
Special Test

"Eh? Huh? What !?"

Akari raised her eyebrows as if she didn't believe what Matsumoto had just said. Special test against Kenzo who is an S-Rank Hunter? Is Matsumoto crazy? That's roughly what Akari is thinking right now. Even though she believes in the sword skills Reo has, fighting an S-Rank Hunter is another matter. Reo is like a little ant fighting an elephant, their power difference is like heaven and earth.

Likewise with Kenzo, he also looked confused.

"Me, against this boy?"

Matsumoto who heard that nodded.

" Wait, that makes no sense, sir. Even though I did say that Reo has the strength that deserves to be juxtaposed with the Awakened, but to fight an S-Rank Hunter is still impossible. Never mind 5 minutes, even Kenzo only need one second to defeat Reo fully if he is serious. "

Akari said, she was happy because Matsumoto would accept her proposal to give Reo a special test, but if he was given an impossible test like this, it did not make any difference at all.

"I don't mind if you refuse the test I gave, it is not my problem. I have shown my generosity by accepting your proposal that violates the rules set by the Central Hunter Association itself, so it is your own decision to refuse or accept it." Said Matsumoto while smirking, he glanced slightly at Reo who was still sitting calmly.

While Akari, she was confused and was seen biting his lips.

'This test is too illogical, should we just cancel our intentions? 'thought Akari, glancing at Reo.

"So how's your decision, Shirogami Reo?"

Matsumoto and Reo looked at each other, there was a hidden purpose behind that gaze. After a pause, Reo then opened his mouth.

"I just need to defend against him for 5 minutes, right?"

"Ho ~, you look very confident. Are you sure an ordinary human like you will be able to do that, and even in front of an S-Rank Hunter?" Matsumoto asked.

"I don't know, it's just that I have enough reason to fight for the opportunity to become a Hunter," Reo murmured with a smile. He looked at Matsumoto while remembering his conversation with Heisatsu a few months before.


" So is there really no other choice but to be a Hunter? "

At this moment, in the Dojo was seen Reo whose body was full of sweat was sitting seiza in front of Heisatsu. When viewed from his body which was full of bruises and wounds, it clearly indicated that he had just completed a very heavy Ki training from Heisatsu.

Hearing the question from his disciple, Heisatsu nodded firmly.

"That's right. As I told you two years ago, there are two ways to become strong as a Ki user, namely by developing as a human, and the second is killing other living creatures."

Heisatsu then continued his explanation.

"The first way to strengthen one's positive Ki and what needs to be done is to develop as a human being, it is a ambiguous and the most complex concept. While the second way is to strengthen negative Ki. That is a clear and simplest concept.. "

Hearing that, Reo interrupted Heisatsu's words.

"Well, I don't mind if I have to kill. There is a promise that I must keep and I must get stronger as soon as possible," Reo said without hesitation with a deadpan expression.

Hearing that Heisatsu could only sigh because of Reo's cold attitude.

"* sigh * Oi, although you don't mind, it will cause problems if you kill random people just to make your Ki stronger."

Heisatsu then looked at Reo's golden eyes.

"Besides, right now we don't know anything about the white Ki that you have. I did call it neutral Ki but in fact I'm not sure what I mean by that name. But if we look at the last two years, your Ki has indeed developed quite rapidly because it is influenced by your interaction with the surrounding environment. Which means, the first way to strengthen Ki works on you. "

"As for the second way, we have no idea whether it will work or not. Does the second way also strengthen your Ki in general because you don't have a negative Ki, or it doesn't have any effect."

Reo was silent, he understood very well what Heisatsu meant. Seeing that, Heisatsu then looked up at the ceiling of the dojo and said.

"Well, that's just the hypothesis I have. We won't really know the truth if it hasn't been tried. Therefore, you must become a Hunter and get permission to enter the Dungeon, by killing monsters, we can prove whether the hypothesis is true. or wrong. "

Then, the atmosphere became silent. Only Shishi odoshi's voice came from the yard, and the birdsong in the morning. Before Reo opened his mouth.

