had been extremely clear and sunny. However, it had suddenly darkened, and a thunder-like boom resounded out in the air. In that instant, the sun's brilliant rays of light were unexpectedly covered up by the darkness. Then, an enormous pressure that caused one to be unable to even breathe descended from the sky.

When the thunder-like boom resounded in the air, the Skydream Iceworm's enormous body, who was currently trying to merge with Huo Yuhao's body, violently shook for a moment. Its small, golden eyes looked upwards into the sky, and a terrified look immediately appeared inside of them. Inside of that terrified expression was also a hint of shock. The pressure in the sky clearly hadn't affected it, but it exceeded its knowledge.

A grey stream of air descended from the sky, as if an enormous attractive force had sucked it downwards. After only an instant, it landed on the back of Huo Yuhao's head, and quietly entered it.

"Who dares to fight with this brother over a person?" The Skydream Iceworm flew into a rage. Its huge spiritual undulations instantly surged forth in an attempt to expel the grey stream of air from Huo Yuhao's body.

An extremely blurry figure appeared behind Huo Yuhao, and an aged voice with a hard-to-describe imposingness echoed out, "The hand grasps the sun and moon, and also plucks the stars; This world has no one like me. I didn't think that this old man would have a trace of a remnant spirit left that still existed here."

The vague and illusory figure didn't seem to be affected by the Skydream Iceworm's powerful spiritual attack at all. With a whoosh, it disappeared into the back of Huo Yuhao's head.

The Skydream Iceworm didn't dare to strengthen his spiritual attack again, as traces of blood had already begun to seep out of Huo Yuhao's seven apertures. He discovered that, after the grey stream of air had entered Huo Yuhao's mind, it had immediately turned into a soybean-sized grey pearl. Then, it had turned silent. It didn't conflict with his spiritual energy, nor could he affect it with his power.

"I can't be this unlucky. It was so hard to find a spiritual-type human, but a bastard wants to snatch him from me. Are the heavens jealous of a genius like myself? This brother is so pitiful!" Although he was currently voicing his complaints, his movements didn't slow down at all. Dense white light gradually condensed and poured into Huo Yuhao's body, while the Skydream Iceworm's body both gradually turned more transparent during the process, and rapidly decreased in volume. There had already been no turning back for him, from the instant he'd started to pour his energy into Huo Yuhao's body.

Huo Yuhao's body had turned completely jade-white, and resembled the previous appearance of the Skydream Iceworm.

"Wahaha, no matter what way you put it, this brother is finally free! You bastards who took me as food no longer have any chance, wahaha!"

The Skydream Iceworm's voice, who was clearly pleased with himself, gradually turned softer and softer. The huge spiritual energy that had previously covered a hundred miles proceeded to shrink at a frightening speed, then gradually disappeared. When the Skydream Iceworm's voice had completely disappeared, a jade-white halo soundlessly appeared beneath Huo Yuhao's body. After circling around his body three times, its light dimmed, and the entire halo merged into his body, disappearing without a trace.

During all that process, Yuhao was smiling, because he knew it was the first step of his legend.

When all of that ended, Yuhao regained consciousness and so Tang Ya and Bei Bei.

Seeing the crack on the ground in front of Yuhao, worry grow in their heart.

"Junior Brother, what happened?"

"Yuhao, are you alright?"

Yuhao turned around to face them and then smiled.

"Don't worry. It was a Spiritual spirit beast around ten thousand years. Your spiritual power is still too weak so you lose your sense."

"He~ A spirit beast? Did you get a soul ring?"

"Yes, but as its a Pure spiritual one need some time before I can use it, so I will not show it to you."

"He~ stingy!"

"Hahaha, Tang Ya, stop that. If junior brother doesn't want to show it, he won't show it."


Senior brother, we should go away from here and then I will rest a little."