"But isn't it to get a Hunter license, you have to take a test to measure the wave of magic energy, I'm not an Awakened, and it's clear that I don't have any magic in my body."

Heisatsu who heard that then smiled towards Reo.

"Actually, actually there is a way to become a hunter even without having any magic energy ..."


' That's right, it will be easier to get in and out of a Dungeon if I become a Hunter. Backing out is not an option. '

Hearing the answer from Reo who was firm and without hesitation, Matsumoto smiled. He then stood up from his seat and said.

"Alright, that's the answer I want. Then, let's immediately go to the gym on the 4th floor to carry out the test."

Hearing that, Reo did not say anything and tried to stand up, but his sleeve was pulled by Akari who was beside him.

"Hm? What's wrong?" Asked Reo, raising his eyebrows, what a response. While Akari did not understand why Reo was responding to this so casually.

"What's wrong you said? Why did you just take the exam, how could you possibly survive for 5 minutes against Kenzo, he was an S-Rank Hunter, his strength was on a different level from ordinary humans."

Akari then continued while whispering into Reo's ear.

"Also, Kenzo is an idiot who does not know to hold back when he has done something to satisfy him, if you fight him and he kills you, he will innocently say that it was not intentional."

Reo paused for a moment before forcibly pulling his hand from Akari's grip, and stood up while carrying his wooden katana.

"Then what's your solution to this problem? I also have something to do with being a hunter, do you have a better idea?"

"That's ..." Akari was seen scratching his head and trying to avert her eyes from Reo. That was a question she could not answer.

She looked silent for a moment before ruffling her hair with an annoyed expression.

"Arrghh !!! Whatever, I've warned you."

Although she was a little angry at Reo's rash actions, but that was only natural. Akari considers herself the figure of an older sister for Reo and other children in Shirogami House. Even though they rarely met, mainly because Akari was busy with her work as a Hunter.

Matsumoto then walked out of the door and followed by everyone behind him.


* krak *

Gym Room, although given such a name, but in reality the Gym room intended for Hunters is a special battle arena made with material that is much harder than marble or ordinary stone, to minimize damage caused by battles from high ranked Hunter .

Hunters usually fight here only as ordinary spars or to measure the strength of one another. This is a must-have facility for Hunter Associations and Hunter Guilds throughout the world.

And currently in one of the Gyms at the Headquarters of the Japanese Hunter Association, two people were seen standing face to face. The first person was Reo who was seen still wearing his school uniform, and holding a wooden katana in his hand. He was seen warming up and stretching his body.

While in front of him was Kenzo who looked relaxed and just stood calmly, from his attitude it was clear that he was underestimating Reo. That was the right thing to do, because if Kenzo wants, he would only take a few seconds to turn Reo into minced meat.

At the edge of the arena were Matsumoto, Akari, and a female secretary who stood to watch the battle between the two of them.

"Sir, could you reconsider the test. You know how Kenzo's character is, right? He really will kill Reo-chan," Akari said, seemingly trying to persuade Matsumoto.

"This is his own decision, you can't even forbid it, right?" Matsumoto glanced at Akari. Then he turned his attention back to Reo.

"Besides, don't you see that confident look in his eyes? I wonder what he will do to confront a monster like Kenzo."

Akari who saw the grin on Matsumoto's face could only make a tired face.

'You crazy old man.' She then looked back at Reo and just kept quiet.

"Kenzo-san, I will be glad if you hold back when fighting me," Reo said with a smile.

"Huh isn't that supposed to be? How could I fight seriously against you. I won't use magic energy to strengthen my body, so you don't need to worry. And if you still can't last for 5 minutes against me who is in that condition, then you really don't deserve to be a Hunter. "Kenzo said, clenching his fists.

Kenzo then glanced at the wooden katana in Reo's hand and frowned.

"But you ... are you sure you want to use that toy to fight me? I suggest you use a real katana, I can break that thing using only my fingers."

"Yes ... you don't need to worry about accidentally breaking it, because there's no way you can hit it," Reo said, smiling sweetly at Kenzo.

While Kenzo who didn't understand the meaning of Reo's words just tilted his head, he was really stupid.

"Alright, both fighters, please get ready in your respective places. The rules of the fight are simple, you will be given 5 minutes, if Reo manages to survive and can still stand after five minutes then he is the winner, while if Kenzo can defeat Reo before time finished, he is the winner. Do you two understand? "said Matsumoto, explaining the rules in more detail.

Kenzo nodded while Reo raised his hand instead.

"Hm? Are there parts you don't understand, Shirogami Reo?"

"What if I defeat Kenzo-san before the time is up?"

Hearing that, everyone put on a surprised expression on their faces. Even Matsumoto raised his eyebrows because he could not believe what Reo had just said. But then he smirked instead.

"Then you will be declared the winner right away, though I doubt that will happen."

Reo nodded and looked back at Kenzo. But the smile on his face had disappeared, he also tightened his grip on the handle of his katana.

"Then, the battle ... start !!"

Upon hearing the cue from Matsumoto, neither of them moved from their place. Both Reo and Kenzo just stood still and looked at each other.

"Oi, what's up, the battle has started, you know."

Reo then began to put up his stance, he crossed his legs and gripped the wooden katana using his right hand.

"Go forward, I will give you 1 minute to attack me as you wish, and I will not respond to the attacks that you make at all." said Kenzo.

Hearing that, Reo seemed unhappy at all, he just put on a deadpan expression and muttered.

"Is that so? Then don't ask me for compensation if you get hurt."

* zyuuut *

Gradually a transparent white layer covered Reo's feet, but no one noticed because it was covered by the pants and shoes he was wearing.

"Shirogami Itto-Ryu Kenjutsu ..." Reo muttered and slowly stepped his left foot.

"Hmph ~." A confident smile appeared on Kenzo's face. As he continued to pay attention to Reo, but suddenly when he blinked, Reo's figure had disappeared from ihis original place which immediately made Kenzo widen his eyes in surprise.

'Huh? He disappeares? '

And suddenly he felt killing intent coming from his left side, at that short moment he saw Reo's golden eyes staring at him coldly, a very subtle killing intent emanating from his gaze, making Kenzo shudder slightly.

" Since when- "

Before Kenzo could finish his words, Reo sent a horizontal kick towards his left abdomen. Kenzo, who initially thought that the kick would only feel like a scratch, was silenced by the sudden pain.

* bump *

Kenzo widened his eyes and even vomited blood from Reo's kick which had been strengthened using Ki. He flew to the side after being hit by Reo's attack. While Reo has prepared his stance before, muttered.

* zyuuut *

A white layer like liquid slowly enveloped the wooden katana in Reo's hands, before he muttered softly.

"... Santō, Iai-ken."

* swing * * swing * * swing *

Reo then swings the katana in his hand three times from a distance and sends three successive flying slashes towards Kenzo who is still unable to adjust his body after being hit by Reo's kick.

While Kenzo who saw that widened his eyes, at first he thought this fight would be a one-sided fight and he only needed to withstand Reo's attack for 1 minute, and then completely defeat him in the next 5 seconds.

But after feeling the power of Reo's kick before, Kenzo changed his mind, it was not a strength that should be possessed by ordinary humans. And at this moment, after seeing the sword attack launched by Reo, Kenzo was completely convinced.

'I can't hold myself anymore ...'

"Argh!" Kenzo roared and his entire body was then enveloped in a terrifying amount of red magic energy. And instantly clenched both hands before swinging a blow towards Reo.

* boom *

A terrifying explosion instantly eliminated all of Reo's attacks just like that. And even Reo was hit by the shock wave from the attack, even though he didn't feel anything because he had covered his body first with Ki.

* fwuosh *

The arena floor was cracked by Kenzo's attack just now, strong winds blowing away the dust in the Gym. After a while, the impact of the explosion had gradually subsided, and the scene on the arena was again clearly visible to everyone.

There Reo was seen standing calmly and not even a single piece of dust was littering his clothes, his golden eyes staring at Kenzo mysteriously.

"* pant * * pant *"

While Kenzo was breathing heavily and was trying to catch his breath, he gripped his left abdomen tightly which had previously been hit by a Reo kick.

'Damn, is this child really not an Awakened? What's with the power he has, how can an ordinary human have this power? If only I had been late to line my stomach using magic energy, that kick might break my ribs into pieces. '

Kenzo then recalls Reo's follow-up attack. Kenzo could not clearly see the form of Reo's slash which had been strengthened using Ki, but his instincts said that it was a very dangerous thing. Because of that Kenzo reflexively spread magic energy throughout his body and eliminated Reo's attacks using the explosion produced by his punch.

That was one of the special ability that Kenzo Tanaka has, he had good instincts and great battle senses, an innate talent that was suitable for a musclehead like him.

While Reo looked at his wooden katana and thought.

'As expected, it's still too weak to hurt an S-Rank Hunter. Do I have to take out all of my Ki completely? ... '

Reo thought for a moment, his attack just now wasn't the full power he had. He can still make a slash that has a more Ki concentration than that, but he can't openly expose his Ki right now. Matsumoto might already know it, but it's different from Akari and Kenzo.

'... I can end this battle using Tsubame Gaeshi, but how could I use my aces in a simulated battle like this. '

Meanwhile, at the edge of the Arena, Akari widened her eyes because she could not believe the sight she was seeing in front of her.

"What kind of speed was that just now? Besides, how could his kick push Kenzo back like that?" Akari muttered.

The terrifying speed shown by Reo, and the power behind his kick stunned Akari. While Matsumoto only grinned broadly.

'It's been a long time since I saw it in person and it's still amazing as usual, how can humans have such power, even today I don't know. But even though I saw it vaguely just now, it seemed like this kid's Ki was somewhat different from the one Heisatsu had. '

Matsumoto did know what Ki was because Heisatsu had explained it to him, but he had no idea about positive or negative Ki, he could only guess the difference between Reo and Heisatsu's Ki using his vision.

Matsumoto was not at all interested in studying Ki after what happened to one of Heisatsu's students a few years ago. Even though he had also realized it, every great power must be accompanied by a great risk as well, it was an indisputable law in this world.

Kenzo seemed to have stood up as before, the pain in his stomach had subsided and he then looked at Reo with a serious look.

"Reo, actually I really don't want to use my magic energy to fight you, because I'm afraid you will be killed accidentally."

Reo was silent when he saw Kenzo's eyes slowly emitting red light.

"But it seems like my worries are in vain, I don't know how you can have that power when you don't even have the slightest bit of magical energy in your body, but because of that I will no longer think of you as an ordinary human."

"I will be happy if you continue to think of me as an ordinary human," Reo said with a sweet smile.

The atmosphere then became silent, neither of them moved. Before suddenly.

* fwut *

Reo and Kenzo instantly disappeared from their places and immediately approached each other, Reo's golden eyes shone as he gripped the wooden katana handle using both hands.

"Haaaaaa !!" Kenzo roared towards Reo and swung his fist that had been coated with red magic energy right at Reo's face.

* boom *

But Reo swiftly avoided Kenzo's attack by turning his body to the right and proceeding to swing his wooden katana diagonally to the side, right into Kenzo's hand. Reo's slash was so fast that it might make people see it like a flash of white light.

* swing * * bump *

"Tck." Kenzo clicked his tongue when he felt his right hand go numb, Reo slightly flowed his Ki on the surface of the wooden katana, because if not, the katana would simply break when exposed to the magic energy surrounding Kenzo's body.

'I knew something was wrong with his wooden katana ... No, not just his katana. From the start, there was something strange about him, as if he had the power to withstand the impact of waves of magic energy on objects without magic inside. '

Kenzo thinks so because in theory, objects that don't have magic energy within will be very vulnerable to being destroyed when exposed to waves of magic energy. That's why ordinary weapons such as pistols, bombs, and nuclear weapons are not effective for use in the Gate.

But it didn't stop there, Reo then pulled his katana and used it as a shaft before turning his body in the air and kicking Kenzo's stomach using his right leg which had been coated by Ki.

* bump *

But Kenzo won't fall into the same attack scheme twice, he crossed his arms and deflected Rek's kick easily. And Reo had anticipated that, he jumped back and put up his stance.

"Shirogami Itto-Ryu Kenjutsu ..."

His legs were crossed and he crouched a little, his wooden katana had been positioned beside his waist as if to be pulled from his scabbard. Seeing Reo who had lost his attacking momentum, Kenzo thoughtlessly ran towards him with a wide grin.

* bump * * crack * * bump *

Every step of his foot creates a crack on the hard arena floor, and makes a horrifying booming sound.

* fwuosh *

"Haaaa !!" Kenzo roared and tried to swing his fist towards Reo. But Reo did not seem panicked and did not try to avoid his attacks before he muttered softly.

"... Senbonzakura."

In an instant the whole world became silent.

* swing * * swing * * swing *

Reo then swung the katana in his hand without stopping and launched slash after slash into Kenzo's body so that it pushed him back.

Senbonzakura, one of the 6 Shirogami sword techniques besides Tsubame Gaeshi that Reo created by himself. This technique he practiced by cutting the cherry blossoms that fall during the spring, he continues to do it thousands of times without stopping. A continuous sword attack technique that emphasizes speed and precision.

Usually Reo uses this technique to finish off his target, but now he only uses a wooden katana that can't even cut a leaf without using Ki. Reo also had no intention of killing Kenzo using all the Ki he had, as long as it hit his body, that was enough.

* bump *

While Kenzo who felt bruises all over his body thought.

'He deliberately lured me to get close to the distance of his attack. I could have retreated and gone out of range of his attack, but if I continued to take distance like this ... Then he would freely use his other attacks, because I was a melee type fighter. '

Kenzo could only praise Reo's sensitivity to the battle situation, he deliberately used an area attack to attack Kenzo from close range which he considered his superiority.

'But your sword swing is still too weak to hurt me,'

Kenzo returned to thinking about the fact that Reo only used a wooden katana in this battle.

'If only he had used a real katana, what would have happened? 'thought Kenzo. However, what he doesn't know is, Reo still refrained from exposing his Ki at this time, therefore he still uses Ki with a concentration that can be felt but cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Even though he used it once while kicking Kenzo's stomach, but that's because the white layer covering his feet was covered by his shoes and trousers.

And as if he didn't feel anything after being hit by Reo's previous attack, Kenzo madly drove towards Reo and then pounced on him using both of his hands.

* bump *

Reo retreated to avoid Kenzo's attack, but Kenzo had expected Reo to do that and used the arena floor as a footing.

* crack * * fwuosh *

The arena floor cracked and along with that, Kenzo slid towards Reo at a crazy speed and seemed to have clenched his fist. Red magic energy gathered in his fist, the air was slightly distorted when rubbing against Kenzo's fist.

Seeing that, the female secretary beside Matsumoto seemed to have a panicked expression.

"This is bad sir, Kenzo-sama will completely destroy the boy's body. His gaze is full of killing intent."

Matsumoto then glanced at his watch and the remaining time was only 8 seconds left, it was a very short time but it was enough for Kenzo to really arrive in front of Reo and swing a deadly blow at him.

'Do I have to stop the battle right now, even if he covers his body with Ki, there's no way it will be able to withstand a serious attack from Kenzo. 'thought Matsumoto.

But when he saw Reo who did not look panicked at all, made him raise his eyebrows. Reo then put up his stance and held his katana with one hand.

"Shirogami Itto-Ryu, Silent Step."

* tap *

* blink *

Again, Reo's figure disappeared again from Kenzo's view just like that without making the slightest sound like a ghost, and in an instant Reo had arrived in front of him and prepared to attack him.

'This boy, since when was he in front of me. '

Reo lifted the wooden katana in his hand up and prepared to swing it vertically onto Kenzo's shoulder. This time, Reo really tried to make Kenzo pass out and finish the battle.

Reo then slightly drains his Ki on the surface of his wooden katana and in an instant he swings his katana that looks like a white flash.

* swing *


* bump *


* fwuosh * * crack *

But what happened in front of Reo did not match his expectations, the sound of cracks echoed in the Gym, the wooden katana in Reo's hands shattered into pieces when hit by Kenzo's magic energy that rose suddenly.

Seeing that Reo widened his eyes because he was a little surprised before he laughed bitterly in his mind.

'Haha, looks like he's not as stupid as I thought. He deliberately gathered his magic energy at one point to completely destroy my katana. I also miscalculated a bit, is it possible the number of Ki is too little? '

Reo thought, he admitted that he used his Ki too little to attack Kenzo. Because of that, the Ki that he ran on his katana was useless in front of Kenzo's far greater magic energy.

Seeing that Reo had truly lost his weapon, Kenzo didn't just throw away the opportunity. And tried to swing his fist towards Reo.

* fwuosh *

While Reo who was cornered instead smiled thinly, he released his grip on the handle of his wooden katana before clenching his right hand.

'At first I didn't want to use Reinforcement Ki too much, but I would die if hit by this guy. '

* zyuuut *

The white aura slowly enveloped Reo's right hand and made it look like it was covered in white gloves.

"Haaaa !!"

Kenzo shouted and swung his punch at Reo, as well as Reo who was swinging his right hand at Kenzo. However, before a large explosion occurred, suddenly a voice came from Matsumoto.

"Stop !!"

* boom * * fwuosh *

Shock waves spread throughout the Gym, and the wind caused by their blows blew dust around. After the smoke generated slowly disappears, in the middle of the arena looks Kenzo and Reo who are still standing in their respective places.

Their fists stopped before touching the faces of their respective opponents. Kenzo's fist was seen only inches from Reo's head, while Reo's fist stopped a few inches before hitting Kenzo's chin.

Seeing that Akari who previously put on a worried and stunned face looks to breathe a sigh of relief. And the female secretary beside Matsumoto muttered.

"Phew ~ That's almost it."

Meanwhile, on the Arena, Reo's golden eyes met with Kenzo's. They paused for a moment. The neutral Ki layer in Reo's hands has also disappeared, and maybe no one really noticed it except Matsumoto.

After that, the two of them then immediately improved their posture and returned to their usual stand.

* clap * * clap *

The sound of applause then came from Matsumoto who was previously standing in the arena watching the fight.

"It was an extraordinary fight."

Reo and Kenzo then approached each other and shook hands.

"I didn't think you could survive against me, Reo. And also, can you tell me why before your wooden katana got about my body that was covered with magic energy?"

Kenzo asked without further ado, because he was truly curious about the secret behind Reo's power. But Reo said nothing and only smiled sweetly at Kenzo, which made him tilt his head in confusion.

Then Reo immediately turned and walked towards Akari while cleaning the dust on his clothes. Kenzo who saw that also walked behind him, although he seemed to be still thinking about the fight just now.

"See, I told you right?" Reo said to Akari who seemed to have a face full of suspicion towards Reo.

"There are lots of questions I want to ask you, but I don't think right now is the right time," Akari said, crossing her arms and tapping her feet on the floor. She really has MANY questions for Reo.

Reo just ignored Akari's words and glanced at Matsumoto.

"So what? I'm officially a Hunter right?"

Hearing that Matsumoto smiled and nodded.

"You have successfully completed the test I gave, so yes, congratulations," Matsumoto said, then continued.

"But before you become a full Hunter, your special rank must first be submitted to the Central Hunter Association in England."

Hearing that, Reo raised his eyebrows, because it could be that the registration submitted by him was rejected by the center. Understanding what Reo was thinking, Matsumoto said

"And also you don't need to worry, requests like this will usually be accepted by the Association if you get a special permit directly from the Chairman of the Hunter Association. In other words, this is just a formality," Matsumoto said assured Reo.

"Hmm ..."

Akari then opened his mouth.

"Then, what about the hunter class Reo will have? Will that also be decided by the Central Hunter Association?"

Matsumoto shook his head.

"No, it is our authority to do so, Riko." Matsumoto then glanced at the woman secretary named Riko behind him.

Seeing the look Matsumoto gave, Riko nodded and then read the notes on her hand.

"If we look at the weapons used by Reo-sama, maybe he will be included in the Fighter class. But after seeing his fighting style that controls the speed and movement without noise, it's clear that he is more inclined into the Assassin class." She said.

Hearing that everyone understood, Matsumoto then glanced at Reo.

"Do you mind that?"

Reo just smiled and shook his head, to be honest he did not care about class or such rights. Because as long as he can enter the Dungeon, that's enough right now. And Reo's actual fighting style can't be tied into one class at all.

Besides relying on the speed and agility he possessed, Reo could have fought brutally using his physical strength that was coated by Ki, and made him a fighter in the same time.

"Then it has been decided. Congratulations on being a Hunter, and I hope you can dedicate your strength for the sake of Japan and humanity."

Reo just kept quiet and didn't say anything. Seeing that all of his business here was finished, Matsumoto then said.

" You can take your Hunter license next week," Matsumoto said before turning around.

" Then I'll go first. "

He then immediately walked out of the Gym followed by Riko behind him, leaving Reo, Akari, and Kenzo. After Matsumoto was completely out of the gym, Akari then opened her mouth.

"Oi Kenzo, didn't the old man Matsumoto say before that he wanted to talk to you about something?" Akari asked, glancing at Kenzo who just shook his head foolishly.

"I don't know, I think he forgot"

The attitude shown by Kenzo when he was fighting with when he was not fighting was very different. For some reason when he was fighting, he suddenly acted calm and calculating. Reo who saw that was holding his chin with an interested look.

The atmosphere then became silent before a rumbling sound could be heard from Kenzo's stomach.

* growl *

Hearing that, both Reo and Akari immediately turned their gazes towards Kenzo. While Kenzo just scratched his head and laughed bitterly.

"Hehehe, I'm hungry," Kenzo said. The bruises and wounds caused by Reo on his body slowly closed, as expected of an S-Rank Hunter.

"Alright, to celebrate Reo's success to become a Hunter, I will treat you two to dinner," Akari said, smiling at Kenzo and Reo. Hearing that Kenzo put on a happy smile.

"You really are the best, Akari-chan," Kenzo said.

"Hmph ~ Isn't it always like that from the beginning, let's go!" Akari said, stepping on.

"Wohoo !!" Kenzo raised his hand up and followed Akari from behind.

While Reo was still standing in his place, looking at his palm.

'I'm still not used to adjusting the number of Ki correctly, I think I have to train a lot of that part. ' Reo thought, thinking about the results of his previous battle.

"Why are you daydreaming instead, let's go," Akari said, who seemed to have opened the Gym door. Hearing that, Reo took his bag lying on the floor before saying.



In a hallway at the Headquarters of the Japanese Hunter Association, Matsumoto is seen walking along with Riko behind him. None of them spoke before Riko opened her mouth.

"Um, sir about that boy ... Is he really an ordinary human?"

"Hm? What's wrong? Of course he is an ordinary human, he is not an Awakened and has absolutely no magic energy in his body," Matsumoto said. Hearing Matsumoto's answer, Riko looked confused.

"Then how can an ordinary human who doesn't have magic match an S-Rank Hunter. Even though Kenzo-sama is a specialist in fighting monsters, it still doesn't make any sense."

Hearing that, Matsumoto stared blankly and muttered.

"Offset, huh?" He then recalled Reo's calm attitude even when he was cornered by Kenzo before.

'Can that be called a draw? It was clear that he had not received any injuries when fighting against Kenzo before. That old bastard, what he had taught the boy. '

The atmosphere then returned to silence before Matsumoto opened his mouth.

"And also, about what happened today. Can you keep it a secret from the public? About a second Unranked Hunter who appeared in the world," Matsumoto said.

Hearing that, Riko widened her eyes.

"Sir, do you mean ..."

"Yes, I want you to give a false report to the Central Hunter Association, after all the licensing is done in Japan and is under our control, if the problems at the center are finished, then business in Japan is just a piece of cake, do you understand?"

Riko nodded without hesitation.

"I understand, sir."

" Very well. "

Matsumoto then continued walking and put a wide grin on his face.

'I never thought I would get a Jackpot like this, but this is still not enough ... I still need more people and support. That position is still far for me right now ... '